Helping Each Other
Clients come to us for many reasons. Our services help every one of them in a different way. We create safe spaces for people to share their stories. We connect clients to the tools and resources they need to manage stress and reach their professional goals. We show families how to safely explore their surroundings and learn about their new home.
We also ask for help, because we can't do it alone. Those who collaborate with our programs (including former clients) have the opportunity to share their abilities and experience with others. As a result, our community grows healthier and stronger.
Everyone Has a Story to Share

"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide" - Brené Brown.
Fifteen newcomer women shared their personal stories and learned from each other's experiences. The group became a family, committed to take care of themselves and each other.
Take a Deep Breath

All emotions are normal and impossible to avoid. The positive ones are always welcomed. It's the negative ones we often want to hide or ignore. But the best way to handle a negative emotion is to deal with it. The Breathe Water Sound program uses breathing, sound and meditation to help individuals face their emotions with confidence.
Back to Basics

Living in lockdown, most of us have to rely on technology to interact with colleagues, family and friends. But the screens that seem to connect us are not enough to fulfill our social needs. We took a group of newcomers on an in-person adventure where we socialized face-to-face and discovered a new park in the city.
Parenting After Lockdown

Parenting has never been easy, but the added challenge of lockdowns has affected family dynamics in ways no one could have prepared for. Managing our own concerns while trying to nurture a relationship with a growing child has tested everyone's patience to, perhaps, the point of despair. But fear not, for there is hope.
You Think you Know

Newcomers are sometimes reluctant to ask for help with finding a job, thinking their work experience should speak for itself. But as Kushal found out, getting hired is harder than it seems. He tells us how CultureLink helped his job search by teaching him how to review his resume, prepare for interviews and increase his professional network.
Bike Giveaway

In July, Duke Heights BIA hosted the Tour de DUKE Bike Giveaway and invited us to participate. CultureLink's Bike Hub was happy to contribute. Our team put the bikes together and was also in charge of the cycling education portion of the event.

Over 100 kids in the York Centre and Humber River-Black Creek communities received brand new bikes and helmets, and were taught how to ride safely.
What Happened to Them?

We have been thinking about "Women of Courage: all of our stories" for some time now. And thanks to the newly annouced funding from the Government's Anti-Racism Action Program (ARAP), this anti-racists, arts and digitally based project will be able to start soon! In partnership with Toronto History Museums and the City of Toronto, CultureLink will provide 60 racialized newcomer women the training and resources to tell and showcase their stories.

The Anti-Racism Action Program is intended to help address barriers to employment, justice and social participation among Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious supporting projects that target online hate and promote digital literacy.

Citizenship Mentoring Circle
English Conversation Circle
Let's Get Physical
Career Mentorship Program
Cybersecurity Training Program
and more!