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This Week!

GUMC Town Hall featuring John J DeGioia (President) Tuesday November 7 2023 4 pm In person at New Research Building Auditorium and Via Zoom (Zoom link will also be available for virtual attendance)

Please use this form to indicate whether you will be attending the GUMC Town Hall in person or online. On the day of the event, a Zoom link will be provided to those who registered. 

Feature Stories

Racial Justice Curriculum Subcommittee Promotes Health Equity and Anti-Racism in Education

Curr-RJCC-FI-2 image

When medical students wrote the letter that led to the establishment of the Racial Justice Committee for Change in June 2020, one of the major action items was changing the medical school curriculum to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. Since then, Sarah Kureshi, MD, MPH, associate professor and vice chair for education in the department of family medicine, has led the RJCC’s Racial Justice Curriculum Reform Subcommittee's work.

Gold Humanism Inductees Embody Cura Personalis By Embracing Humanism in Health Care

Eileen Moore (MD) associate professor of medicine and family medicine and Georgetown’s Gold Humanism Honor Society chapter advisor presented William Azar (M24) with a Gold Humanism Award at this year’s induction ceremony

The Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) added more than 30 School of Medicine students to its rolls at its annual fall induction ceremony. The event recognized fourth-year medical students who excel in providing compassionate care and embody cura personalis, care of the whole person.

Tobacco Regulations Center Receives $20 Million for Tobacco Use Research


The Center for the Assessment of Tobacco Regulations (CAsToR) - a collaboration among Georgetown University, the University of Michigan and the British Columbia (BC) Cancer Research Institute - recently received $20 million in funding to continue its research on the impact of tobacco regulations on tobacco use patterns and their downstream health effects.

Georgetown Co-Leads New NIH-Funded Multi-Institutional ALS Clinical Research Consortium

Brain MRI

In an effort to disrupt the ALS clinical research landscape in the U.S., the National Institutes of Health has announced the establishment of a transformative national clinical research consortium to be co-led by researchers at Georgetown and three other institutions.

Heritage Months at Georgetown

Georgetown celebrates Native American Heritage Month

Georgetown University joins the nation in commemorating Native American Heritage Month each November. We celebrate the contributions of our Native American and Alaska Native students, faculty and staff to our community and society as a whole. This month we acknowledge and celebrate the teaching, scholarship and advocacy on Native American heritage that our community is engaged in. 

We remember that Georgetown itself resides on land that was and still is the homeland of Indigenous peoples, including the Nacotchtank and Piscataway Conoy peoples.

We invite you to check back regularly on our Native American Heritage Month landing page for upcoming community events throughout the month at Georgetown and in Washington D.C.

Appointments and Awards

Horvath Awarded AACN Faculty Scholars Grant

Catherine Horvath

After a competitive, national grant application process, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) selected Catherine Horvath, DNP, CRNA, CHSE, CNE, FAANA, associate professor of nursing, as one of only two AACN Faculty Scholars to receive the 2023-2024 AACN Faculty Scholars Grant.

New Vice Provost for Research Named

Jeffrey Urbach

Jeffrey Urbach, PhD, will start in his new role as Vice Provost for Research on January 1, filling the position currently held by Billy Jack, PhD. Urbach earned his PhD in physics from Stanford University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas at Austin before starting at the Georgetown University College of Arts and Sciences as an assistant professor in the physics department in 1996. He was promoted to professor in 2006 and has served as department chair, founding co-director of the Program on Science in the Public Interest, and director of the Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology.


Resources for Teaching in Difficult Times

Many students are struggling because of a wide range of world events, which are deeply personal and painful for many members of our community. Whether these events seem directly relevant to course material or not, students are bringing their struggles into the classroom, which can show up in various forms: distraction, emotional withdrawal, volatility, and more. Students may have very different interpretations of an event, which can lead to challenging conversations. CNDLS has assembled resources to support faculty on the Teaching in Difficult Times website.

Save the Date: 2024 MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium on April 29

This premier event brings together investigators, educators, executive leaders, associates, and collaborative partners from across our academic health system. Stay tuned for additional information.

Mary’s Center Toy Drive Seeking Donations

In partnership with the School of Nursing Committee on Mission and Values, the Mary’s Center Holiday Toy Drive provides gifts for more than 1,000 children during the holiday season. To participate, bring a new unwrapped toy to dropboxes in St. Mary’s Hall in the main lobby and west entrance. Donations may also be made through the Mary’s Center Holiday Toy Drive Amazon Wish List.

Nominate a Colleague Today! GUMC Staff Community Award

Gold Star

Do you know someone who demonstrates positivity, perseverance and resilience in their work and go above and beyond on behalf of our community? Nominate them today for the GUMC Staff Community Award. Awardees can be nominated by students, staff, administrators or faculty members, and will be chosen by the GUMC Staff/AAP Caucus committee and select others. Up to two awardees will be selected each quarter to receive a $1,250 cash award and recognition celebration with GUMC leadership. Learn more about the award and submit nominations by November 17 here.

GUMC in the News

Live Science Do traditional Chinese herbs actually 'heal'? This tool aims to find out. (Hakima Amri)

VIP Alexandria Magazine Getting a Few Things of Their Chest (John Marshall)

WJLA Breast cancer survivor and medical chief share insights on advancements in fight against breast cancer (Giuseppe Esposito)

Yale Daily News Yale-led study shows that e-cigarette bans boost traditional cigarette sale (Alex Liber)

Calendar of Events

Find more Georgetown seminars, talks, concerts and other activities on the university’s events website.

“Impediments and Roadblocks to Geopolitical and National Health Care Policymaking”

Monday, November 6

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Maguire Hall Conference Room 304 and via Zoom

George P. Smith II, JD, professor emeritus of law, Catholic University of America, discusses various impediments and roadblocks to the development of balanced, equitable health care policymaking. Co-sponsored by the Center for Global Health Science and Security, the Department of Health Management and Policy, and the Global Health Institute. RSVP.

“Disruption of Endoplasmic Reticulum Homeostasis and Neuronal Dysfunction”

Tuesday, November 7

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Medical-Dental Building, NE401 and via Zoom

Presented by Brandon Harvey, PhD, chief, Cellular Stress and Inflammation Section

Director, Transgenic Rat Project, deputy associate director of technology, Technology Development Initiative, National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program, National Institutes of Health. Part of the Neuroscience Seminar Series.

Recovery Housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Tuesday, November 7

12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Via Zoom

Join this timely conversation on the current state of recovery housing and opportunities for improving recovery housing in the United States. Panelists discuss efforts at the state and federal levels to improve access to quality housing for people in recovery from substance use disorder. Sponsored by the O’Neill Institute’s Addiction and Public Policy Initiative. RSVP.

“Recent Advances in Bacterial Cell Wall Biochemistry and New Strategies for Antibiotic Discovery”

Tuesday, November 7

12:15 - 1:15 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Atsushi Taguchi, PhD, assistant professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University in Japan. Sponsored by the Department of Microbiology & Immunology.

"Trauma, Adversity, and the Social Determinants of Mental Health"

Wednesday, November 8

12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Matthew Biel, Marriott chair of Child, Adolescent, and Family Mental Health, and professor, vice chair, and chief of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center, co-director of the Early Childhood Innovation Network. Register.

GSProud: First-Generation Faculty and Administrator Panel

Wednesday, November 8

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building

Panelists including Roxanne Mirabal-Beltran, PhD, assistant professor in the School of Nursing, candidly share their first-generation and/or low-income (FGLI) experiences. Part of GSProud Week. RSVP.

“Synthesis and Applications of Multicomponent Nanoparticles”

Thursday, November 9

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Pre-Clinical Science Building LA4 and via Zoom 

Presented by Edward Van Keuren, PhD, professor, Department of Physics, Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology, and Center for Translational Imaging, Georgetown University. Part of the Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series.

“Cognitively-Based Compassion Training for Cancer Survivors and Their Supportive Partners: Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life and Stress-Related Biology”

Friday, November 10

10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Thaddeus Pace, PhD, biopsychologist and associate professor in the Colleges of Nursing (Advanced Nursing Practice and Science Division), Medicine (Department of Psychiatry), and Science (Department of Psychology) at the University of Arizona. Presentation to be followed by a Meet the Speaker Session at 11:00 a.m. Part of the Survivorship Research Initiative Seminar Series.

“Addressing Perinatal Health Inequities – Operationalizing Principles of Reproductive Justice in Health Services Research and Policy Advocacy”

Monday, November 13

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Christine Marea, PhD, GHUCCTS KL2 Scholar and assistant professor, Georgetown University School of Nursing. Part of the GHUCCTS KL2 Visiting Scholar Series.

“Global Partnerships and Building Human Resources for Health Capacity”

Monday, November 13

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Maguire Hall 304 Conference Room

Presented by Christian Hunter, MD, director, Georgetown’s Global Infectious Disease master’s program and professor, Center for Global Health Science and Security. Part of the Global Health Security Seminar Series. Sponsored by the Center for Global Health Science and Security, the Department of Health Management and Policy, and the Global Health Institute.

“A Manifold Approach to Clustering Multiple -Omics Datasets”

Monday, November 13

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Debashis Ghosh, PhD, professor and chair, Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, University of Colorado and Colorado School of Public Health. Part of the Center for Metabolomic Studies Seminar Series.

RJCC Open House

Monday, November 13

6:00 p.m. 

Research Building Auditorium

Join the RJCC to discuss its successes to date, future plans and provide critical feedback. Refreshments will be provided.

“Measurements and Standards in the Development and Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals”

Tuesday, November 14

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Basic Science Building, Room 341 and via Zoom

Presented by Michael J. Tarlov, PhD, chief of the Biomolecular Measurement Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Part of the Bhussry Seminar Series. Sponsored by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology.

10th Annual Ruggles Lecture in Military Medicine

Wednesday, November 15

6:00 p.m.

Harvey Amphitheater

Featuring LTC Bradley Dengler, MD, FAANS, FACS, US Army. This event will not be recorded or via Zoom.

A Reading and Conversation with V. V. “Sugi” Ganeshanathan, Author of “Brotherless Night

Thursday, November 16

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 

Maria and Alberto de la Cruz Art Gallery

V.V. "Sugi" Ganeshananthan, an American fiction writer, essayist and journalist, reads and discusses her critically acclaimed novel “Brotherless Night,” which follows Sashi, a 16 year old girl who dreams of becoming a doctor amid the Sri Lankan civil war. Reception to follow. Presented by Georgetown Medical Humanities Initiative. RSVP here.

14th Annual Ruesch Center Symposium: Innovations in GI Cancer

Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18

In person, location TBA

Topics include the microbiome and biological basis of early onset GI cancers, young adult cancer survivors' unique needs, and developing prevention strategies for early onset GI cancers.

Thomas R. Schafer Memorial Lecture

Friday, November 17

1:50 - 2:40 p.m.

Part of the Ruesch Center Symposium, Luis A. Diaz, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, presenting “Immunotherapy and Mismatch Repair Deficiency.” Register with promo code HCP23.

“Time-to-Event Models”

Friday, November 17

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Paul Kolm, PhD, associate director in the Department of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics at MedStar Health Research Institute. Part of the MHRI-GHUCCTS Monthly Statistical Seminar Series.

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