City of Cumming
April 2021
The Taste: Returning April 3rd to the Fairgrounds
Get your taste buds and Easter baskets ready! The Taste returns to the Cumming Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 3rd from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Come out to taste food samples from more than 25 area restaurants, enjoy live music, and kid-friendly activities including puppet shows and three age-specific Easter egg hunts. Food samples range in price from $1-$4, and there is free admission and parking.
The annual Easter egg hunts will feature more than 30,000 filled eggs. Hunt times are 11:30 a.m. for ages 3 and under, 1:30 p.m. for ages 4-7 p.m., and 3:30 for ages 8-10.
Thank you to The Taste sponsors: Lou Sobh Honda and Kia, T-Mobile, Automation Direct, Highlands Church, and the Forsyth County News!
City Center: Now on Facebook and Instagram
Want to get the latest on the Cumming City Center's progress? Well, you're in luck!
The Cumming City Center now has its own Facebook and Instagram pages! Be sure to like and follow one or (better yet) both of these pages for the most up-to-date information on this history-making project!
Like and follow @cummingcitycenter today!
Mary Alice Park Opens For Weekends Only April 10th
Beautiful Mary Alice Park opens for weekend use only on April 10th. Weekend-only use will continue through May 8th, and the park will open daily from May 10th through September 12th. Park hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and boat ramps are always open. No RVs, campers, alcohol or pets are allowed into the park. To learn more about Mary Alice Park, click here.
Cumming PD Supports Autism Awareness in April
The City of Cumming Police Department is thrilled to participate in Autism Awareness Month by helping raise awareness and financial support for two local organizations that work with individuals with disabilities.
The PD had special patches made that promote Autism Awareness Month. Officers will be giving these away throughout the community, with a request that in return recipients consider making a donation to either Creative Enterprises of Forsyth and/or LEAPS Therapy Clinic. The PD will also be hosting two fundraiser events later this month, so be sure to like and follow the PD's Facebook page for more information on these events!
Autism effects nearly 1 in 68 children and several families within the Cumming Police Department have children and close family members who have been diagnosed with Autism. If you would like to help hand out patches and fundraise for the police department, please send an email to!
City Council Honors Colorectal Cancer Survivors
During their March Work Session, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation honoring survivors of Colorectal Cancers and announcing March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Representatives of GI North Gastroenterologists accepted the proclamation. Cumming Utilities also lit the Cumming Home water tower blue during the month of March in honor of colorectal cancer awareness.
Also during the March Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:
- Approved the low bid from Flex Fab for construction of the decorative water tank that will be placed near the entrance of the Cumming City Center. Mayor and Council also discussed the possibility of leasing space inside the tank to telecommunications companies.
- Approved the proposal from AVI, Marvin Door and Window for installation of doors and windows for Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and L at the City Center.
- Approved the proposal from Cooper & Company for exterior veneer and trim for Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L and M at the City Center.
- Approved the proposal from Copper & Company for masonry for Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L and M at the City Center.
- Approved a request from the Cumming Police Department to purchase and refurbish a surplus motorcycle from the Georgia Public Safety Training Center for a total cost of $5,500.
- Approved in a 3-1 vote, with Councilman Christopher Light recused and Councilwoman Linda Ledbetter voting against, to approve the rezoning of just under 70 acres at the intersection of Buford Dam Road and Sanders Road for use as a conservation residential subdivision. The approval included 31 conditions.
- Appointed Susie Carr as a new member of the Cumming Downtown Development Authority, and approved the transfer of several properties that are owned by the City of Cumming and leased by tenants to the Downtown Development Authority. This move will allow tenants to enter into lease terms longer than one year.
- Approved the low proposal from Edge Roofing for replacement of roof and exterior building panels on the sewer building located at the water distribution shop on Dahlonega Highway.
- Approved renewal of the City's general liability, property, and causality insurance through Travelers Insurance.
Aquatic Center April Events
Staying home this spring break? Need activities to keep the kids busy? Good news: the Cumming Aquatic Center will be open the entire week of spring break (April 5-11). Click here to view the spring break hours.
Half-Price Family Friday returns on April 16th from 2-6 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon in the pool at half-off regular admission costs. Pricing excludes memberships, programs, and group exercise classes. Click here to learn more!
Need a spring date night? Why not drop the kids off at the Aquatic Center on Parent's Night Out on April 16th? They'll enjoy swim time, games, activities, and dinner between 6 and 10 p.m. Click here to learn more!
Cumming Utilities Employees Help Clean Up FoCo
Several Cumming Utilities employees and their families joined Keep Forsyth County Beautiful and more than 200 other community volunteers on Saturday, March 27th in the Great FoCo Cleanup! The volunteers collected a total of 70 bags of trash, a car bumper, a toilet, 3 tires, wood and other miscellaneous items from 27 roads and 3 parks. City Hall also served as a supply pickup location for the Great FoCo Cleanup. Thank you to these City employees (and all the volunteers) for taking time out on a Saturday to give back to our community!
Cumming Arts Center: Vote for 2022 Calendar, Seeking Christmas Event Vendors
The Cumming Arts Center/Sawnee Association of the Arts is asking the community to vote for their favorite submissions to the 2022 Art Calendar contest. Click here to view the submissions and vote for your favorite three entries.
Sawnee Association of the Arts is also seeking vendors and entries for its 18th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival, which will be held Nov. 20-21 at the Lanier Tech Forsyth Conference Center on Ronald Reagan Blvd. This is the largest arts and crafts event in Forsyth County, and provides a fun and family-friendly way to get into the holiday spirit with so many great gift ideas, photos with Santa and his sleigh, the "Elf Corner Gift Shop" where kids can shop for holiday gifts, and more! Click here to read the event guidelines and apply to be a vendor/entrant.
Youth Council Meeting - April 13 at 5 p.m. (Date Change Due to Spring Break)
City Council Work Session - April 6 at 6 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - April 20 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - April 20 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.