Hopeful Advent, fellow Gregorians!
In this newsletter you can read the brief autobiographies of five members of St. Gregory the Great who answered the call to serve on our Vestry for 2022-2025. At our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 23, 2022, you’ll have the opportunity to vote for this slate of nominees: Stacie Court, Gail Eilers, Lane Norton, Maggie Reinberger, and Mark Richardson. Please join our current Vestry in congratulating these five people and in thanking them for their willingness to serve.
Also please congratulate and thank Kelly Black and Julie Worley for their service as Vestry members, Kelly, since 2019, during which time he has been our Junior Warden, and Julie since 2020, fulfilling the term of a member who had to withdraw from the Vestry for family reasons. Both Kelly and Julie are rotating off the Vestry after our Annual Meeting in January.
St. Gregory the Great’s fiscal year ends December 31; our new fiscal year begins on January 1, 2022. Because of the gap between our pledged revenue for 2022 and our fixed expenses, the Finance Committee--of which I’m a member, as mandated in our By Laws--is unable to formulate a 2022 budget.
Without more pledges, our only alternative is to cut programming (that is, Local Outreach, Music, Parish Life, Pastoral Care, Spiritual Formation, and Children and Youth) and cut or furlough staff, difficult steps that would be hard to undo.
If you’re a regular contributor to St. Gregory the Great, but you don’t officially pledge, then we can’t know what your contribution will be in 2022, so we can’t use your contribution to plan for the church’s ministries and to formulate our budget.
If you just haven’t gotten around to completing a pledge card, you can find one on the table in the narthex with the masks and pencils and little sign-in sheets for COVID contact-tracing; or if you’re not attending church in person, you can send Kendall Kookogey, our Parish Administrator, an email (office@stgregoryathens.org) stating your pledge for 2022. By the way, only Kendall knows who pledges and how much they pledge.
If you’re unable to pledge, my appeal is not intended for you. All of our members are loved and appreciated by God and our church, regardless of whether they pledge.
To those of you who have submitted your pledges for next year already, thank you, thank you. You will be receiving our written acknowledgment and thanks, as well.
Blessings and grace and peace to you and yours this Advent season,
Jane Hudson
Senior Warden
Christmas at St. Gregory's
Friday, December 24
5PM Children’s Pageant & Holy Eucharist
9:30PM Music Prelude
10PM Festival Eucharist & Choir
Saturday, December 25
10AM Holy Eucharist & Carols
Sunday, December 26
10AM Holy Eucharist *
Sunday, January 2
8AM Holy Eucharist
10:30AM Holy Eucharist
* please note a change in the time for this service. It has been changed from 9AM to 10AM
The vestry nominating committee is happy to announce the slate of proposed new members for the Vestry 2022-2024. They are Gail Eilers, Mark Richardson, Maggie Reinberger, Lane Norton, and Stacie Court. Congratulations to all, and thank you for your willingness to serve on the Vestry!
Below are each of their bios, so the whole congregation can become better acquainted with them. This slate will be voted on in the January Annual Meeting. Please congratulate them when you see them.
Jane Hudson, Senior Warden
Gail Eilers
I am from Jacksonville, Florida, where I raised a family, worked in public education for 30 years, and was a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. After my husband passed away in 2018, I moved to Watkinsville to be near my daughter and my three grandchildren.
Immediately after my move, I found St. Gregory the Great! I was immediately impressed by your informality, consistent emphasis on service and genuine welcome to all. Just two Sundays after I arrived, Mother Nikki became our new rector. Her relentless message of God’s love for us reminds me over and over again that I am truly home here. During the last three years, I have served on the Outreach and Parish Life Committees and had begun volunteering as an usher when the pandemic hit.
This horrible pandemic has taught and re-taught me several important lessons. Primary among them is the realization – again and again – of how amazingly blessed and privileged my life is and has been. More importantly, I feel, more than ever, the calling to give back to those in need. I believe St. Gregory’s is the perfect vehicle for me to do that.
I am a lousy cook, and I am not creative. However, I am a hard and willing worker, a fairly fast learner, and am honored by this opportunity to serve on your vestry.
Mark Richardson
Mark Richardson is a retired writing teacher. He was born in Rochester, New York and attended Colgate University and Emory University. He has taught in colleges in Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina. He is married to Ellen Richardson, formerly a family practice and palliative care physician and latterly an Episcopal priest. They have two children, Will and Owen, and three grandchildren, Reese, Walker and Ford.
Maggie Reinberger
I was born into the Episcopal Church, starting my life in upstate New York, then moving through Maryland and Philadelphia, then to Athens, GA. I received my BA from Cornell University, where I studied history and dance, then I returned to Cornell when I married Mark Reinberger, who got his PhD there. At age 30 I went back to school to become a physical therapist. Being a physical therapist has allowed me to meet many people, from many backgrounds, and with different problems. Mark and I have two adult daughters, Kristen and Katie.
I consider myself lucky that I was involved in the Episcopal Church as a teenager in the 1970s, when there was an exploration of new ideas. I believe supporting young people in their growth is a vital role of the church. Since joining St. Gregory’s 21 years ago, I have worked with the youth, served on vestry, and served as co-chair of the Pastoral Care committee. I have also acolyted, something I was not allowed as a girl. I have observed the church evolve in many ways over the years to be a much more inclusive community. The recently completed Sacred Ground course has given me even more to think about.
Lane Norton
After a gypsy-like childhood of following my parents around the world and the country, I have called Athens my home for the past 50 years. I have been an active member of St. Gregory’s for the past 11. Prior to my membership here, I attended Emmanuel Episcopal church for 30-plus years. My long association with the Episcopal church began with my four years at the University of the South, Sewanee TN. That experience fostered in me my life long love of liturgy, choral singing, and my husband of 45 years, Jim Norton.
When my father, a veteran of Korea and Viet Nam, retired from a 20 year career in the Army, my family settled in Athens to be near relatives in northeast Georgia. Both of my parents became active members at Emmanuel serving on the vestry and taking and mentoring EFM. I finished my last 2 years of high school at Clarke Central and headed for Sewanee.
My husband and I came to live in Athens after marrying. We opened “The Hobby Horse ”, a craft and hobby store in downtown Athens, for 5 years. Our only child, Sarah, was born in 1981. We bought Homeplace Gifts and Toys in Five Points in 1982 and ran it jointly for 33 years.
As our daughter grew up and moved on, I began a series of searchings that included graduating from Education for Ministry and co-mentoring a group for 2 years. In the past 10 years I have been certified as a facilitator of Christian Dreamwork, and as a labyrinth facilitator.
At St. Gregory’s I have facilitated a weekly dream group for the past 10 years. I participate in the Flower Guild, the choir, the bread ministry, and have had custody and care of the church’s canvas labyrinth.
My husband returned to UGA in 2004 to earn an MFA in jewelry and metal smithing. When he is not making jewelry he travels all over the East coast selling his wares at Craft Festivals. I joined him at several craft schools taking classes in needle arts and doll making while he pursued his metal arts. Occasionally, we exhibit together.
Our daughter earned her PhD in Depth Psychology in 2020. She is married and lives with her husband of 15 years, Ryan, in northern Virginia.
I am a 6 year survivor of breast cancer and spent a year of my life in rehabilitation from a brain aneurysm that left me comatose for 2 months in 2013.
I look forward to bringing what gifts I have been given to the church as a new vestry member.
Stacie Court
I was raised by gypsies and wolves, as a secular Catholic; I think we went to church about eight times while I was growing up. As an adult, I became the white sheep of the family, becoming very active with the Catholic Church in Savannah. I was involved in music ministry at several churches, as well as children’s and youth ministries. After becoming a professional musician, I began teaching private voice, directing church and community choirs, teaching K-8 music at multiple parochial schools, and I also worked in music ministry for other faiths as well, including the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches in the area.
David and I moved to Athens in 2007, and I converted and joined St. Gregory the Great over Christmas 2016. Since joining St. Gregory, besides my activities with the music ministry, I have served (not all at once!) in the music ministry; the card ministry; the counting ministry; the parish life committee; and the stewardship committee. I have also enjoyed being active with the movie nights, the food bank ministry, the lectionary group, and the book group when time allows. Communication is very important to me; I believe most of the world’s problems stem from communication problems. During COVID I started a weekly online chat group open to all women of the parish where we talk about everything from topics of faith to how to get vaccinated and even about tv shows we’re streaming.
In my free time, I am also involved with multiple singing groups around Athens and am an active member of the Athens Lions Club. I recently left my longtime day job as a nonprofit director and am now focusing on my private voice studio, which I have maintained for more than 25 years. I am married to my very best friend, David Court (aka The Free Range Minstrel), and have the best children and in-laws in the world, Joe and Sarah O’Connor of Arlington, Virginia; and Rachel O’Connor and Andy Quick of Bloomington, Indiana.
A reminder we are going LIVE this Sunday, December 19 @ 10:30AM!
- Just go to the St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:
If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before 10:30) keep refreshing it. To ‘refresh’ go up to the top of your screen and on the left or right of the web address you will see this image (little curvy arrow to the right -->). Click on it to ‘refresh.’
When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it.
Welcome to worship!
Adult Spiritual Formation Advent Program - Last Day!
This Advent season you are invited to join us in an Adult Spiritual Formation program of reflection on what the past two years have been like for us and our own Beloved Community at St. Gregory’s. Life has changed for each and all of us, and we hope that by offering some time together with selected Psalms and poems, readings from the Book of Lamentations, and a selection of traditional Spirituals, we will be inspired to embark on some honest conversation about our sadness, our anger and our hope for what lies ahead.
We will meet for one final session this Sunday, Dec. 19 from 9:15 to 10:15. There will be water and coffee available and feel free to bring along your breakfast or a snack as you need or desire.
As per St. Gregory’s current protocols, masks will be required by all participants.
Children's Christmas Pageant
This Sunday, December 19, the children will rehearse for the Christmas Pageant from 9:15am - 10:15am and then again after the 10:30 service (quick lunch provided)! Participants do not have to attend every practice or memorize any lines, but participating more helps them feel more relaxed and confident. Please contact Catherine Drewry to sign up or assist: 706-201-7241 cbdrewry@gmail.com
For those who have already pledged this year, thank you for your generosity. For those who are intending to pledge, no worries, there’s still time. For those who cannot pledge money at this time due to financial constraints, always remember God loves us, from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes, whether we give or don’t give.
Here is the pledge summary for years 2020 – 2022, updated every week as pledges come in!
Additional pledge revenue required to fund the
Strategic Visioning* Budget, = $102,561
Total revenue required to fund the Strategic Visioning Budget = $469,165
Projected all other Revenue = $39,000
(Loose Plate, Non-Pledge Trend, Other, & Building Use)
Total pledge required to fund Strategic Visioning Budget = $430,165
Calculation: $469,165 - $39,000 = $430,165
Total additional pledge required calculation: $430,165 - $327,604 = $102,561
The Strategic Visioning Budget includes the items listed below.
- Funding to pay for a person to operate the live streaming equipment
- Funding to pay a youth minister
- Fund the youth program ministry
- A 5.9% cost of living increase for all employees (they did not receive one last year)
- Increase the Local Outreach budget from $7,000 to $12,240 as requested.
- Increase other parish program budgets (many of which were cut in 2020) to meet the Strategic Visioning Plan.
*The Strategic Visioning Plan, also referred to as “Nourish, Grow, Go” comes directly from what we as a parish heard God dream for us at the parish-wide listening sessions in 2019. The Strategic Visioning/Nourish, Grow, Go Plan can be found on our website at Nourish, Grow, Go! — St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
children all
each day shorter
with longer night
as we await
the coming light
to wake us from
to help those who
are not yet free
from fear or doubt
or arrogance
for their present
bourn circumstance
to love each one
with dignity
to bring us all
to unity
alice mohor
Sunday December 19
A reminder that this Sunday, Dec. 19, the children will be in the sanctuary at 9:15 for pageant rehearsal; the choir will be in Parish Hall; the Believer's Band will be in the Children's Chapel, and the Advent Spiritual Formation Class will be in the nursery.
Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:
Sunday yoga ! for fall (Aug-Dec), via Zoom, 4:00pm, 30-45 minutes. Chair Yoga taught on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Anna Hiers (aldhiers@gmail.com) for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97745366532 Meeting ID: 977 4536 6532 Passcode: 3195
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
** Threads of Prayer will meet back up on the 3rd Tuesday in January! Threads of Prayer, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 1PM. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
** group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: