Announcement from the Communications Office
Two-Part Workshop For Vestry, Digital Ministers, Clergy

Evangelism isn't about more people in the pews, but about spreading the Kingdom of God. If we tell the story in every aspect of our congregational life and communications, people will be drawn to JESUS and, perhaps, find their spiritual home among us.

Ellen is Senior AV Support Specialist at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. She lends her digital skills to ministry at St. Michael’s-on-the-Heights, Worcester and to our diocese as needed. Ellen held a workshop in 2019 on cell phone videography for congregations. In 2018 The Executive Invited Ellen to be among our diocesan participants at the EVANGELISM MATTERS conference sponsored by The Episcopal Church. More recently, Ellen has offered her skill and professional experience to assist congregations making the leap to streaming during the pandemic.

PART I: Evangelism and Communications
Saturday, April 17
10 AM - 12 PM

PART II: Performing the Audit
Saturday, April 24
10 AM - 12 PM

The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts | 413-737-4786 |