From Your Session
On Wednesday, August 16, the session met for their monthly stated meeting. There was a retreat/training held with elders, deacons, staff, and chairpersons. They viewed a TED talk called "Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe" and read an excerpt from The Agile Church (a book they'll be reading over the next year). A lively discussion and ideas were then shared. The elders moved into executive session after the training and adjourned at 8:30.
Sandy McLean, Clerk
NEW INFO re: Photo Directory! The last day to sign up in person is this Sunday, 8/20, or sign up online (click here to sign up and here for an instructional video). Sunday, September 17 has been added as an additional day. Anyone who is unable to attend one of the photo sessions is welcome to submit their own photo to the following address: with names of everyone pictured and the word "photo" in the subject line. Photos should be taken indoors with a neutral background if possible. Please know that even if you prefer not to have a photo in the directory, your information will still be printed! Also, we are looking for photographers who might want to donate an hour or two. For any questions, please contact Katie Nelson, 503-580-5631, or the church office.
Plan to attend the Family BBQ & Potluck on Tuesday, August 29, at 6 pm. Burgers and dogs (with vegetarian options) will be provided, along with games for the kids. Last name A-M bring a dessert, N-Z bring a side or salad. Everyone welcome to this end-of-summer time of relaxation and connection!
The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30am is wrapping up its summer schedule with one last interesting topic. The studies are open to everyone--feel free to drop in any week!
8/22: Jeffrey Larkin's dissertation presentation
8/29 & 9/5: Off
9/12: Narrative Lectionary year 2 begins
Save the Date
September 25: Red Cross Blood Drive
October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival