Welcome New
Matt's Maker Space Board Members!
Matt's Maker Space could not exist without our dedicated board members. We have had many of our members with us since we formed our non profit in May of 2018. The majority of our members are involved in some aspect of teaching or education. We are proud of their many accomplishments and so grateful that they are a part of Matt's Maker Space.
This summer, we welcome three new board members. Here is a little bit about each one.
Barb Helmeci
I live in Mt Lebanon with my husband Chris and have two grown sons, Steve & Dan. I am a retired teacher who taught in Upper St. Clair for 35 years. I taught in two K-4 buildings and had many roles from 1st and 2nd grade teacher to math resource to gifted resource teacher. I implemented the IB Primary Years Program, worked with ASSET Science and designed many STEAM and Maker Space challenges for my students. I have a masters degree from the University of Pittsburgh in instructional design and my undergraduate degree is from Edinboro University. I want to be part of Matt’s Maker Space because I want to inspire teachers to implement a program that engages learners in solving real-world problems by using practical life skills paired with creative and critical thinking skills while honoring Matt’s memory.
Matt Mikesell
Hello, I am Matt Mikesell, Technology Education teacher at Mellon Middle School. This will be the start of my 23rd year as an educator. Previously, I taught 5th grade for ten years, 6th grade for twelve years and will finish out my career as the Tech Ed teacher. I am very excited for this opportunity and am looking forward to working in Matt's Maker Space. I have always had a genuine interest in technology and have incorporated it into all facets of my teaching throughout my career. With Matt's Maker Space, I am excited to work alongside my students doing experiential learning and allowing them the creativity to design, create and implement their ideas within this space.
Deana Amenta
My name is Deanna Amenta and I am a technology teacher at Mellon Middle School and have been there for 22 years. At the beginning of my career, I had the honor of teaching Matt. I am so excited to be a part of Matt's Maker Space to help kids in our community experience the benefits a maker space has to offer all while honoring the life of a special student of mine.
Albert Gallatin North and South Middle Schools Matt's Maker Spaces to Open August 29!
The spaces are coming along quickly. At South, teacher Justin Malik's classroom space is nearly complete. It has gone under a complete transformation! There are just a few more areas to set up in the maker space. Today, Justin and the team put the laser cutters through a test run and they are amazing! The kids are going to love creating with them.
At North, the staff is painting and preparing to unbox all of the materials. Everyone who has been involved has repeatedly said what a great space this is going to be for the kids.
These maker spaces will be used to teach the student valuable workforce development skills. Many of these students will not go on to college but instead to the trades and this equipment will provide valuable and much-needed training. We cannot wait to welcome Justin and all the Gallatin teachers to our Matt's Maker Space family.
Learn more about the Albert Gallatin School District here.
The Neighborhood Academy will open soon!
The Neighborhood Academy is a truly exceptional learning community that values character development, the self-respect that comes through hard work, academic achievement, and responsibility to and for the community. Their students learn to think well, write well, and speak well, all with an eye to a future when they will live well. The results of their commitment are simply extraordinary — 100% of their seniors are accepted to college, and an average of 75% graduate from college in five years or less (well above the national average)!
We are so excited to open a Matt's Maker Space at this amazing school. Stay tuned for details on the opening which we expect to be in the fall.
To learn more about this amazing school, check out their website.
The Annual Board Meeting of Matt's Maker Space, Inc. will be held at one of our amazing partners, The Education Partnership, on Tuesday, August 23 at 5:30 pm.
All board members should try to attend and RSVP at the link below.
We recently received a generous donation from realtor Cindy Rack. Cindy is an excellent saleswoman and if you are ever in the need for real estate services, you can email her at Cindy@Cindyrack.com.
Through our generous donors and grants, we have been able to provide spaces and opportunities for children. If you know of any grants or would like to make a tax deductible donation please click on the links to the right. All funding goes to supporting our STEAM learning spaces or programming in our Matt's Maker Spaces.
There is interest to hold a Maker Educator Bootcamp in the Fall.
Participate in hands-on making, engage with other educators and explore The Children's Museum of Pittsburgh's MAKESHOP.
Whether you are an experienced educator, maker expert, new to teaching/makerspaces or anywhere in between, this professional development experience will offer insight into the people, processes, tools and materials necessary to cultivate maker-centered learning for any space, formal or informal
If you are interested in attending, visit the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh's website or email Noelle at noelleconover@gmail.com.
Free Field Trip and Learning Experience
Fun, unique science-based opportunity for students!
Wednesday, September 14, 2002
Grades 2 - 8
9 AM - 1:30 PM
Downtown Pittsburgh