The Bulldog Bark

Frank Vessels Elementary School

Issue Number 4 - August 21- August 25

A Great Place to Learn and Grow!


Join us for Back to School Night!

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday to discuss our school, classroom procedures, programs, PBIS, activities, and the fun we will have this school year!

Join us for the general PTA meeting in the MPR at 5:30 p.m., teacher introductions, and principal welcome at 5:45 p.m.

After which, the wonderful Vessels staff will host two-classroom sessions at 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. Adults only, please!

We hope to see you all there!

Emergency Kits

Join the Vessels PTA!

Help us reach 100% participation this year!

Promoting Positive Behavior: The Power of PBIS at Vessels Elementary School

In modern education, fostering a positive and inclusive school environment is crucial for the holistic development of students. Vessels Elementary School has taken significant strides in achieving this goal by implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework. This proactive approach to behavior management enhances discipline and creates a nurturing and enriching learning atmosphere for young minds.

Understanding PBIS: A Brief Overview

PBIS is a research-based framework designed to improve behavior and overall school climate by providing a structured and supportive environment. It is rooted in the principle of teaching appropriate behavior, acknowledging positive actions, and addressing negative behaviors through a tiered system of interventions. The framework focuses on preventing undesirable behavior rather than merely reacting to it, promoting a culture of respect, responsibility, and cooperation.

Key Features of PBIS at Vessels Elementary School

1. Clear Expectations: At Vessels Elementary School, the PBIS program is built upon clear and explicit behavior expectations. Students learn behavioral standards through direct instruction, visual aids, and regular reminders. This clarity helps students understand what is expected of them in various settings, such as classrooms, hallways, and cafeterias.

2. Positive Reinforcement: One of the cornerstones of PBIS is the emphasis on positive reinforcement. Students are acknowledged and rewarded for exhibiting positive behaviors. This reinforcement can range from verbal praise and tangible rewards to special privileges or recognition. This approach motivates students to consistently make good choices, boosting their self-esteem and encouraging them to contribute to their school community actively.

3. Tiered Support System: PBIS at Vessels Elementary School employs a tiered support system to cater to the diverse needs of students. Tier 1 involves universal strategies applicable to all students, such as school-wide rules and expectations. Tier 2 provides targeted interventions for students needing additional support to meet behavioral expectations. Tier 3, the highest level of support, caters to students with more persistent behavioral challenges, offering personalized interventions and support plans.

4. Data-Driven Decision-Making: The implementation of PBIS at Vessels Elementary School is underpinned by data-driven decision-making. The school consistently collects and analyzes behavioral data to identify trends, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make informed adjustments. This analytical approach ensures that the program remains dynamic and adaptive, maximizing its impact on student behavior.

Why PBIS Is Great for Kids

1. Proactive Approach: PBIS focuses on preventing behavioral issues rather than simply reacting to them. By teaching students appropriate behavior and creating a positive environment, children are more likely to develop self-discipline and social skills, setting them up for success in school and future endeavors.

2. Inclusivity: PBIS fosters inclusivity by setting clear student behavior expectations. This ensures that every child can thrive in a structured and supportive environment regardless of background or abilities.

3. Social and Emotional Development: The positive reinforcement and personalized interventions inherent in PBIS contribute to children's social and emotional growth. They learn to manage their emotions, communicate effectively, and develop empathy and understanding towards others.

4. Enhanced Learning: A positive school climate created by PBIS is conducive to effective learning. When students feel safe, respected, and valued, they are more likely to engage in their studies, participate actively, and collaborate with peers.

The PBIS framework at Vessels Elementary School is a shining example of how a proactive approach to behavior management can significantly impact the lives of young learners. By promoting positive behavior, inclusivity, and social-emotional growth, PBIS benefits students' individual development and creates a thriving and harmonious school community.

PBIS Store

Join us as we make Vessels the best place for students to learn and grow! We are a positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) school and are excited to continue to fine-tune our supports and incentives for students this year!

How can you help?

If you would like to support us by purchasing items from our PBIS Store Wish List, please use the following QR code:

Thank you for the support of our kids and programs!

Attendance Matters

As we embark on another exciting school year at Vessels, I want to emphasize the critical importance of regular school attendance. 

According to recent studies by the Department of Education, students who attend school regularly have consistently shown higher scores on standardized tests than their peers with irregular attendance. Regular school attendance fosters a deeper understanding of key concepts, enhances critical thinking skills, and enriches a child's education.

Furthermore, maintaining good attendance at an early age plays a significant role in shaping future success. Research conducted by the National Association of Elementary School Principals indicates that students who consistently attend during their elementary years are more likely to graduate high school and pursue higher education or vocational training. This, in turn, opens up a world of opportunities and paves the way for a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Beyond academic achievement, regular attendance also strengthens social and emotional development. The school provides a unique setting for students to interact with their peers, form meaningful friendships, and develop vital social skills. 

Consistent attendance promotes a sense of belonging within the school community, fostering a positive learning environment where each child can thrive.

I understand that occasional absences are inevitable due to illness or unforeseen circumstances. However, it is crucial to prioritize school attendance whenever possible.

At Vessels, we support our students and their families in maintaining excellent attendance records. Our dedicated staff is always ready to provide assistance and guidance to address any challenges that might arise.

Let us work together to make this academic year a resounding success for every student at Vessels. We can nurture a generation of confident, curious, and accomplished learners by valuing and prioritizing school attendance.

We Love our Bulldogs!

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