Member Profile 

Carola Ray
Adjunct Professor, Senior Researcher, Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland
What is your research area? 
My research focusses on environmental factors, especially family factors, related to school children and pre-schoolers energy-balance related behaviours (EBRBs). My background is in nutrition, even though I think EBRBs are interesting as an entity. Lately, I have been involved in a project studying nature visits among families with young children. Again, the family and parenting aspect is really interesting in the project. I am really keen on that project, and some results will be presented at the meeting in June.

What drew you to the Children and Families SIG?
The children and families SIG gives you excellent opportunities to be in contact with others who share the same research interest.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself
I love to shovel snow. You get the result quite fast, and it does not matter whether the result is perfect or not; at some point it will snow again, or the snow will melt away. Additionally, it is fun and you are physically active outdoors.
Member Profile 

Jelle Arts
PhD candidate, Child & Adolescent Public Health, Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands
What is your research area? 
I am a PhD candidate within the section Child & Adolescent Public Health at the Amsterdam UMC in the Netherlands. I am currently working on a project called 'My Little Moves'. This project aims to provide the evidence for a 24-h movement guideline for 0-4-year-olds by gaining insight in ideal 24-h movement patterns. This means that my research interests include young children's physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep. I am interested in many different topics related to these behaviors: determinants, associations with growth and development, and interventions.
Current research on 24-h movement behaviors in young children is limited by the lack of accurate measurements of these behaviors. Therefore, I am also interested in developing valid and reliable measurement instruments to monitor young children's 24-h movement patterns.
What drew you to the Children and Families SIG?
I am mainly focused on research with children, so it goes without saying that the Children and Families SIG fits in well with this interest. Through the SIG I try to stay informed of the latest research in the field of physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep in young children. Additionally, I would like to communicate and share ideas with other researchers with similar research interests.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself
Sport is very important to me. As a child I played a sport that very few people know: Bandy. Bandy is a fantastic winter sport that combines aspects of ice hockey and field hockey. It is played, like ice hockey, on ice but players use bowed sticks and a small ball, as in field hockey. The physical violence such as in ice hockey is not allowed. This makes the game much faster, and in my opinion a lot more fun to play. The sport is very popular in some countries, but worldwide (including the Netherlands) it is unfortunately lacking in popularity.
Watch this space!
  • Are you planning on competing in the 3 minute thesis competition this year? 
  • Do you want to get some feedback or practice
  • Do you want to share your PhD with others in the field? 
We will be holding an online event where you can present your thesis in 3 minutes to the Children and Families SIG community. 

Let us know if this would interest you? 
Watch this space for more details

Recent publications by SIG members

Bennett, C., Copello, A., Jones, C. and Blissett, J., 2020. Children overcoming picky eating (COPE)-A cluster randomised controlled trial. Appetite154, p.104791.

Jansen, E., Russell, C.G., Appleton, J., Byrne, R., Daniels, L.A., Fowler, C., Rossiter, C. and Mallan, K.M., 2021. The Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire: development and validation of age appropriate versions for infants and toddlers. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity18(1), pp.1-14.

Johnson, B.J., Golley, R.K., Zarnowiecki, D., Hendrie, G.A. and Huynh, E.K., 2020. Understanding the influence of physical resources and social supports on primary food providers' snack food provision: a discrete choice experiment. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity17(1), pp.1-13.

Morgan, P.J., Collins, C.E., Barnes, A.T., Pollock, E.R., Kennedy, S.L., Drew, R.J., Saunders, K.L., Grounds, J.A., Rayward, A.T. and Young, M.D., 2021. Engaging Fathers to Improve Physical Activity and Nutrition in Themselves and in Their Preschool-Aged Children: The "Healthy Youngsters, Healthy Dads" Feasibility Trial. Journal of Physical Activity and Health1, pp.1-10.

Pajulahti, R., Salmela-Aro, K., Lehto, R., Vepsäläinen, H., Lehto, E., Nissinen, K., Skaffari, E., Sääksjärvi, K., Roos, E., Sajaniemi, N. and Erkkola, M., 2021. Does temperament make children differently susceptible to their home physical food environment? A cross-sectional DAGIS study on 3-6 year old Finnish children's food consumption. Appetite, p.105140.

Veldman, S.L., Paw, M.J.C.A. and Altenburg, T.M., 2021. Physical activity and prospective associations with indicators of health and development in children aged< 5 years: a systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity18(1), pp.1-11.
Get in touch!
  • Do you have a recent publication or an upcoming event that would be of interest to the members of the Children and Families SIG?
  • Do you want your member profile featured in the upcoming newsletter (or wish to nominate anyone)? 
  • Are you interested in presenting a webinar in the future? 
  • Do you have other ideas for this Children and Families SIG?
Please let us know, your help is highly appreciated! To get in touch, email Dorota Zarnowiecki (
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity