Fully Engaged January 2022
Quarterly Newsletter

(320) 258-7611
Fully Engaged Website Updates
When launching the new website, one item was postponed to implement due to the significant amount of time for the programing. On the front page of the Couple's Results, the percentages and graph of agreement is currently not part of the printout at this time. It will be added in the near future.
Tutorials for Navigating the new Website
A list of tutorials are available on the homepage of the Fully Engaged Website.

Under the main banner, scroll down to "About us" and the link will direct you to the a list of tutorials.

Or, click here to access the links.
Sending results to an alternate email
Once the inventory has been completed, you may download a PDF in English or Spanish, or send the results to an alternate email address. Type in the email address you would like to receive the results (a mentor couple, another pastor or deacon) and click on "Update Results Email" and the email with the results will be sent.

NOTE: We highly discourage the engaged couple to receive their results. The results are a tool for facilitators to guide the couple's discussion.
Tip for manually entering an Inventory
If you are manually entering the couple's information, in the Couple Profile, make sure you are filling in all the boxes. Especially when entering the years and months of dating information, both boxes need a number in them. If there is missing information, you will not be able to enter the couple's responses.
New Training Manual

New Training Manual and PowerPoint Slides are now available in both English and Bilingual. Below are highlights of the changes on the PowerPoint slides and Training Manual content.

  • New website
  • Shorter section on Scoring/and Couple’s Workbook distribution
  • Chastity Pledge with discussion
  • Sacrament of Marriage Section (with a whole new area of interaction)
  • Discussion on the Pledge on Troubled times
  • Catholic Identity Supplement
  • Greater emphasis on Homework assignments
  • New resource section on the website
  • Reemphasis of NFP and where the opportunities are to learn more
  • A more defined structure to the discussion on the Intentions
  • Additional focus on after the wedding
  • Some new optional areas for training, including a demonstration of using the materials, ecumenical marriage, and Sacrament of Marriage sections.
  • What a Mentor Couple should discuss with their pastor as they begin this ministry.
Along with this, a re-ordering of most of the slides, walking through the program by sections using the videos and group discussion along with the statements to make it clearer and more succinct.

Cost for Training Manual is $25 for English and $30 for Bilingual. To order, login to your parish account or email or call (320) 258-7611.

Train the Trainer Webinar: Saturday, February 5th

With the revision of the Training Manual and PowerPoint Slides, we are offering a webinar to review these changes and discuss ways to enhance the training experience. You will need the new training manual which includes the new PowerPoint slides. If you wish to be part of this webinar training or have any questions about the training, please contact Chris at or (320) 250-9778 by February 1st.
New Resources for Facilitators
On our new website, we have developed a more in-depth list of resources by topical areas. To access these resources, click on Facilitators in the upper right hand corner of the Home page of the website, then click on Facilitator Resources.

This will give you access to archived Newsletters, supplements and brochures. It will also give you a list of topical areas that include links to Videos, Handouts, Articles, etc. in English and Spanish.

If you have a resource that you use and feel it would be helpful to others, please send me the link. I will review and add it to our list. Email me at
All Couple's Workbooks
In our most recent printing of the 4 sets of Couple's Workbooks (English Premarital, Spanish Premarital, English Convalidation and Spanish Convalidation) the bookmark for homework assignments has been added to the inside back cover. When ordering new materials, you will no longer need to order the bookmark separately.

In adding the extra page, the page numbers for the Reflection Questions in the Workbooks may be a page before or after. We are in process of up-dating the Facilitator Guide pages to correct these changes and add some new and exciting details as well. The new pages will be available by February 2022.
Fully Engaged Training Opportunities
for New Mentor Couples
Fully Engaged Pre-Marital & Convalidation Inventories are offering New Facilitator Webinar Trainings via Zoom. The following options are available: 

  • English: Saturday, January 15, 2022 - 10 am to 4pm EST.
  • Spanish: Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 10 am to 4 pm EST.
The cost for the webinar is $25 per couple which includes the couple taking the pre-marital inventory and receiving the results. Each couple will need a Pre-Marital Preview Package which is $45 plus shipping and handling. To register, click here or call Jill at (320) 258-7611 or email her at Please register at least 10 days prior to the class.
The revised pre-recorded training videos will be available on a flash drive in an MP4 format in both English by Feb 1st. A Spanish version is currently available. The cost is $25 each.
“The Catholic Church keeps looking at the falling away of youth as the problem that needs to be solved, but the only way to solve that problem is to strengthen marriage,” says J.P. De Gance. “The collapse of faith among youth is the smoke, but the fire is the collapse of marriage itself.” Read more.
Pastoral Framework for Marriage and Family Life
The USCCB's newest pastoral framework will assist dioceses as local pastoral planning and implementation continue to take place since the publication of Amoris Laetitia. "Called to the Joy of Love" provides guidelines for the pastoral accompaniment of married couples and families in every phase of life, drawing upon the teachings and recommendations contained in the apostolic exhortation.
Thank you for your commitment to forming couples for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Chris Codden – Director, Fully Engaged
                                                          Jill Svihel – Coordinator, Fully Engaged

Dawn Gohmann—Clerical Support, Fully Engaged
(320) 258-7617