If you are interested in connecting your work with a broader audience through Maximize U, reach out to Sal at coach@maximizeu.life.
Each one of you plays a vital role in amplifying the potential within and around us. As we look forward to the upcoming months of Edgewalker Facilitator Spotlights, we invite you to reach out, share your stories, and connect with fellow Edgewalkers.
To explore and connect with the Edgewalker facilitator that resonates with you, simply click the link above. We believe that by coming together and sharing our experiences, we can create a powerful network of change-makers who are committed to personal and collective transformation.
Together, we are creating a world where unique connections and shared experiences lead us to extraordinary heights.
Stay Playful & Stay Connected,
Amy Lynn Durham and the Edgewalker Leadership Team:
Judi Neal, Susan Furness, Patricia Campanile, Sandra Bargman, Kristin Ekkens, Ellis Ralph, Sal Celly, and Marie Wolny.