The Latest News From Canada's Worker Co-op Sector
February 2021 Volume 13 Issue 2
In This Issue

  • Report from the Executive Director, by Hazel Corcoran
  • Worker Co-ops Benefit From Technical Assistance Grants
  • Worker Co-ops Offer Advice on Surviving Common Struggles, by Kenzie Love
  • Co-op Development Grant Program Now Open
  • Welcome Back, CWCF Members
  • Island Flower Growers Co-operative Succeeds Amidst Difficult Times, by Kenzie Love
  • New Board Member Profile: Jared Blustein, by Kenzie Love
  • New Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen, by Kenzie Love
  • What's New on CWCF's Social Media
  • Big Thinking on the Hill: How Black Diaspora Women Lead Solidarity Economics, by Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein
  • Infolettre Janvier 2021 du Réseau COOP
  • Nouvelle directrice générale à la Coop Promo Plastik

Report from the Executive Director

By Hazel Corcoran
As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope that CWCF members and our other readers are doing okay or at least finding ways to cope with the challenges.

Worker Co-ops Benefit From Technical Assistance Grants
Recent recipients of the grants have put them to use in a wide range of areas, with developers assisting on everything from accounting and bookkeeping to helping draft bylaws.

Worker Co-ops Offer Advice on Surviving Common Struggles

By Kenzie Love
The wisdom CWCF’s members have gleaned from their experience is hard to fit into a single article. But here’s a sampling of the advice some would offer.

Co-op Development Grant Program Now Open
Applications to The Co-operators' Co-op Development Program this year are due March 31, with projects focusing on social wellness, inclusive economy, and environmental prosperity receiving special attention.
Welcome Back CWCF Members
CWCF is pleased to welcome back three newly returning CWCF members: Viridian Energy Co-op of Duncan, BC; Victory Gardens of Vancouver; and Together We're Bitter Co-operative Brewing of Kitchener.
Island Flower Growers Co-operative Succeeds Amidst Difficult Times

By Kenzie Love
Although the pandemic forced the group of small-scale Vancouver Island flower farmers to change plans, they were up to the challenge.

New Board Member Profile: Jared Blustein

By Kenzie Love
Jared Blustein of Calgary's The Allium Restaurant brings to CWCF's board a wealth of co-op experience and a commitment to the movement's values.

New Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen

By Kenzie Love
Sandra Allen appreciates the broader perspective on Canada's worker co-ops she gets serving on CWCF's board and wants to help spread the word about CWCF's good work.

What's New on CWCF's Social Media
As you can see, Bernie Sanders is a YUUUGE supporter of worker coops, and he often frequents our members! Check out the other worker co-ops he visited in addition to Calgary's The Allium and if you're not already following us on Instagram and Facebook, be sure to do so now for lots more great content!
Big Thinking on the Hill With Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein
Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein will speak on how Black diaspora women, known as Banker Ladies, lead solidarity economics through a form of mutual aid called Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs). Taking place March 9 at 12 p.m. ET.

Infolettre Janvier 2021 du Réseau COOP
Nouvelle directrice générale à la Coop Promo Plastik
Au plus fort de la pandémie, la direction de la production est devenue vacante. Puis le directeur général a quitté l’entreprise. Le conseil d’administration a alors demandé à la jeune femme de prendre la tête de Promo Plastik. Qui, moi ?

The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada. Please send any comments and suggestions, or news about your co-op, to:  

Kenzie Love
Editor of CWCF Newsletter 
(403) 276-8250 
CWCF | 104 402 30 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 2E3 | 403-276-8250 |