Worship Time 10:30 am


We have been “Experiencing the Bible in Historical Context,” the title of the series by Ray Vander Laan with the goal of understanding scripture and how God’s words and actions spoke to the writers of the Bible in the time that they lived and how the same words speak to us today.  The next six lessons beginning Thursday, November 9, focus on Prophets and Kings.  In each lesson we focus on passages of Scripture explored in a short film and use maps, photos and a discovery guide to facilitate discussion and reflection. The evening begins at 6 pm with a light supper of soup, salad, bread, and dessert. We will not meet on November 23 (Thanksgiving). David Lilley has graciously offered to lead this session of the study. Everyone is welcome! No prior knowledge of the Bible or Christianity is required. Contact: Pastor Jody Guerrera,, 860-364-5002 Dessert donations are always appreciated and anticipated!


Christ Church Episcopal in Sharon is holding a benefit concert of sacred and secular solos and duets on Sunday, November 12 at 3 pm. Tickets are $20 each or $50 per family.


Saint Bernard Church invites us to commemorate Advent and the celebration of Christmas, the Festival of Lessons and Carols service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. The festivities begin at 6:00 pm, Friday, December 1 with a potluck supper in Josie Hall (downstairs of St. Bernard Church). RSVP to Pastor Jody by November 27.


Mission TeamThe mission team met Sunday, September 15 and is proud to report the team raised a total of $955 for the CWS crop walk in September. Twenty-five percent of all the money raised stays local and the other seventy-five percent helps fight hunger around the world. In addition, 50 pounds of tomatoes was given to us by Paley's Market (Sarah and Chris Coon) for the Food of Life Pantry in Amenia Union. 


The team voted to disperse money raised through Falcon Ridge Folk Festival concessions and through church donations to the following Haitian missions as follows: $1,000 for Hospital Albert Schweitzer, $1,000 for Mission Haiti and $500 for Hope for Haiti. Mission Haiti has several Christian schools in Haiti and offers opportunities to provide financial support for school students. The team feels having our church support a student is an important calling and hopes the mission will be insightful as we will receive regular feedback concerning the student we are supporting.

For the fourth year we will again endeavor to provide local families in need with Christmas gifts for their children. For those of you not familiar with this project, we work with the director of the Sharon Social Service Department to obtain a wish list for a child which includes something to wear, something needed and something wanted. We then shop and wrap the gifts and deliver them to the director in time for Christmas. We work to obtain these items for a combined total of $100 per child. If you are willing to support this mission, welcome! You can help monetarily or with your time. Checks should be made out to the church with “Three Gifts” in the memo line and left in the offering plate. See Terri Conti or Laura DeBoer for more details or questions.

The next mission meeting will be Sunday, November 19 following the service. Everyone is welcome.  

Caring Team-- The next caring team meeting will be on Sunday, November 12 after the church service. Please join us for a cup of coffee and a discussion of ways in which we are "loving our neighbors as ourselves." We are always looking for new ways to reach this goal, so bring your ideas to the meeting!


A food collection basket will be in the entryway each week for an offering—please consider donating non-perishable items when you can.

Worship TeamIf you enjoy sharing the Gospel by reading scripture on Sunday mornings, please sign up on the board in the fellowship hall or tell Pastor Jody direct; she would love to talk to you about it.

Fellowship TeamJoin us for coffee, tea, or a cold drink and snacks following the Sunday morning worship service! In addition, there has been impromptu gatherings for puzzle building in the fellowship hall and trips to local restaurants for lunch following coffee hour (aptly named “the lunch bunch”).


Volunteers to host coffee hour are always appreciated—a signup sheet is in the fellowship hall. Kathy Amiet – Fellowship Team Leader - 860-836-4294 or

Prayer Team--We invite all to take part in prayer time each Sunday before worship in the fellowship hall as we continue to pray for the service, preaching and the congregation in attendance.

If you have a specific prayer request, let Pastor Jody know or drop a note in the prayer box located near the collection plates. An email will then be sent to our list of faithful pray-ers. If you prefer, your request can be anonymous—God knows your needs!

Teaching Team--Bible Study Thursday 6 pm. See above.


  • The next Executive Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, November 20 at 6pm.
  • Check out the calendar on our website—updated when we receive new information about an event.


  • Communion will be served during our service on the first Sunday of each month, except during the Lenten season, and there will be a time dedicated each Sunday to the blessing of gifts.
  • A Bible-based, 12-step program for people in recovery meets in the fellowship hall on Friday evenings from 6–7pm. JoAnn Carman is the contact person.
  • Grief Support Group meets on Sundays at 5pm in the fellowship hall. For further details, please speak with JoAnn Carman.  
  • Child care is offered during worship time. Speak with a greeter if you have need of this service.
  • Our Sunday worship service and weekly Bible studies are offered on our website: If you would like to receive an email notification of either of these events, please let us know.
  • Our newsletters are available in the narthex, sent to our email list and posted to our website.

