Pre-K – Fifth
This week our our yonger kids will learn about how UUism draws upon, and is inspired by, sacred, secular, and scientific understandings that help us make meaning and live into our values. We will explore the gift of being rooted in science and reason and how this gives us the gifts of wonder gratitude, and curiosity.
Sixth – 12th Grade
The theme this weekend for our YoUUth will draw on the natural cycles of the world around us as we discover the Pagan holiday of Samhain (pronounced saah-win or saa-ween). This Pagan holy day of honoring the Dead coincides with the end of the growing season. Vegetation dies back with killing frosts and therefore, literally, death is in the air. This contributes to the ancient notion that at Samhain, the veil is thin between the world of the living and the realm of the Dead and this facilitates contact and communication. For those who have lost loved ones in the past year, Samhain rituals can be an opportunity to bring closure to grieving and to further adjust to their being in the Otherworld by spiritually communing with them. source:
Upcoming Events:
10/28 – Trunk or Treat 5PM – 8PM SIGN UP HERE!!!
Our Trunk or Treat event was published by Rocket City Mom! Check it out here!
**Donations/Loans Needed**
The CYRE Committee is hosting a Trunk or Treat this year and we need your help! We are looking forHalloween decorations, inflatables, and outside games (cornhole, etc) from anyone who would be willing to loan these items for the event. Please contact Kristen Warrington at if interested. Also, if you plan to attend and host a trunk, please don’t forget to sign up (SIGN UP HERE!!!).
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Save the Date - Liz Hurley Ribbon Run on Saturday, October 21
Please make your plans now to join the UUCH Fellowship Committee at the 2023 Liz Hurley Ribbon Run to support breast cancer research.
Join the Huntsville UUters at the 20th Liz Hurley Ribbon Run on Saturday, October 21. Click here to join our team. If you don't have an RunSignUp account, you will be asked to create one.
Money will never be a barrier to participating in Fellowship at UUCH. If you need financial assistance to participate, please contact Rev. Jaimie at
We look forward to seeing you! Contact Sarah Rody at or Steve Rittenberg at if you have questions.
Sponsored by the Fellowship Committee
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Paint a pumpkin for display at UUCH!
The Worship Arts Committee is inviting everyone to paint and decorate a pumpkin for a fall display in our sanctuary and around our campus! Find your own pumpkin of any size/shape/color, paint it with a fall or Halloween theme, and bring it to the Fellowship Hall.
. . . unless you are in our CYRE program. The Worship Arts & CYRE committees will provide pumpkins to be decorated for our CYRE kids.
Suggested parameters for church campus display:
We are discouraging decorating by puncturing the pumpkin in any way, so as to prevent rot.
You may take your pumpkin home with you at any time, especially after the service on October 29. After that, your pumpkin will be removed.
Please avoid clown faces, horror expressions, or gory details. Remember that we have a wide variety of sensitivities in our congregation; especially amongst our youngest kids. Church should always feel SAFE, so keep that in mind when decorating.
Inappropriate or rotting/molding pumpkins will be removed. Get creative!
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Children’s Books Collection
Books for children of all ages are still being collected for donation to the Village of Promise, a local non-profit founded to address the needs of children and families in distressed, high-poverty neighborhoods. The Village of Promise provides programs for entire families in an effort to help break the cycle of poverty; it is particularly focused on improving children’s reading skills.
If you have children’s books that you no longer need and would like to donate them, please bring them to the Church and place them in the bin located in the Fellowship Hall.
Thank you so very much for your support!
Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee
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Educational opportunities for caregivers
From time to time, I will be posting educational opportunities in our community.
Teri Thomas, ARE chair
Sponsored by the Adult RE Committee
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THIS SUNDAY! Adult RE class
4th Sunday Adult RE "Trusting Change" class will meet Sunday, Oct. 22, immediately following the Sunday Service (12:00 pm).
Topic - "Letting Go: Transitioning Through Personal Change"
So pick up a snack, something to drink, and come on over to the Adult RE room to join the conversation. The class is facilitated by June Norton.
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UUCH Board Report September 27, 2023
The Board of Trustees held its regularly scheduled meeting on September 27, 2023
Laurel Bollinger, Nominations Committee Chair, presented an updated report concerning “A New Paradigm: Growth Through Service”. This new model would replace the old procedure of soliciting church leadership. It uses a more intentional approach by taking into account each individual’s interests, talents, abilities, and goals.
Rev. Jaimie reported that the workshops on creating a new Mission Statement for the Church are moving forward. The next one will be held on October 29th. She also reported that the responses to the questionnaire regarding whether or not to replace the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary are producing widely varying opinions. She will compile the responses and share them with the Worship Arts Committee.
The Treasurer, David Bollinger, stated that we are 17% through the fiscal year, and that, so far, income is performing very well, with expenses right on target. There were a few larger-than-anticipated expenses recently with the foyer air conditioning and choir lighting, but nothing that can’t be covered.
The Board passed a motion to create a Safety Committee and to appoint Shalin Mody as chair for the 2023-24 year.
The next meeting of the Board will be Wednesday, November 8th, 2023.
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Circle of Candles
Angela Arnold lit a candle of Joy: "Special thanks to Ron, our pianist, who so carefully planned for Hispanic music selections for Hispanic Heritage Month."
Bette Goodman lit a candle of Hope: "My sister, Kathie's, husband, Eddie, has been in the hospital for over 3 weeks. Please send healing thoughts!"
LaDawn Edwards lit a candle of Sorrow: "Betty Clemens, founding member of Huntsville Feminist Chorus, died recently, after 9 decades of Love & Music."
A Friend lit a candle of Concern: "Thinking about the Israelis, Palestinians, and all those affected by the current conflict."
John Jeter lit a candle of Joy: "My Grandson, Chase Allison, celebrated his 18th birthday in Tampa, Florida."
Zena Tucker lit a candle of Concern: "My husband's mother, Anne, is very ill. Prayers for comfort and healing are much appreciated."
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Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
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Little Food Pantry
The food pantry is a huge success, being utilized by numerous people!
If you are able to pick a day to re-stock the pantry, please do so, using the Sign-Up Genius link below.
There are also baskets in the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary entry foyer for food collection. The collected food will ultimately be used to fill the pantry on days not chosen on the sign-up genius.
Canned meats, soups, veggies, mac-and-cheese, bread, fruit, fresh veggies--all kinds of foods are welcome.
Thank you for being so generous. We are making a difference!
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Submitted by the Social Justice Committee | |
Donate Online
via CDM+ Engage
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Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through CDM+ Engage, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge".
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Submit to the Newsletter
Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Wednesday. Please make sure to complete a new request form each time you make a submission to the newsletter.
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Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
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UUCH 2023-24
Board Members
Susan Coddington
Vice President:
Bryan Walls
Nancy Finley
David Bollinger
Will Garrison
Darlene Patten
Cam Scales
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Do you have an agenda item for the Board?
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Susan Coddington via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, at 6:30 pm.
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Office Administrator
Ryan Vidal Gonzales
Main Office Hours:
Mondays 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Tuesdays through Thursdays 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
or by appointment.
*Please call/email the office in advance if you need building access.
For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
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UUCH News is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810
Laurel Bollinger
Copy Editor:
Ryan Vidal Gonzales
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PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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