Hello Implementation and Scalability SIG member!
Welcome to the May 2021 edition of our newsletter.

We hope you and your loved ones are well in these continued challenging times. In case you missed it, we wanted to share about our SIG-sponsored webinar From tiny trials to at-scale implementation of e-&mHealth technology: steps taken, lessons learned, behaviors changed, co-sponsored with the e&m Health SIG. The presenters shared lessons on taking implementation initiatives from seed to scale-up that could be applicable across a range of innovations. I encourage you to check out the recording below. In addition, we wanted to share recent publications, upcoming conferences, and a resource spotlight to brighten your week. We’ll be in touch soon with details on the I&S SIG sessions and ways to connect with the SIG at the 2021 ISBNPA Xchange. Stay tuned!

Dr Taren Swindle
SIG Co-Chair
Don't forget to register for #ISBNPA2021
There's still time to register for the ISBNPA Xchange.

We’ll be highlighting all the I&S content in our next newsletter!
Webinar recording from April 2021
Selected Recent Publications
Harmonizing evidence-based practice, implementation context, and implementation strategies with user-centered design: a case example in young adult cancer care. Authors: Haines, E.R., Dopp, A., Lyon, A.R. et al. Implement Sci Commun 2, 45 (2021).

Trialists perspectives on sustaining, spreading, and scaling-up of quality improvement interventions. Authors Laur, C., Corrado, A.M., Grimshaw, J.M. et al. Implement Sci Commun 2, 35 (2021).

Adapting and adopting highly specialized pediatric eating disorder treatment to virtual care: a protocol for an implementation study in the COVID-19 context. Authors Couturier, J., Pellegrini, D., Miller, C. et al. Implement Sci Commun 2, 38 (2021).

Development of a School-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity Levels Among Chinese Children: A Systematic Iterative Process Based on Behavior Change Wheel and Theoretical Domains Framework. Authors Wang H, Blake H, Chattopadhyay K. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021;9(351).

A systems approach to scale-up for population health improvement. Authors: Koorts, H., Rutter, H. Health Res Policy Sys 19, 27 (2021).

A peer coach intervention in childcare centres enhances early childhood physical activity: The Active Early Learning (AEL) cluster randomised controlled trial. Authors: Telford, R.M., Olive, L.S. & Telford, R.D. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 18, 37 (2021).

Expanding Implementation Research to Prevent Chronic Diseases in Community Settings Authors: S. Mazzucca, EM. Arredondo, DM. Hoelscher, D. Haire-Joshu, RG. Tabak, SK. Kumanyika, RC. Brownson

A mixed-methods protocol for identifying successful sustainability strategies for nutrition and physical activity interventions in childcare. Authors Swindle, T., Zhang, D., Johnson, S.L. et al. Implement Sci Commun 2, 8 (2021).

Implementation of a School Physical Activity Policy Improves Student Physical Activity Levels: Outcomes of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Authors Nathan NK, Sutherland RL, Hope K, McCarthy NJ, Pettett M, Elton B, Jackson R, Trost SG, Lecathelinais C, Reilly K, Wiggers JH, Hall A, Gillham K, Herrmann V, Wolfenden L. J Phys Act Health. 2020 Sep 12:1-10. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32919383.

Barriers and facilitators of implementation of a community cardiovascular disease prevention programme in Mukono and Buikwe districts in Uganda using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Authors Ndejjo, R., Wanyenze, R.K., Nuwaha, F. et al. Implementation Sci 15, 106 (2020).
Upcoming Conferences
Global Implementation Conference, 3-6 May, 2021
Addressing Equity in Implementation: Building Capacity in Research, practice and policy across the globe Global Implementation Conference

European Implementation Collaborative, 27-28 May, 2021
Crossing Borders – Overcoming Boundaries” European Implementation Event 2021 – European Implementation Collaborative

4th UK Implementation Science Research Conference, 15-16 July 2021

Global Evidence Summit, Postponed until 2-6 Oct, 2023
Using evidence. Improving Lives The Global Evidence Summit 2021
Other Relevant Newsletters
National Centre of Implementation Science (NCOIS)

European Implementation Collaborative (EIC)

Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI)
Researcher Spotlight
Daniel Alexander Scheller
Qualifications and Position
M.Sc. Sports Science, PhD Student, Associate Researcher, University Ulm, Germany

What led you to focus your research on I&S?
In 2019, I started as a postgraduate at the Division of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of the University Hospital in Ulm with the aim of working in the area of health promotion. Around the same time, the Policy Implementation Network (PEN), as part of the Joint Programming Initiative on a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life, has been launched. As member of PEN work package 4 "Policy Implementation Evaluation", I then came into contact with I&S.

What is your main research interest? What do you love about it?
My main interest lies in promoting physical activity and healthy behaviours in children and young adults. As a sports- enthusiast and scientist, I have experienced the great potential of health interventions at all ages. Research has shown, that interventions in schools are rarely implemented as planned, which may affect the achievement of its expected outcomes. Implementation matters – as Durlak and DuPre (2008) have already pointed out in this context earlier in a review. This also applies for health policies, where implementation processes are even more complex, as more stakeholders from different levels, with different interests, are involved.
In the PEN project, we use theoretical frameworks of I&S to identify key implementation processes, barriers, facilitators and approaches to evaluate the implementation of health policies in different settings at individual or organisational level.

As an ECR researcher what are the biggest barriers to conducting I&S research (other than funding) and how have you overcome this?
The greatest challenge at the beginning was to understand the many frameworks of I&S, how they differ from each other, what they are used for and especially how they can be used. I am still at the very beginning of fully understanding all of this, if that is possible at all. The taxonomy of Nielsen (2015) in “Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks” helped me a lot to find my way in this “Framework-forest”.
Next step was to simply take one of these frameworks and apply it in research. We are doing this right now with the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Damschroder et al. 2009). We use this determinant framework to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme at European and country ministry level – in some countries, like Germany, even at school level.

Do you have an I&S paper that you would like to share?
We are currently conducting a lot of research, some of which is still in the review process or on the desk. Besides the just mentioned study on the EU Scheme, there will be a review on implementation determinants for policies promoting healthy diet and physically active lifestyle. In this moment, we are doing a survey with school headmasters and teachers to find out which school context factors and implementation determinants are associated with the adoption of physical activity policies in primary schools. All of this will be very interesting when it’s ready.
In the meantime, I'll leave you with a paper by Damschroder from last year which I would have needed from day one in I&S, as it illustrates in a simply and impressive way how to navigate in this field:
Damschroder, L. J. (2020). Clarity out of chaos: use of theory in implementation research. Psychiatry research, 283, 112461.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to other people who are also interested in Implementation and Scalability - spread the word!

Thank you for your interest and support in Implementation and Scale up research! 
Taren Swindle (SIG Chair)
Nicole Nathan (SIG Co-Chair)
Femke van Nassau (SIG Past Chair, Founding Chair)
Jo Chau (SIG Officer)
Erin Hennessy (SIG Officer)
Jannah Jones (SIG Officer)
Mary Kennedy (SIG Student Officer)
Harriet Koorts (SIG Officer)
Matthew ‘Tepi’ Mclaughlin (SIG Student Officer)
Lisa Moran (SIG Officer)
Elaine Murtagh (SIG Officer)
PJ Naylor (SIG Officer)
Thomas Skovgaard (SIG Officer)
Luke Wolfenden (SIG Officer)

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