Springtime Holiday Preparations Underway!

Along with other Spring activities, holidays are on the calendar. If you would like to find something sweet in your basket or on your holiday table, look no further than our Asian Pear Pantry! Order online to receive succulent Dried Asian Pears, Asian Pear Cheese Spread and Aged Asian Pear Vinegar, a condiment that really adds spark to your Spring!
Speaking of Pears... 

Your vinegar is unique and delicious. We enjoyed all five bottles from the
first batch and are now enjoying the second bottle from the second batch. 
Suffered when we ran out between your first and second batch!
-Maria K., Oregon

Asian Pear Young Bud
Time to Spring into Action!

As pruning ends and buds begin to open, our Pear Team tidies up the orchard; removing the trimmings from pruning. These trimmings are shredded for wood chips which are used as compost and worked back into soil, making for a richer food source for the Asian Pear trees.

During this time, fruit trees are usually fertilized, but at Subarashii Kudamono, the fruit itself provides nutrients for our Asian Pear trees. Throughout the growing season, some pears naturally fall to the ground. These Asian Pears break down into the soil, giving nourishment needed for the trees to thrive and produce gorgeous and juicy Asian Pears!
Spring Recipes...

Our Aged Asian Pear Vinegar is aged for 5 years! Crafted from our fresh Asian Pear juice, this exceptional vinegar is delicately aromatic, rich in flavor and is uncut with other vinegar. Drizzle it over a salad or, better yet, use it in your favorite egg salad recipe for some delicious tang and sweetness!
Invite a friend to learn more about Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pears!
  Looking for more delicious recipes to make? 
Visit our recipes page!
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