Collage of photos from Nevada Day 2023 in Carson City Nevada.

Highlights from Nevada Day celebration in Carson City on Saturday, October 28, 2023. Editorial photography for

Hello M.C.,

Happy Nevada Day! Yes, as a shamelessly proud native, I am a bit of a stickler for the detail that October 31 is technically Nevada's birthday. It was celebrated as such until the observation date was changed twenty three years ago.

In 2000 the Nevada Legislature designated celebration of the holiday to take place on the last Friday in October, hoping a three-day weekend would generate more interest. Judging by the crowds this last Saturday, I'd call that a roaring success.

Celebrations like this one remain a slice of pure Americana that is grounded in the uniqueness of place. From the hours-long parade to the chili cook-off and beard contests; to the world championship single jack drilling competition; Nevada Day celebration will forever be one of my favorite days of the year.

If you live in (certainly northern) Nevada and haven't ever been, I may posit that you have yet to earn status as a true citizen of the silver state. Mark your calendar now for October 26, 2024. You won't regret it!

I have some thoughts about why hometown parades like this one still matter, click the link below to read the latest blog post.



Mary Claire BouchΓ©r

Principal / Founder

Read Why Hometown Parades Still Matter

Made In Nevada

Did you know that MCBCreative, Inc. is certified by Made In Nevada?

Made in Nevada is a statewide, collective-marketing organization that connects, promotes and supports Battle Born businesses of all shapes and sizes. A year-round, nonstop celebration of all-things Nevada Business.

Our business depends upon the success of other Nevada businesses, so it is a perfect fit!



Client Spotlight:

This Is Reno

This Is Reno is an online source for daily, award-winning news and events for Reno, Sparks, the Truckee Meadows and beyond. They were founded in 2009 and are locally owned and operated. They deliver local, independently produced news about Reno for the people of Reno.

MCBCreative provides marketing consulting services, branded collateral development, ad sales execution, and editorial photography for This Is Reno. The photos shared in the collage above were all taking on-location at Nevada Day for This Is Reno.

We are pleased to support the passionate team at This Is Reno and to help promote local, independent journalism in Northern Nevada.

Schellraiser Music Fest June 2023

Above: Bob Conrad, publisher of This Is Reno and M.C. Boucher of MCBCreative teamed to cover Schellraiser Music Festival 2023. Below: Bob Conrad live streaming Reno Pride 2023 for This Is Reno.


Curiosity Corner

The 36th state joined the union on October 31, 1864, The Constitution of Nevada was sent via telegraph to the United States Congress. It took a telegrapher seven hours to send. The transcription was 175 pages with a final word count of 16,543. It remains the longest transcription of a telegram in the holdings of the National Archives in Washington, DC.

The cost of the transmission was $4,313.27β€”or $84,559.05 in today’s dollars.

View the Transcript Here
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