March 25, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,

Despite the crazy, snowy weather we’ve had, spring has sprung at BFA. We are planning some fantastic events for this spring. Mark your calendars for:

  • STEAM Week, April 26-30
  • Elementary Field Days, May 24 and 25
  • Middle School Dodge Ball Tournaments, May 27 and 28
  • 8th Grade Red Carpet Parade, May 27
  • 8th Grade Graduation, May 27
We will share details for these events and many others soon; but before all of these fun things happen, we have state testing. CMAS testing for grades 3-8 starts next week. There has been much media coverage about requirements for state testing possibly changing; however, at this time, we are expecting all testing to happen. Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 will test in English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Grades 5 and 8 will test in ELA, Math, and Science. All students in these grades will test unless they are opted out of testing by their parents. Here is the overall testing schedule for the next couple of weeks:

  • 3rd Grade: March 29, 30 and April 1
  • 4th Grade: March 29 and 30
  • 5th Grade: March 29, 30 and April 12
  • 6th Grade: April 1, 2 and 5
  • 7th Grade: April 1 and 2
  • 8th Grade: April 1, 2 and 12

Remote students have been contacted about their testing schedule.

You can find more information about CMAS testing on our State Tests webpage. If you have any specific questions regarding the CMAS assessments, please email Assistant Principal Gomez.

Next week, the Colorado League of Charter Schools is holding an event for BFA to help parents understand all aspects of charter schools: what we are, how we operate, and how parents can help advocate for our continued autonomy. Please see the article below for details. I highly encourage everyone to attend this meeting if you are able (you can log volunteer hours for participating!), especially if you are new to the charter school world.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Simpson
BFA News
Calendar Reminders
Our next remote learning day is Wednesday, March 31.

State mandated testing for students in grades 3-8 begins next week and runs through mid-April. If applicable, please note what days your student is testing and ensure they get plenty of rest and a good breakfast.
Quinlan Invited to National Competition!
Congratulations to Quinlan Smythe who did so well in the State competition, that he has been invited to participate in the National Championship in May. 

The middle school program consists of a series of contests held throughout the school year, culminating in a National Championship. Top-scoring students in qualifying rounds were invited to compete in their State Championship contest held last weekend. Based on Quinlan's performance, he has been invited to compete in the U.S. National Middle School Championship in May. Good luck, Quinlan!
Congratulations Girls Basketball Teams
Great job BFA girls basketball teams! The girls had a short, but stand out season; and truly, most of them were just glad to be able to play. Girls A team won all of their games and girls B team only lost the first game of the season. Impressive, ladies!

There were no playoffs this season due to Covid. Pictured here are students from both A and B teams.
Attention Middle School Volleyball Players
Boys volleyball will be happening at BFA this year! Middle school tryouts will be held mid-April and the season will take place in May. Please see the BFA Athletic website and click on Boys Volleyball for the game schedule.
Stay tuned for tryout information!
Questions? Contact Coach Haufschild or Coach Murphy.
Middle School Technical Theatre
The middle school musical will have a very small Tech Crew this year--but they'll still be an integral part of the show! Middle school students will run music, mics, sound board, lights, and spotlight.

If your student is interested in participating in the Tech Crew, they should be available on all of these dates:

  • All Mondays 3:20-5 p.m. starting March 29
  • May 15, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • May 17, 3:20-5 p.m.
  • May 18, 3:20-5 p.m.
  • May 20, 4-8 p.m.
  • May 21, 4:30-8:30 p.m.
  • May 22, 4:30-8:30 p.m.

If interested, please fill out this form. The deadline to fill out the form is today, March 25.
Landsharks Running Club
Landsharks Running Club offers a non-competitive, youth program to introduce running to young athletes in a safe and fun environment. The Landsharks organization is not affiliated with BFA, but has a number of BFA runners who participate in the club and compete as a team. Landsharks focuses on self-improvement, being an encouraging teammate, and making new friends. The Spring Track Series is a school-based program led by Alyson Henbest and is open to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Please see the flier for more information about costs and registration.
Sweetheart Ball for BFA Girls
Get ready to light up the night at this year’s Sweetheart Ball. All BFA girls and their special adult are invited to attend this year’s Sweetheart Ball, Light Up the Night, a girls’ glow dance from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, at BFA. Tickets will go on sale in April through MySchoolBucks.
We need your help to make this event a success. If you’re interested in volunteering, please join us for an informational Zoom meeting on March 29. Please contact Alissa Motazedi, PTO social coordinator for the meeting link.
In Case You Missed It - Link to Watch Board Forum and Hear from Nominees
If you missed the opportunity to hear directly from the Board nominees during the Board Forum earlier this week, please click here to watch the question and answer session. In addition, we encourage you to read about each candidate via the Board Election webpage.

As a reminder, voting for the Seat 1, Class A director will take place electronically April 9-18. Results of the election will be announced, and the appointment will be made on Tuesday, April 20, at the regularly scheduled Board meeting. 
No Parking
Office Hours, Front Playground Hours, and Use of Preschool Lot
As a reminder, on remote Wednesdays the office is open from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. (The office is closed during school breaks, and summer office hours are generally different.) There will not be anyone available outside those times to accept homework/projects, answer questions or distribute learning materials.
If you come by the school during a remote learning Wednesday, please keep in mind that preschool is in session. As always, be mindful of your speed in the parking lot. Additionally, out of an abundance of caution for our preschool kiddos, we need to request that parents do not drive through or park in the north/preschool lot (the small lot that is often gated for recess). Even if your student has an activity at school, please do not use the preschool lot during normal school hours (8:15 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) any day of the week.

And finally, please remember that students are using the space in front of the school for recess so they can spread out in cohort groups. Please do not try to park in front of the school between 10 a.m and 1:30 p.m.
Details for BFA Summer Camp Program
Summer Camp registration is now open! Families can go to MySchoolBucks and register for BFA Summer Camp. The cost to register is $25 per family, and all campers will receive a drawstring bag. It’s going to be a fantastic summer, but we’ve had to make a few changes to camp this year, so please keep reading to learn more.

Students that are currently attending K-7 and incoming students for the fall of 2021 that will be 5-years-old by June 2 are allowed to register for camp. We are hoping interested parents will register their family early to allow us to gauge interest. Unfortunately if we don't have enough interest we won't be able to have the camp.
Camp this summer will be a bit different from years past. We’ve spent considerable time exploring field trip possibilities, but it is just not feasible this year. However, our wonderful staff are already coming up with ideas to ensure your students have a terrific summer. 
For a number of reasons, including streamlining our processes and more predictable staff scheduling, registrations will be weekly this year. This means each family can register their child(ren) for the full week of summer camp at a rate of $200 per child and daily registrations will not be offered. We sincerely apologize if this causes your family any inconvenience.
Program Details:
Dates: June 2 -August 13
Holiday closure: July 5-9
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
One time Registration Fee: $25.00, all registered campers will receive a drawstring bag
Weekly Tuition: $200/week/child

If you have any questions please email us.
Brush Up on Your Charter School Knowledge
Ben Franklin Academy is excited to partner with the Colorado League of Charter Schools and their ACT Advocacy Network to bring a series of trainings to our families. The trainings are designed to build your charter school knowledge and your advocacy skills so we can leverage our collective power as a school, and as part of the Douglas County charter school community. Our aim is to protect the outstanding education provided to our students through a charter school education. In this one-hour training, you will learn about charter myths and facts and what makes us unique. Please join us!

What:   Charter School Basics
Where: On-line via Zoom
  • 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31, session for Ben Franklin Academy families only
  • 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 6, session open to multiple Douglas County charter schools’ families
Help Wanted
PTO Nominations are Open!
Are you interested in serving on the BFA PTO next school year? They’re currently looking for individuals to fill a wide variety of volunteer roles on their 2021-22 PTO team. There are so many reasons to volunteer with the PTO; the right position is waiting for you! PTO elections will be held April 26 through April 30. To nominate yourself, or someone you know who'd be a good fit in the PTO, please complete the 2021 BFA PTO Nominations form by Monday, March 29.
This year, the offices of President, Treasurer, and Room Parent Coordinator are up for election by the school community. For a full list of available positions and for more information on the PTO, please visit our webpage or contact one of the current PTO Executive Officers. Thank you for your help in continuing to make BFA an amazing place!
Mollie Anderson, President -
Denise Battista, Vice President -
Shauna Kramer, Secretary -
Emerald Holden, Treasurer -
Brooke Mitisek, Fundraising Coordinator -
Alissa Motazedi, Social Coordinator -
Amanda Trenck and Lauren Flint, Co-Room Parent Coordinators-
Celebrate Staff with SCRIP
Preschool Parents Can Participate Too!
BFA will use SCRIP for end of year staff gifting again this year. This convenient, online program replaces room parent collections and facilitates convenient group gifting. Each family makes one payment through MySchoolBucks for all of their teacher and staff gifts. At the end of collections, each staff member will receive an email with the total collected on their behalf and is able to select gift cards they would like to receive.
Participation in the SCRIP program is completely voluntary. You are welcome to participate with any amount, or alternatively gift the teachers and staff on your own. Families will be able to place SCRIP orders via MySchoolBucks and pay by credit card. You may designate how much you would like to give to each teacher/staff member in one-dollar increments. Collections will take place April 12-18 with gift cards being distributed during Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week (May 3-7).
A form for preschool-only families will be available online by April 5. The completed preschool form and a check need to be dropped off in the PTO lockbox located in the BFA front office by April 16.

Look for more information in future newsletters regarding details on how to contribute to your teacher's gift! Questions? Visit the PTO webpage or contact Natalie Lucero, SCRIP coordinator.
Please Sign Up for King Soopers Rewards Program
We all need to buy groceries and most of us need gas for our vehicles; but did you realize that with just a few minutes of administrative work, you can support BFA while making all these regular purchases? Here's how:

  1. Sign in to your digital account at King Soopers Community Rewards. If you haven't already, set up your account and link your King Soopers card or phone number to your account.
  2. Click on Community Rewards, Enroll Now and search for Ben Franklin Parent Teacher Organization OR enter our code, XN773. Click Enroll.
  3. Next time you check out at King Soopers or City Market, scan your card (or enter your alternate ID) and BFA will get money back from your purchase.

Last year, our earnings from October to December equaled $2,075.89. Please keep linking your card to BFA, shopping, and scanning!

For more information, please visit King Soopers Community Rewards website. As always, thank you for your support of BFA and the PTO.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.