Monday, August 30, 2021
Important News for You
Census Data Shows Kitsap Growth
in Numbers and Diversity
Kitsap County has grown in population and become more diverse in the last decade.

Data released Aug. 12 by the U.S. Census Bureau from its decennial survey shows that the population of Kitsap County has increased by 9.7% in the past 10 years.

The county has also seen its racial and ethnic diversity grow. The percentage of those in Kitsap County identifying as white decreased by 0.5% since 2010 — significantly less than the national drop of 8.6%. The fastest-growing group in Kitsap is the Hispanic population, which has surged by 54.2% in the last decade. In Washington state, the white population has dropped by 1.3%.

Chamber News
Check out and like the
August Luncheon Enjoys Gorst Coalition Updates
If you missed last week's August luncheon with guest speakers Senator Emily Randall and Tim Thompson, you can still watch the replay now. As two leaders of the Gorst Coalition, Senator Randall and Tim shared the latest updates on where this project currently sits and what it could mean for Kitsap County.
Luncheon Welcome to Newest Members
Jeff Martin of Compass Legal Services with Membership Committee Chair, Amanda Smith.
Jake Abel of Chicago Title Company of Washington with Membership Committee Chair, Amanda Smith.
Have you answered our weekly
survey question yet?
Currently, what level of disruption is COVID-19
having on your business (including short or
long-term closure, supply chain disruptions
and reduced demand)?
Answer Below
No disruption
Some disruption
Significant disruption
Not applicable
The Silverdale Chamber is committed to learning how best we can engage and work for our business membership. Your participation in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! Please complete only one survey for your business each week.
Member News
New Chamber Member
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe Purchases Development Rights in Port Gamble
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and Rayonier announced the closing of the sale of a conservation easement for 18.4 acres on the former Pope & Talbot mill site in Port Gamble, Washington from Rayonier’s subsidiary Raydient. The conservation easement will restrict development and sets out the process for restoration and public access on portions of the former mill site. The funding for the acquisition came from the Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, and the Aquatic Lands and Enhancement Account, administered by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Welcome to Leadership Kitsap's Class of 2022
Kathleen Arndt, SERVPRO of Kitsap County
Vanessa Carlson, Kitsap County
José Castro, Kitsap Regional Library
Jennifer Chaussee, First Federal Bank
Ginny Duff, United Way of Kitsap County
Dustin Church, Catalyst Public Schools
KaeCee Coates, Kitsap County Sheriff’s
Office Corrections
Jennifer Collins, St. Michael Medical Center
Vera Druschke, Kitsap Community Resources
Miranda Fort, Trillium Employment Services
Wendy Fox, Olympic College
Kathy Garcia, Port of Bremerton
Galina Georgieva, Liberty Bank NW
Terri Gleich, Olympic College Foundation
Jené Grandmont, American Academy of
Family Physicians
Alex Hardy, Kitsap County Parks Department
Katie Ketterer, City of Bremerton
Sarah Knox, Kitsap Community Resources
Kjiersten McKinney, PSNS & IMF
Josh Miller, Kitsap County Deputy
Sheriff’s Guild
Irene Moyer, Silverdale Chamber of Commerce
Courtney Norwil, Command Navy Region NW
Kym Pleger, Kitsap County Public Works
Stormwater Division
Tyson Pothier, PSNS & IMF
Jay Reynolds, PSNS & IMF
Will Sapp, Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office
Rhiannon Sayles, Parametrix
Sandra Starnes, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Single Tickets for All Shows Available Now
Bremerton’s Admiral Theatre will now require proof of a Covid-19 vaccination for entry to all performances. Patrons unable to be fully vaccinated must provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours of performance (PCR test). Staff will check for proof of vaccination and negative COVID tests at the doors as a condition of entry. Patrons are required to wear masks at all times in the venue, except while actively eating and drinking in their seats. (click to read Thursday's announcement).

This policy is in effect immediately through December 2021. The Admiral Theatre staff will continue to monitor the situation in coordination with local and state health officials and will re-assess in October.
Discover your natural gifts to help you thrive in your work!
The Six Types of Working Genius is a model and an assessment tool that allows anyone—CEOs, teachers, factory supervisors, college students—to identify their gifts and limitations so they can maximize their satisfaction and success in any kind of work they do. In this 2 hour workshop, someone can radically alter their day-to-day job fulfillment or even their career direction.
The Workshop includes the Assessment which takes 10-15 minutes to complete, the 2 hour instruction on how the model works and how to implement it in your life.
Assessment & Zoom links will be sent out 1 week prior to the event. 
About the Trainer
Kristal Thomas, owner and CEO of the Bremerton Express Employment Professionals office, and certified trainer for The 6 Types of Working Genius and Infinite Possibilities.

Kristal enjoys working with small to medium sized business owners, managers and leaders to help them streamline their hiring process, reduce turnover, save money and reduce stress!
Member Spotlight
Oxford Suites
Perfectly positioned along the beautiful Dyes Inlet on the Kitsap Peninsula of Western Washington, the Oxford Suites Silverdale is a proud participant of the AHLA Safe Stay program and well-equipped to handle all of your travel needs, whether you're traveling for business or looking for a relaxing getaway. With 104 non-smoking suites and the Oxford Suites' signature complimentary amenities, Oxford Suites Silverdale is your home away from home. Within driving distance of SeaTac International Airport and only a one-hour ferry ride from the city, explore all of the fun the area has to offer. Closer to the hotel, enjoy Silverdale's famous Waterfront Park and the Clear Creek Trail system.
Oxford Suites Silverdale Washington Hotel

Phone: 360.698.9550 • Fax: 360.307.7223
Toll Free: 888.698.7848
Education Committee
Luncheon Raffle to Benefit
Chamber Scholarship Programs
The Chamber will be selling raffle tickets for basket and prize giveaways at each membership luncheon to benefit the many scholarship programs we support. Tickets can be purchased for $1 or 6 for $5.

If your business would like to support our scholarship programs with a giveaway for the raffle, please contact the Chamber here.

Thank you First Federal - Silverdale for donating this month's basket!
Member Education & Training Resources
Washington Hospitality Association:
What You Need to Know
Washington Retail Association:
Stay Informed of Top Safety Violations
Being informed on and knowing how to strengthen your workplace safety program can help prevent costly injuries and illnesses to your employees. In addition, it can save your business the cost of potential citation fines. 
Labor and Industries announces the ten most common citations they give out during their annual inspections. The following is their list of offenses for the most recent fiscal year, which includes all industries, except for construction and agriculture. After reading through these common safety issues, you might be able to determine if your company needs to make adjustments for the safety of your employees and your workplace in general. 
The top ten list includes:
1.     GHS/Haz Chemicals – lack of a program in place, employee training
2.     Accident Prevention Program – lack of or not current to business
3.     Safety Meetings – lack of meeting or proper documentation
4.     PPE – employee not wearing, employer not providing
5.     First Aid – lack of active cards holder on site, kit depleted of items
6.     Basic Electrical rules – panel blocked, unused punchouts not re-covered
7.     Portable fire extinguishers – lack of training
8.     Exit route – lack of map showing routes to exit in an emergency
9.     Respirators - Medical Evaluations – lack of paperwork
10.   Asbestos – exposed/not contained
The links above are provided for each type of rule violation for details of how to make potential corrections.
Rick Means, Director of Safety and Education for the Washington Retail Association, is available to help members draw up safety plans and suggest topics for safety meetings. Contact Rick at 360-943-9198, Ext. 118 or
Join this collaborative conversation to: 1) Expand Your Perspectives, 2) Reflect & Connect, and 3) Learn to Apply New Skills on the topic of Equity & Inclusion.
During this recurring monthly meeting, on the last Tuesday of each month, from 12 noon to 1 pm (PST), participants will enjoy Videos from Community & Business Leaders, engage in Poll Questions, and actively engage with others on a Journey to create "Inclusion for All."
Creating a Career & Life Portfolio
Friday, September 3, 2021, 2:30 pm
Have you ever considered creating a vision of what your life should look like? Here’s an executive seminar that will inspire you to do just that. The presenter, Jeff Levy, will be sharing a number of key developments and milestones that led him in that direction. Please join us for this broad-ranging and engaging session!

The time has come when we need to be "portfolio people" who think of our vocations, not just in terms of a single defined job or occupation, but more as a holistic body of work. In this seminar, we will discuss what it takes to create a career and life portfolio and then how to live it!

Topics Covered:
  • Managing your career more by intention than circumstance.
  • Recognizing and responding to changes in career priorities in different life stages.
  • Making the most of realizations ... such as reaching your career peak or grasping life is finite, with time being a very precious commodity.
  • Overcoming fears associated with going after one's dreams.

Workshop Fee: $35
Ask Score: How Can I Make My Business Website Mobile Friendly?
Today, having a mobile-friendly website for your business is non-negotiable. That’s because back in 2015, Google changed the game and started prioritizing mobile-friendly websites in its organic search results page rankings. Since then, the need for a mobile-friendly site has only continued to climb.
It’s Google’s world and we have to play in it.
Read Ken Sethney's full article here in the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal's August edition.
Government Affairs Committee
Chamber Lends Voice of Support to
Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
Military Affairs Committee
Kitsap County News
Central Kitsap Community Council
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 5:00 pm
Please join Kitsap County Commissioner Ed Wolfe and other Central Kitsap community leaders for our monthly Zoom meeting.
September Topics:
Kitsap Public Health District, COVID-19 Update
Dr. Gib Morrow, Health Officer
Kitsap County Public Works, Upcoming Central Kitsap Sewer Projects
Dave Tucker, Assistant Director
Kitsap County Public Works, Central Kitsap Road Projects
Andrew Nelson, Director

There will be an opportunity for questions and public comments.

July draft meeting minutes

Zoom Meeting Information:
Join by phone: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 869 1983 0631
Hand Sanitizer & Masks Still Available
The Silverdale Chamber of Commerce still has hand sanitizer and N95 masks available for local businesses and organizations, courtesy of the Kitsap County Emergency Operations Center. Please contact the Chamber if you are in need.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
U.S. Chamber Hosts COVID Webinar
with U.S. Surgeon General
Bottom line: “Study after study proves that vaccines are effective in protecting against severe cases and hospitalization from COVID-19,” Clark emphasized.
Dig deeper:
WHA Toolkit - Vaccine and Mask Options (and Requirements) for Your Business
The availability of multiple coronavirus vaccines at the start of 2021 left many to hope the pandemic would soon be a thing of the past. Lagging vaccination rates and a dramatic increase in cases and hospitalizations are stark reminders the pandemic is far from over.

While we are thankful the state fully reopened, the delta variant is spreading rapidly. The state’s health care system is once again under strain. Local governments began issuing mask mandates to limit the spread of the virus. And now a statewide mask mandate has been announced.

State and local guidance and requirements continue to change regularly. We will continue to send you updates as new public health requirements are imposed. And we will post all new information on the Current Guidance and Requirements page on the Washington Hospitality Association Coronavirus Resource Hub.

Testing Remains Critical Tool
in Fight Against COVID-19
As the Delta variant spreads throughout every region in Washington, demand for COVID-19 testing increases. With that, many people are turning to various over-the-counter, at-home tests when they have symptoms or when they need a test for other reasons. These tests can be convenient and improve access to testing but it is important to ensure people are still using the right kind of test, taking steps to get care and isolate from others if they are positive, and positive results are reported to the state.

With cases of COVID-19 still surging in Kitsap County, testing remains a vital part of combating the spread of COVID-19. Testing is available for people of all ages at no cost. 
Kitsap Public Health District has recently updated the list of local test providers . If you are traveling this summer, here is the link to find test locations across the state of Washington. If you have questions about testing sites, call 2-1-1.
COVID-19 Vaccine
FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
On Monday, August 23rd, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as the Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals ages 16 years or age or older.

The vaccine continues to to be available under emergency use authorization for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.” 

Finding COVID-19 Vaccine Providers
Across Washington State
No matter where you are in Washington, the Vaccine Locator provided by Washington State Department of Health makes it easy to find and schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Homebound and need a COVID-19 vaccine? 
Fill out a secure online form to let us know if you or someone you know is homebound. Your answers will allow us to connect individuals to available County and/or State Mobile Vaccine Teams.

Need help? Call the hotline at 1-833-VAX-HELP (833-829-4357), then press #. Language assistance is available. You can also text your zip code to 438-829 (GET VAX) or 822-862 (VACUNA) for vaccine locations near you.

Need transportation? If you need transportation assistance to a COVID-19 vaccine site, please call Kitsap Transit's ACCESS service at (360) 479-7272 or (800) 422-2877. To make an appointment for a vaccination, please contact your health-care provider or the clinic. Find available appointments at

Due to waiting times at clinics, you will need to call ACCESS after you have received your vaccine to request a ride home. Kitsap Transit is waiving fares for these rides. Click here for office hours and locations.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines at
Community Information
Suquamish Holds Scaled-Down,
COVID-Conscious Chief Seattle Days
With the Delta variant of the coronavirus spiking across Kitsap County and Washington state, the Suquamish Tribe held a scaled-down version of Chief Seattle Days over the weekend. There were just a handful of the usual number of events, and the occasion was open to Tribal households only.
“We missed hosting the larger community, as we normally do,” said Suquamish Tribe Chairman Leonard Forsman. “Hospitality is an important part of our culture, and Chief Seattle Days has grown into playing a big role in that joy of connecting with our community. But we had to put the safety of our Tribal citizens first.”

Silverdale Visitor Center
The Blackberry Festival is back!

Beginning in 1990, this free and family-friendly festival takes over Bremerton's picturesque waterfront each Labor Day weekend, being THE end of summer party for the Puget Sound.
Make sure to check out the many food booths, arts & crafts booths, and children's activities!
Presented by the Bremerton Rotary Foundation, the Blackberry Festival raises money for scholarships, parks, non-profit services and the community as a whole. 
Contact Us
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for the Monday Morning Memo!
David Emmons
Irene Moyer
Director of Member Relations
Joe Barboza
Tourism Coordinator
Marisa Acuna
Finance & Operations Manager