Update on the check-in process!

Last Sunday we had a sign between the two check-in computers indicating parent/guardian info wasn't printing on name badges for kiddos AND we told you to dismiss the message to "Update emergency contact" for now. Well, it turns out they were connected. "Update emergency contact" should really read "Assign emergency contact." Once the contact is assigned, then their info prints on badges for kids 4th grade and younger. So, when you check in, if you see a yellow triangle and the message "Update emergency contact," like below, click on the words next to the yellow triangle to begin connecting a contact to your child.

A box like below will pop up and you will choose which parent should be contacted if needed.

*If you have more than one child in Sunday morning programs, be sure to save yourself some time and check the box at the bottom next to "Apply same emergency contact to all children" before clicking Save.*

Once you've done that, you are good to proceed with check-in as before.

Sunday School for grades PreK - 12th

We are so excited to be offering Sunday School classes again this year.

Our FAQ section below tries to answer all your questions;

if we missed yours, don't hesitate to email Nicole.

Q: When do kids head to Sunday School?

A: Kids will be dismissed to Sunday School after the second reading (or closest to 10:20 AM) so bring your family to worship and, at the Blessing of the Children time, shepherds (teachers and helpers) will bring kids to their classrooms. When you reconnect you can fill them in on the sermon while they fill you in on what they learned in class!

Q: Where and how do I sign in my kids?

A: NEW FOR THIS YEAR! We are asking all of our families with kids who will be part of Sunday morning programs (and visitors!) to sign in at one of two check-in stations (kiosks) before heading into worship. Below you see the left of the two check-in stations, under the TV, in the narthex.

Start by entering the first and last names of anyone in your family in the field as shown below.

All related family members will show up and each person will have an "event" listed - i.e. "Nursery" or "Sunday School Grades 3-4" or "Sunday School Grades 8-10" - listed under their name. A sample is shown below.

Click in the circle of the relevant event for each family member participating in a program to make the checkmark appear, as seen below.

Once you have clicked the events for all your family members, go to the bar at the bottom (see below) that says "Check in __ person(s)" and click it.

Once you've checked in your family members, you'll see a green box pop up to inform you that name tags have been sent to the connected printer.

Name tags will print for each person who has been checked in, as well as for parents/guardians, and will be printed, cut, and delivered by the connected printer.

Name tags for grades 5-12 will include the student's first name and the event for which they are registered.

Name tags for grades 4 and younger will include the student's first name, parent/guardian names and phone numbers, reported allergies, and the event for which they are registered, along with a randomly generated alphanumeric security code.

Labels for parents/guardians will include your students' events and the same randomly generated alphanumeric security code for teachers and class helpers to match up at pick-up.

Please be sure to apply name tags before students head to Sunday School. For kids who will be in the Nursery or PreK caregiving room (in comparison to the PreK-K Sunday School classroom, as we recognize some PreK kids aren't quite ready for a classroom setting), please check-in and apply name tags to your kiddo's back before taking them to the Nursery / PreK room on the first floor of the education wing.

Q: Who will be in my child's class and where will it be?

A: We have six different grade groups: PreK - K, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4, Grades 5-7, Grades 8-10, and Grades 11-12.

PreK through 7th grade classes are on the second floor of the education wing; grades 8-10 are on the first floor, and grades 11-12 are in the Youth Lounge.

Q: What will my child be learning?

A: All of our classes use the Follow Me curriculum developed by the Presbyterian Church (USA). You can read more about it here.

PreK - K will use the PreK curriculum. Grades 1-4 will use the Elementary curriculum. Grades 5-10 will use the Youth curriculum. Grades 11-12 will use the Adult curriculum.

Q: Will I get something that helps me know what my kid(s) learned that day so we can talk about it at home?

A: Absolutely! If you participated in Kids' Church last year, you should have received a "What We Focused On" sheet at pick-up. Teachers will be preparing those for each class this year. In an attempt to be good stewards and faithful to our Earth Care Congregation affiliation, we won't be printing paper copies. Instead, we will have a QR code posted in each classroom that links you to the lesson summaries folder for that grade. Simply find the folder for the correct month, open it, and find the document for the day. To offer it in one place, see below for all the QR codes.

Q: When and how do I pick up my kid?

A: Classes are designed to end at 11:00 to concur with the end of worship in the sanctuary and in the chapel. Grades 4 and younger are released to parents/guardians or other designated family members as noted on completed and submitted Child Info forms.

So our teachers and helpers might also participate in Social Hour, kids MUST be picked up when worship ends.

Grades 5-12 are free to leave class when it ends, unless otherwise noted on their Child Info forms.

Q: What happens in case of an emergency?

A: We have in place a robust emergency response plan, which has been taught to teachers, helpers, and superintendents. Additionally, there are Quick Sheets ready in each classroom for the below procedures. The ways we connect with you in a variety of scenarios are listed in brief are below. Each class will be introduced, in age-appropriate ways, to the emergency procedures on the first day of class and relaxed drills will be scheduled for each classroom, just as they do in their school settings.

Medical: We will come find you / contact you in medical events that require 911. We will only administer Epi-pens or inhalers as instructed by you on Child Info forms. For less urgent medical events like skinned knees or small cuts, we will tell you about it at pick-up.

Fire: We will evacuate to the Maple Avenue lot and, once you have checked in with the classroom teacher, your kid(s) will be released to you.

Severe Weather: In the event of severe weather, we will gather in Fellowship Hall, as will you.

Intruder/Active Threat: While we hope this will never, ever be a circumstance we experience, we are using the same Run-Hide-Fight protocol used in District 70 and have developed plans in cooperation with an Emergency Response Officer from Libertyville Police Department and the I Love U Guys Foundation, also utilized by District 70.

Unless teachers are absolutely confident of the location of the threat, in which case they will run to the narthex of St. Lawrence Episcopal Church, they will shelter in place. A number of security measures have been put in place to make sheltering in place an even safer option. The best hiding places, as identified by the Libertyville PD, are easily found under the following framed images (younger grades on top, older grades on bottom).

In the event that classes do evacuate to St. Lawrence, you will gather at the west end of the Church Street parking garage for more instructions on how to be reunified with your kid(s).


Nicole is very glad to talk through the full Emergency Response Plan in detail with you. Simply schedule some time with her.

Still need to register your kids

for programs this year?

Follow the link below to sign them up!

Sign Up