Volume 12, Issue 13 | Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Dr. Russell update: Staff vaccines and community safety efforts
Dear District 58 Families,

I hope you had the opportunity to read yesterday's instructional learning update. Our District 58 team is hard at work preparing to increase our students' instructional day starting April 7. As we shared yesterday, there are many components and logistics involved to lengthen the school day in a safe manner.

One way we can foster a safe onsite learning environment is by vaccinating our staff. I am pleased to report that by Spring Break, all staff (including outside contractual employees) will have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, in partnership with the District 99 Consortium, local private schools and local municipalities.

To say the past year has been incredibly challenging is an understatement. But, now is not the time to let down our guard. I urge you to please continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands frequently. Please lead by example and encourage your children to follow these basic safety guidelines. It truly takes a community to foster a healthy learning environment during a global pandemic. Thank you -- I appreciate your efforts.

Dr. Kevin Russell
Legislative Forum connects elected officials with the community
District 58 welcomed eight legislative officials and approximately 100 school and community leaders to its annual District 58 Legislative Forum, held virtually on Zoom last Friday.

"District 58's annual legislative event directly engages legislators with their constituents, and it provides an excellent opportunity to both inform elected officials on education issues that concern us, as well as to gain their input on these issues," said Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell. "We appreciate our partnerships with our local leaders, and we look forward to continuing to work with them! The Legislative Forum is just one way we collaborate together to serve the needs of all of our students and staff."

District 58 thanks U.S. Rep. Sean Casten, U.S. Rep. Bill Foster, Rep. Foster's District Director Hilary Denk, Sen. John Curran, Sen Suzy Glowiak-Hilton, Rep. Terra Costa Howard, Rep. Deanne Mazzochi and Rep. Anne Stava-Murray for participating in a lively 1.5 hour discussion on education policy, which included large group and small group Q&A sessions. The officials answered questions regarding how they can partner with District 58 to help schools fully reopen, whether the Biden administration is expected to make any education policy changes, how the failure of the graduated income tax proposal will impact school funding, and much more. The Board of Education's Legislative Committee annually holds a Legislative Forum (previously called Legislative Breakfast).
Reminder: There is no school Feb. 26 for Teacher Institute Day
There will be no school for students on Friday, Feb. 26, due to the countywide Teacher Institute Day.

On Friday, District 58 certified staff can choose from over 50
professional learning workshops and classes hosted by the DuPage County Regional Office of Education (ROE) and the School Association for Special Education in DuPage County (SASED). Additionally, staff can opt to design their own professional learning experience.

District 58 staff will apply skills acquired during the Teacher Institute Day to inform their instruction.
Calling all kindergarteners for the 2021-22 school year!
Will your child attend kindergarten in District 58 next fall? Here are three steps to prepare!

1. Call your child's future school to request registration information.

2. Attend a virtual Kindergarten Roundup later this spring. More information is coming next month!

3. Visit our Kindergarten Resource webpage for information on Kindergarten Roundup schedules, school boundary maps, kindergarten registration, immunization requirements, kindergarten curriculum and much more!
Please take the annual School Environment Survey
District 58 invites parents and guardians to take the District's Annual School Environment Survey by March 26 and the State's 5Essentials Survey by April 2. Your feedback will help guide our school improvement efforts. Learn more.
Sign up for a parent-teacher conference by March 5
Parent and guardians may sign up for a parent-teacher conference now through Friday, March 5 at 3 p.m. online. Conferences will take place virtually on the evenings of March 9 and March 11. Click here to read instructions on how to sign up for a conference. If you need assistance, please contact your school office.
Feb. 16 Special Meeting
The Board of Education held a special meeting on Feb. 16 to approve a proposal to sell $3.335 million in bonds to increase the District's working cash fund. This money will fund critical capital projects in District 58. The Board unanimously approved the proposal. View the bond resolution.
Feb. 22 Special Meeting/ Instructional Workshop
The Board held a special meeting/instructional workshop on Feb. 22 to consider different learning model options for the remainder of 2021-22. After a robust discussion, the Board voted to increase the instructional day for students in grades 1-8, beginning April 7. Learn more. View the presentation for details. View the meeting video.
Looking ahead
The Board will hold a regular business meeting on Monday, March 8 at 7 p.m. at Village Hall and via the Village's YouTube livestream. A meeting agenda will be posted on BoardDocs the Friday prior to the meeting.
Community e-flyers
Wednesday, Feb. 24
3:45-4:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC/Zoom
6:30-8 p.m: "Talking to Children About Sexual Abuse" webinar

Friday, Feb. 26
Teacher Institute Day - No School for Students

Wednesday, March 3
Deadline to request learning model change for remainder of school year

Friday, March 5
End of Trimester 2
7-8 a.m.: Board Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at the ASC/Zoom
3 p.m.: Deadline to sign up for parent-teacher conference

Monday, March 8
Beginning of Trimester 3
7 p.m.: Regular Board of Education Meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall

Tuesday, March 9
4:40-8 p.m.: Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thursday, March 11
4:40-8 p.m.: Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |