9 September 2020
In this issue:
PARISH EVENTS: Anglican Parish of Lloydtown
A NEW $100,000
Virtual & Video sermons available
If you wish to highlight your Parish's events in support of FaithWorks, please forward the details to faithworks@toronto.anglican.ca
Anglican Parish of Lloydtown celebrates 10 years of organizing the Schomberg Country Run

The 10th Annual Schomberg Country Run is being held September 16-26 to commemorate the late Rev. Sheilagh Ashworth, and her commitment to Indigenous issues.

Reverend Sheilagh was a very early voice in finding ways to help the people of Pikangikum, with the first Run in 2011. Over 9 years of Runs, more than $50,000 has been raised for the Pikangikum Water Project and to support local ministry which included Rev. Sheilagh's education and awareness projects. In 2019 it was announced that Pikangikum's needs were being well addressed.

Rev. Sheilagh led the Indigenous Unit in local elementary public schools; the students became so engaged that they sent letters to Pikangikum and raised funds with a bake sale. In 2018 Rev. Sheialgh led a hugely successful drive for Hockey Equipment to be shipped North.  Over the years she conducted the Blanket Exercise many times, and encouraged participation in ceremonies like smudging. She also connected wherever possible with First Nations residents both within and outside the Parish of Lloydtown.

One of Reverend Sheilagh's last wishes was that proceeds this year go to TUNM.
For more information about the Run, visit

Matching Challenge Grant

We are excited to announce that we have been offered a new matching challenge grant of $100,000 for new or increased donations. The challenge is only for parishes, not individuals. In other words, for every increased dollar a parish offers to FaithWorks over last years amount, this generous donor will match it with another dollar up to $100,000.
If a parish increases it's contribution to FaithWorks this year over 2019 by $1,000, it becomes $2,000. If a parish's increase is $5,000, it becomes $10,000. If a parish's increase is $10,000, it becomes $20,000, for those most vulnerable and struggling every day.

There are two ways for individuals to participate in this challenge and contribute to their parish's total.

1) An individual can make a donation directly to their parish designated for FaithWorks, as in the past.

2) To make online contributions easier the FaithWorks website has been modified to give credit to a parish for an individual's donation. Simply go to FaithWorks.ca and follow the instructions to put the parish's name in the Comments section when making a donation.


Virtual and Video Sermons available
We are only gathering virtually. The Director of Stewardship, Peter Misiaszek, and I would normally be visiting parishes in person to speak of FaithWorks. Why not virtually!!! If you would like one of us to speak to your parish during your online Sunday worship please contact FaithWork Speakers Bureau at fwspeakersbureau@toronto.anglican.ca

If you would like the pre-recorded video of my sermon promoting FaithWorks (11 minutes) or the 20th Anniversary of FaithWorks video
(2 minutes) for your Sunday morning services, please email me so that I can make them available to you.
Peter Mentis (he/him)
FaithWorks Campaign Manager

135 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
416-363-6021 ext. 242
1-800-668-8932 ext.242
We build healthy, missional Anglican communities that engage faithfully with the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that my office resides on the territory of sovereign Indigenous Nations, the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat. I acknowledge especially the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Toronto Treaties.