September 27 Monthly Meeting: Our fabulous pot luck at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center will be followed by a brief business meeting and then a special guest speaker, Manchester Mayor and Gubernatorial Candidate Joyce Craig.
POT LUCK ASSIGNMENTS: For the pot luck supper starting at 5:30pm, please bring a dish for all to share. We segment the parts of the meal alphabetically by last name in an attempt to provide a balanced meal.
A-H Please bring dessert or wine/beverages
I–R Entrees
S–Z Side dishes
Promptly at 6:10 pm, we will start with a short business meeting. The minutes are posted on the website for you to review for approval. At 6:30 pm, we will welcome our guest speaker, Mayor Joyce Craig.
If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting.
Good news from Bristol. At a NHDP caucus on Monday, a local Democratic town committees was formed. Please welcome our Bristol town chair and committee members. Congratulations! We look forward to working with you, particularly in next year's election!
Chair: Nancy Dowey
Vice Chair: Karen Bemis
Treasurer: Paul Bemis
Secretary: Buzz Kenney
And more good news from PSU. I am encouraged and delighted by recent activities at our local university — Plymouth State. After several years of lacking a Democratic organization at PSU, some local students have finally hatched a new club! The chair of the group is Oscar Lakowicz, formerly an intern for Open Democracy and now a student.
First on their agenda is to work on voter registration, which is a primary focus (no pun intended) for PAD as well. We have about four months before the presidential primary in January, which will certainly be an odd one in 2024. With the DNC's refusal to recognize New Hampshire as "first in the nation", and the GOP's frontrunner's problems, we might end up with neither frontrunner on the ballot. But time will tell. The polls cannot be trusted, so we must just keep on doing the most we can to make sure every possible voter gets to the polls and knows to write in Joe Biden.
— Joyce Weston