CEO Report on Advocacy, Policy and Business Issues
March 4, 2021
Vol. 8
Urgent advocacy needed: Voice your opposition to SB 5096
We are now in the midway point of the 2021 Legislative Session, and Senate Bill 5096 is on the floor of the Senate this week.
We have voiced our opposition to this bill and we urge you to do the same TODAY.
SB 5096, the Capital Gains Tax Bill, imposes a 7% capital gains tax on gains over $250,000. This bill discourages investment in family-owned businesses in our state, because it leaves many independent business owners facing the scenario of having their retirement dollars taxed unfairly.
We urge you to call or email your State Senator today and urge them to oppose this bill. Here is a list of all State Senators, or you can submit your comment on the bill's web pageby selecting "comment on this bill."
Your Chamber at work
Plea to Gov. Inslee to ask for Phase 3 clarification and safe reopening
We have written a letter to Gov. Inslee asking for urgency and clarity regarding the Healthy Washington - Roadmap to Recovery Plan. Like many of you, we are deeply concerned that the current plan does not illustrate how or what the next phase will look like. We are urging the Governor to work with the Legislature to prioritize Phase 3 safe reopening of all businesses at 50% operating capacity or greater.
Chamber CEO Tara Doyle-Enneking has submitted support for House Bill 1521, which provides streamlined sales tax relief for manufacturing and distribution heavy cities. The bill passed the State House of Representatives this week and will move to the Senate.
Plea to extend PPP application deadline
Along with 600 organizations across the nation, we have signed on to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce coalition letter urging Congress to extend the application deadline for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to December 31, 2021. The program currently expires at the end of this month; meanwhile, lenders are experiencing a backlog of applications, and a sudden change in rules that, while helpful, are making it difficult for many to meet the deadlines.
Extending the deadline to the end of 2021 will ensure that the segment of small businesses facing the greatest obstacles do not get left behind.
In addition to reading The Chamber Advocate newsletters, we invite you to join in our monthly Government Affairs Committee (GAC) meetings, held virtually on the first Tuesday of each month.
During our March 2, 2021 meeting, we received updates from City of Puyallup, City of Sumner, and extensive updates from Pierce County.
Pierce County Council Member Dave Morell introduced the County's first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) report and shared insights into its development and learnings. County Council Member Hans Zeiger also gave updates, including vaccine efforts, an ask for public input on a sustainability plan, and a resolution to explore streamlining of regulations & permitting for the restaurant industry. Listen to the archived recording for details.
Tips for tracking bills and remote access to our State Legislature
We encourage you to learn more about any potential legislation that may affect your specific industry. Stay tuned to our Chamber updates, as well as any updates from your industry's associations. It's also a good idea to subscribe to email updates from state legislators in your district.
Here’s a handy guide to accessing the legislature remotely.
Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier invites you to listen to his State of Pierce County address as he reviews the challenges and successes from 2020 and looks ahead to steps being taken to help restart the economy, recover from the pandemic and reform the criminal justice system.
The Chamber Advocate keeps our members & business community informed of developments regarding policies and issues pertinent to the business community. Here you'll find political and government affairs news, as well as calls to action for Chamber members to garner support for specific issues.
Please share your newsworthy stories with us as they relate to government affairs and economic development as we may feature them in this newsletter.
Our Chamber exists to be the catalyst for business growth, the convener for leaders and influencers, and the champion of business and stronger communities.