A Message from Nikki Zimmermann: February 11, 2022

Last Wednesday evening, Dr. Tony McNeill turned to the soprano section during choir rehearsal and casually noted, “I know that’s a long note, so do staggered breathing to get you through it.” My gaze darted around at the veteran singers who sat on my right and left, watching them promptly nod and drop their heads to scribble the expert’s command in their sheet music. 

Seconds later, his hands shot above his head as he conducted this same section again, expecting our incorporation of the choral jargon in which my peers were fluent. At the note in question, the sopranos rang out in unison, but then the woman to my left stopped singing to draw a quick breath, returning instantaneously to the note she momentarily abandoned. Then the woman on my right did the same. Through the extended ring of the note, each singer dropped out while the group carried their breath for them.

In worship this Sunday, we’ll be reading this passage from Galatians. The apostle Paul encourages the earliest Christians to do something akin to that which Dr. McNeill instructed us—carry the burdens of one another. 

We’ll continue our sermon series, “Gospel Lessons from Ted Lasso,” witnessing how a man as amiable as Ted needed to drop out and catch his breath and what those around him did to carry the music. I hope you’ll join us and bring a friend.

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This Sunday:
Sundays at 9:30 and 11 a.m.