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Scenic City Fishing Charters
November 29, 2023 Newsletter  
Sorry, as if you haven't been overwhelmed with Christmas shopping advertisements already, here is another one. But HOPEFULLY, this one strikes your fancy more than new socks or a toaster oven. Give your friends or family the gift of day on the water with one of our Scenic City Fishing Charters Guides. Or, forward this Newsletter to someone as a "Hint" for your own Christmas gift.

Scenic City Fishing Gift Certificates are good for one year. That means if you buy one for a Christmas present, the recipient can use it anytime before Dec. 25, 2024. We've tried to make the online buying process super easy and efficient. Just visit the Scenic City Fishing Gift Certificate Web Page and follow the instructions. Normally we'll have your certificate headed back your way via e-mail within 24 hours, or less. Capt. Richard Simms said, "I will never forget the Christmas morning when a woman called me in a panic, obviously having forgotten to buy someone a a present. But I delivered her Scenic City Fishing Gift Certificate to her Inbox within 10 minutes. I'd rather folks not make a habit of that, but I don't think I've ever felt more like Santa Claus." If you've got any questions not answered on the web page, e-mail Capt. Simms (Richard@ScenicCityFishing.com) or call him at 423-509-4655.
Meanwhile, in the current fishing world, Capt. Josh Antwine has been on an excellent crappie bite recently and he is occasionally mixing it up with smallmouth bass. But his upcoming dates are limited. He's open (at this writing) Dec. 2, Dec. 4, Dec. 6-7, Dec. 9 or Dec. 18.
In spite of the recent cold temperatures, bass fishing guides Capt. Ben Hayes and Capt. Chris Peters have been putting a LOT of great fish in the boat. We remember 30 years ago when NOBODY fished in the winter. But these days good anglers have learned where bass live 365 days a year! Capt. Hayes and Capt. Peters have plenty of open dates in December. And FYI, if your date turns out to be a really miserable winter weather day, we're always happy to reschedule and/or be quite lenient on our normal warm weather cancellation policy.
Our catfishing guides are either booked, or are taking some time off in December. But there are plenty of available dates beginning in January.
And repeating our last newsletter, Capt. Scott Lillie's available walleye fishing dates are dwindling. At this writing all of his available dates are booked up except for April and May. If you want a date to sample this incredibly unique fishery, BOOK NOW!
Last newsletter Capt. Simms was begging for advice on surf fishing before a trip to Panama City Beach. He didn't get it and true to form, his surf fishing was a bust. But he, along with family and friends, did have two fantastic trips with two different PCB guides, including Capt. Justin Leake, host of the popular Discovery Channel TV Show, Chasin' the Sun (pictured top left with Ed McCoy). A couple of photos here but you can see LOTS more and read all the details in this story Capt. Simms wrote. He highly recommends both of these guides. Capt. Simms was also invited to be a guest on the Panhandle Outdoors TV Show. You can watch it online here.
As always we will close with a selection of photos of our most recent clients. But please remember you can ALWAYS keep up with the latest news, information, photos, and fishing reports on the Scenic City Fishing Charters Facebook Page. Plus, almost every client photo from our guides' fishing trips are posted on our own Scenic City Fishing Charters Photo Gallery. In fact, we maintain at least FIVE YEARS (or more) of photos.

Capt. Simms is always happy for anyone to e-mail him for information, fishing reports or whatever else you may need to know to make your visit to Chattanooga more enjoyable - whether you are fishing with us or not.

And if you want to keep up with the other writings and ramblings of Capt. Simms, please follow his
Capt. Richard Simms
Scenic City Fishing Charters, Inc.
1037 Pickett Rd. (mailing address only)
Sale Creek, Tenn. 37373