Volume 3, Issue 1 | October 3, 2020
Hello everyone,

Now is the time to stay vigilant in our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Public health data has shown a slight uptick in infections. Let's do our part as individuals to keep our community healthy and safe. Please follow the guidelines. Remember to social distance and to use a mask when leaving your homes.

We continue to work remotely and our office is fully operational. Please reach out with any questions or concerns through the main office number, 617-722-2320, or my email, Stay healthy and safe!

Very truly yours, Joan Meschino
Ocean Advisory Commission Meeting
Rep. Meschino participated in the Ocean Advisory Commission meeting this week. Under the MA Oceans Act, the Massachusetts Oceans Management Plan is reviewed and updated every 5 years. The OAC heard a progress briefing. You can access the 2015 plan here.

New updates will include recommendations on aquaculture, offshore wind, seafloor sand extraction, cable laying, and municipal waste discharge. More to follow!
Listening Session Highlights Green Recovery
On Wednesday morning, the House's Green Recovery Task Force continued its ongoing listening sessions with organizations that are part of the Massachusetts green economy and have been impacted by the pandemic. Rep. Meschino is one of the task force members who heard informative presentations from the McDonald's sustainability team on the impacts of COVID-19 on their ongoing environmental and workforce development efforts, as well as NECEC members focused on the opportunities for recovery and progress in the building and solar development industries. Getting these "on the ground" perspectives is essential to understanding how COVID-19 has impacted this critical Massachusetts sector and how we can move forward toward a "new normal" that meets our climate, energy, workforce, and environmental justice goals.
Representative Meschino Reiterates Importance of Mitigation and Environmental Justice in Public Transportation
Representative Meschino Reiterates Importance of...

(BOSTON) - When it comes to resilience in the face of the climate crisis, Representative Meschino's (D-Hull) focus is forward, stressing the importance of public health and environmental justice as a lens for transportation policy. Internal...

Read more
Phase III, Step II Begins Monday, October 5th
On Tuesday, the Baker-Polito Administration released Phase III, Step II guidelines for lower risk communities to reopen one stage further beginning October 5th. Effective Monday, a limited number of sectors will be eligible to reopen with the following restrictions:
  • Indoor performance venues will be permitted to open with 50% capacity with a maximum of 250 people. 
  • Outdoor performance venue capacity will increase to 50% with a max of 250 people.
  • For arcades and indoor and outdoor recreation businesses, additional Step II activities like trampolines, obstacle courses, roller rinks and laser tag will also be permitted to open and capacity will increase to 50%.
  • Fitting rooms will be permitted to open in all types of retail stores.  
  • Gyms, museums, libraries and driving and flight schools will also be permitted to increase their capacity to 50%.

In addition, the Governor issued a revised gatherings order, which includes the following:
  • The limit for indoor gatherings remains at a maximum of 25 people for all communities.
  • Outdoor gatherings at private residences and in private backyards will remain at a maximum of 50 people for all communities.
  • Outdoor gatherings at event venues and in public settings will have a limit of 50 people in Step I communities, and a limit of 100 people in lower risk, Step II communities.

You can learn more from the Governor's press release.
Free Narcan Training Offered by Safe Harbor Cohasset and Manet CHC
Next Monday, Safe Harbor Cohasset and Manet Community Health Center are offering a free, virtual Narcan training. Attendees will learn how to respond to a life-threatening opioid overdose, including how to administer Narcan. Free Narcan kits will also be distributed, post-training, to those in need. It will be held on 10/5 at 6:30 PM. Use the following Zoom information to attend: & Meeting ID: 987 8598 4972.
CMI's Annual Cox'n/Coach Appreciation Night
The Cohasset Maritime Institute (CMI) held its annual Cox'n/Coach Appreciation Night this past Tuesday to thank the coaches of its rowing team. A night of celebration, the event was particularly inspiring for the success of the program even during the pandemic. Way to go, CMI! You get my "Spirit" award!
Weekly Office Hours - Virtual

We continue to hold office hours via Zoom! Please call the office at 617-722-2320 or email to reserve a time slot:

  • Monday, October 5, 4-5 PM
  • Tuesday, October 13, 4-5 PM
  • Monday, October 19, 4-5 PM
  • Monday, October 26, 4-5 PM

To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.
Important Links and Resources
  • Massachusetts residents can seek COVID-19 testing through the Stop the Spread Initiative which provides free testing in high-priority locations.

  • Health professionals can sign up to volunteer in the COVID-19 response at

  • The Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund. Learn more here.

  • SafeLink 24/7 Crisis Hotline for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: 877-785-2020.

Stay Informed
Visit your town websites to learn the most recent information, local services, and guidance from our municipal officials.

State Resources

Federal Resources
Constituent Questions | 617-722-2320 | Office Contact Information
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