GCBO Bird of the Month

American Flamingo

by Mike Williams


The American Flamingo, (Phoenicopterus ruber), was first described by Linnaeus in the Bahamas in 1758. Formerly a single conspecific species with the old-world Greater Flamingo, (and still considered a single species with 2 distinct subspecies by some authorities but split in US and Europe in 2008), which was described later in 1811.

The American Flamingo is primarily a Caribbean species centered around the West Indies and the Yucatan peninsula with a separate group in the Galapagos. It was once fairly common in Florida but this population was hunted for its feathers and was extirpated by 1900 although still an uncommon but relatively regular visitor. Note during severe weather events, such as hurricanes etc. they can occur along the Gulf Coast and along the Eastern seaboard.

Preferred habitats are salt pans and saline lagoons or salty inland lakes. It typically breeds on salt -lake mud flats but also sometimes on rocky outcrops.

Breeding season runs from March to June (some sources argue there is no true breeding season, rather the flamingos breed after heavy rainfall) usually in colonies where a cone shaped nest made of mud is constructed by each pair. On rocky coastlines, nests are usually a rough pile of sticks. One or sometimes two eggs are laid and incubated for 27-31 days by both parents. The chicks fledge in around 60-80 days but often remain with parents for a considerable time. Sexual maturity is reached in 5-6 years. Typical lifespan is around 20 years, but birds have lived to between 33-40 years in the wild and longer in captivity.

The flamingo’s diet is very varied but aquatic insects and invertebrates are preferred. Occasionally small fish are also taken.

Identification :

Unmistakable tall and slender pink bird standing nearly five feet tall, its long legs neck and bill shape are diagnostic. Note juveniles are gray. In flight, neck and legs are extended and primaries and secondaries have black trailing edge. 

Flocks are often found making a colonial chuckling sound or a “huh-huh” call.

Interesting Facts:

• Males often form in groups to perform a premating display to attract females moving in a coordinated walk.

• Flamingo tongues were once considered a delicacy and together with their eggs were eaten until about 50 years ago.

• Flamingos are pink due to the high beta-carotene in their diet . They would be white if this diet were changed. 

• A group of flamingoes is known as a flamboyance, a regiment, a flurry, or a stand. 

To download Mike Williams's photo of this cool bird, click HERE

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