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Leisure First: According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association, leisure travel has been faster to recover than business travel. In 2020 and 2021, lagging business travel cost hotels $108 billion in revenue.

Upcoming Events

There’s an exciting Spring calendar of VEG events. Join us.

May 18 | 4pm | Zoom
May Town Hall Series:
Creating Great Sponsorships
Virtual events have a great track record for securing guests as speakers. Who doesn’t want to speak from their living room? But creating happy sponsors is trickier. Learn the tips and tricks for creating solid sponsorship experiences with this crackerjack team of speakers: Lisa Farrell of MEETYOO, Joe Federbush of Evolio Marketing, Arianna Black of Women in Product, Jennifer Baranowski of SIIA, and Nick Rosier of 2Heads. Moderated by Dan Cole. RSVP to secure your space. 
June 8 | 4pm | Zoom
June Town Hall Series:
De-Tangling Data
BPA is an association known for how it handles the auditing of real world events. Now they’re tracking digital events with standards and a common language for digital event reporting called Reporting Standards for Digital Events (RSDE). Find out what they’re doing and how you can benefit.
Call it Anything, Just Not An Event

We love to rename things that already have perfectly good names just to show that we’re keeping fresh. And so it goes with the word “event.” It is so passĂ©. Call it a journey, a 360-degree adventure, a community, an experience—just not an event. Events have defined beginnings and endings but new times demand a much more circular approach. 

Now that we’re getting a bit of clarity on 2022’s event season, here’s what we know:

  1. We’re heavy into reconstruction. Born of the pandemic, new events will look more like journeys with a pre-event, event and post-event that will keep the long tail of the event alive long after the lights go off.

  2. Digital tools will create opportunities for monetizing new inventory (like a live-streaming stage) to personalize your attendees path through the event, based on data.

  3. Social tokens—digital assets that you collect for your experiences—will become the in-show currency in much the same way that in-game currencies work.

  4. Tech-stack integration is going to give us all a giant migraine, forcing all event creators to not just evaluate single tools or platforms but also how well they integrate with each other.

  5. Watch for more mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships to remove the integration pain for users.


The VEG group is committed to helping our members navigate this complex maze through our consulting arm, as well as with our ongoing discussion groups and meetings. We can help you chart your company’s path to success with the perfect combination of high-tech and high-touch skills. Reach out and let us help.

Coming This Fall: Intimate VEG Working Groups

We’re going to be rolling up our sleeves this fall and dicing up the VEGgies. We want you to be involved. On our community board you’ll see a schedule for small group meetings that tackle specific topics. The idea is to share information, make connections, and find new ways to do business. We’ve identified the following areas and would love to hear which ones interest you. These smaller groups will let us dive into the weeds, and get the hard work of digital transformation done.

Focus Group Areas

  • Metaverse and Web 3.0

  • Cool Tools for Better Meetings

  • Platforms and Tech Stack

  • Data and Standards

  • Community Building 

CoinDesk’s Consensus: Why It’s an Event Worth Watching

Just one month away, Consensus is the largest event devoted to exploring the full ecosystem of blockchain and crypto. Normally it’s held in NYC but this year it’s moving to Austin (a more decentralized place, says Brad Spies, Managing Director of Consensus, the event’s creator). 

You can check out the program and ambitious agenda but here’s the secret sauce. When you buy your ticket to the event you’ll also be invited to open a digital wallet that you can fill with DESK, the event’s unique social token. DESK is not a financial asset. It’s an engagement asset. The more things you do at the conference—attend a session, visit an exhibitor, head to the networking lounge—the more DESK tokens you collect. They’re redeemable for everything from merchandise to free food and drink. The more you participate, the more you earn. Exhibitors will be given DESK tokens as part of their exhibition package so they can kickstart their own activations. Consensus will have armies of folks helping people onboard and they are committed to making this social experiment in engaging events a win for all. Best of all, it’s a feedback loop for the Consensus team to understand who’s attracted to what. CoinDesk gets my vote for next-gen event execution.


Image credit: CoinDesk
The Consensus event will be built around a social token called DESK
that lets you earn and redeem tokens for engaging at the event.

Hot, Hot, Hot
We’ve updated our Hot Tamale List of Platforms and Tools to help make your decision process easier. Congrats to our three latest additions:
Scaling for large events is not a problem for MEETYOO; the platform can handle up to 50,000 live participants. It makes it easy to create virtual booths for trade shows, and the platform has robust analytics and gamification features.
ON24 pioneered online webinars and continues to add features and functions to the platform. One of the recent additions is ON24 Forums, which provides video interaction with participants, along with group networking and a range of participant engagement tools. It’s a mature workhorse.
Designed initially as a way for creators to design interactive galleries in a metaverse, Spatial can also be used for events. Personalized avatars can move about freely and interact using audio and video. There is even a free option for events of up to 50 people. (See related story about Spatial and Ready Player Me)

Bye Bye Product Launches?
No one likes surprises. Being taken by surprise means being unprepared. Protocol gets nostalgic about the days of giant-sized Apple product launches brimming over with surprise and delight. Today folks want training and education, especially as new products require integration.


Does Elon Musk Make Your Head Spin? 
A Saudi Prince, the CEO of Binance, and 19 other big shots are all investing in the future of Twitter that Musk has been envisioning. I’m becoming increasingly certain that his plans include: Privatize, Decentralize, and Tokenize as Twitter's future. While I don’t agree with everything in the Salon’s piece on how Elon’s brain works, I do believe he’s a longtermist.


This Baby’s Got Legs
By now you’ve noticed that many metaverse avatars (notably Meta’s Horizon World) don’t have legs. That’s because when we enter the metaverse with our desktops or headsets, the sensors are capturing our faces. There are no sensors capturing legs. (A few companies make full body sensors but they are far from mainstream). Spatial announced that they’re partnering with Ready, Player, Me to bring avatars with legs to the metaverse. Adding legs to our avatars is so much more than just a feature update — it transforms the experience and opens doors to a host of new audiences,” said CEO Jacob Loewenstein. Me, I say bring it on. I’ve always wanted long legs!


Image Credit: Meta


Image Credit: Spatial


Getting Smart About the Metaverse 
Trust me, metaversal thinking is turning into reality and it’s time for events of all kinds to consider the possibilities. This week, Obsess dropped its Retailers Guide to the Metaverse that explores how brands will sell physical and digital objects in a mish-mash of experiences. "Our goal is to be the technology that powers shopping in the metaverse," says Obsess founder and CEO Neha Singh.

More generalist learners should check out EveryRealm Academy where you can take classes including how to open a digital wallet, virtual real estate, and the components of Web 3.0. And Cathy Hackl’s no-nonsense course on LinkedIn Learning teaches executives enough to start having the conversation. 


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Robin Raskin  | Founder
917.215.3160 |


Julie Sylvester | Sales & Marketing

917.868.7160 |