Dear Friend,

Around this time every year, the biggest question I get asked is why?

Why should I support the land trust?

This is a good question to ask, especially when donors like you are being asked to support every nonprofit you’ve ever heard of (and probably a few you haven’t).

The answer is simple: CHLT works to protect the land we love in Grand County.

The land trust is an organization created by and for the Grand County community. Nearly 30 years ago, a group of inspired locals came together to create the Grand County Land Conservancy, which became Colorado Headwaters Land Trust. The organization has always believed, with the support of the community, that Grand County is special and deserves to be protected.

Conserving land through conservation easements is one of the most effective ways to protect what we love about the headwaters of the Colorado River. From open scenery to wild places to working lands, Grand County thrives on its relationship with the natural world.

Colorado Headwaters Land Trust reflects and promotes the priorities of the community. We protect cattle ranches, crop farms, hunting grounds, and natural retreats. We conserve small holdings and large properties, covering all terrains and resources. Some properties are used to recreate, and others to work.

We all have our own way of loving the land. Protecting it brings us together.

Your support of the land trust is support of the community.
This fall the land trust again participated with Fraser Valley Arts for Plein Air at Altitude, hosting artists on the Granby Highlands Trails property to paint the Colorado River and the landscape. The winner of the land trust category was painted by Carol Newsom; this painting will be up for auction at our Holiday Party! We are happy to have Carol be at the party to present her painting, as well.

We also teamed up with Headwaters Trails Alliance, local businesses, and public lands agencies for another great National Public Lands Day! Over 200 volunteers worked on nearly a dozen projects throughout the county, and the day ended with live music and door prizes at Polhamus Park in Granby!

We have a busy fundraising season ahead of us!
First is our Holiday Party, coming up on November 16. The party will be at a residence in Fraser from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Space is limited; please RSVP by November 11 if you would like to attend. Details will be provided with RSVP.
On December 01 is the Fraser Valley Lions Club Festival of Trees. We love participating in this event and enjoy seeing so many people come to support their favorite local nonprofits, and the community with seasonal cheer.
And finally, Colorado Gives Day is on Tuesday, December 05. This annual event is the biggest 24-hour giving movement in the state and one of the most successful giving days in the country! You can be a part of it by going online now to give. CHLT is also a proud member of Grand County Gives, supporting over 20 local nonprofits.
We are thankful for all your support and look forward to another year of conservation in 2023!

Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue protecting the land, water, and natural resources we all love so much in Grand County. To make your gift, please visit our website, or call our office: (970) 887-1177.

With your help, we can continue conserving Grand County’s land and resources, educating others about the value of open spaces, and bringing the community together over protecting the land we love in Grand County.

Visit to contribute today.
With thanks,
Jeremy D. Krones
Executive Director
Paula Metcalf Stuart
President, Board of Directors
PO Box 1938, Granby CO. 80446 - (970) 887-1177