In late July, Brenna Mahoney, Keystone Ag Producers general manager and Duncan Morrison, MFGA executive director, met with a group of 15 or so beef/forage producer/family members in Touts Aides, Manitoba (30 miles north of Ste. Rose) for two hours. The producer group was organized and hosted by Shauna and Clayton Breault of Breault Ranch, Ste Rose, MB. The group was asked for their Drought 2021 thoughts and feedback for MFGA and KAP to use in upcoming meetings. The group centered in on economics, hay sources, business management, moving drought-stressed cattle to feed, and the severe impacts of grasshoppers. While the pastures have received some rain since then, there remains a lot of concern for drought and grasshoppers in the cattle community. Recently, Shauna Breault did share a bit of good news in the form of a photo of their corn field, where family friend Madison helped showcase their towering corn crop which the Breault’s attribute to their commitment to soil health and regenerative agriculture soil-boosting practices.