Happy Holidays!
Photo by Nicole Michalou from Pexels
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” –Hamilton Wright Mabi
Happy Holidays, from the WIN Network team

As we round the corner to the end of the year, we invite you to take time to yourself. This year, while productive, has been draining. In the business of equity, empathy is a tool of the trade but empathy without self care can be destructive. We cannot look after others if we do not look out for ourselves.

We also hope that, no matter what you celebrate, your holiday season is restful, reinvigorating, and relaxing. May this time of year remind you of what the business of equity is all about: love, joy, and perseverance.

Happy Holidays, from our family to yours.
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
Celebrating Inclusively
Did you know that the United States federally recognizes 10 different holidays during the month of December?

Here's a guide from the YMCA on celebrating some of the lesser known Winter holidays.
Celebrating Safely
With the Omicron Variant spiking COVID-19 cases, the need to celebrate safely is more important than ever. This article from Health Matters helps give some tips on how to celebrate the holidays safely.
Artwork to Build Equity
José y Maria by Everett Patterson
José y Maria
One of the most commonly celebrated December holidays is Christmas, however the meaning of this story often is muddled and lost.

This piece of artwork reminds us that the story of Joseph and Mary is the story of two refugees escaping persecution, the story of a teenage mother trying to do the best for her future child.

This artwork begs the question, would Joseph and Mary be given the same treatment if they were escaping persecution today?
Resources to Create Equity
Experiencing a mental health crisis can feel like you’ve been left to fend for yourself.

That’s why we’re teaming up with mental health non-profit Inseparable and Fountain House to launch A Better Response — a national campaign to advocate for the Behavioral Health Crisis Services Expansion Act (S. 1902 / HR 5611) that will strengthen and expand our country’s mental health crisis response system. 

It's time for everyone in America to have access to safe, effective, and compassionate crisis response — watch the campaign’s new video about A Better Response, then share it with your networks. Let’s start a meaningful conversation about crisis care. 
It's important for the well-being of your employees to feel comfortable and safe celebrating this time of year however they see fit.

This resource guide will ensure your organization is prepared to include every holiday in your Winter celebrations.
Bright Spots
Child Mortality Drops
According to the WHO, the world has seen a 59% decrease in child mortality since 1990. To read more about this incredible discovery and the factors affecting this number, you can click below.