February 10, 2021
A Reconciling in Christ synod
2021 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly
April 29-May 1
Location: ZOOM
About this year's Assembly

What stories do we tell about ourselves? Our nation? Our history? Our church? God? 

Voting members and visitors are invited to join in this conversation during this year's synod assembly. Through worship, small group conversation, assembly business, and keynote sessions, we will together explore our individual an collective stories for the sake of community, truth-telling, healing, and continuing our journey as a church becoming. 


  • By April/May, we hope it may be safe for groups of 3-5 to gather with masks spread out in a room. If it's nice, open windows and eat meals outside.  So while the content will be digital, congregations and ministries are encouraged to assembly together. There will be a lot of time for small group conversation, but instead of using breakout rooms on Zoom, you will talk face-to-face with folks from your congregation! If it is determined this is not a good/safe way for you to gather, alternative options are listed on the website.

  • Retired, On-Leave, and those in specialized ministry are encouraged (as is safe) to join a congregation's gathering.
  • There will be an opportunity to discuss assembly business items such as the budget or resolutions via zoom meetings prior to the assembly. Recordings of these meetings will be posted on the website.

  • Voting members are asked to engage the Pre-Assembly Timeline and Journal: Struggling with our Stories of Race individually, as a congregation, or as part of the synod-led discussion group.

Resolutions and Memorials

Resolutions are requests for action by the Synod Council or Office of the Bishop. Memorials are passed on for consideration by the Churchwide Assembly.

To help the Assembly planning team anticipate the plenary time needed to address resolutions by the Assembly, the Committee on Reference and Council requests any congregation or team complete a Resolution Intent Form by Friday, February 19.

The final deadline for submitting Resolutions and Memorials is Friday, March 19, 2021.  Resolutions and Memorials should be emailed to Kristen Lee:
At this year's assembly, we will be electing our Synod Vice President, as well as voting members for the 2022 Churchwide Assembly.

The Nominating Committee of the Rocky Mountain Synod invites members of congregations to prayerfully consider if God is calling them to serve as the Vice President of our Synod. Important information about this office is attached here.

All nominations must be received by the end of the day, Friday, March 19.

Specific openings and the nomination form can be found on our website.
Young Adults in Global Mission Update
From ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission:

"After much consideration and thought, it has been decided to cancel our 2021-2022 year of service for the Young Adults in Global Mission program. We will not be sending volunteers into service this year, resulting in two years in a row with no active volunteers. Our first priority is the health and safety of our companions and hosts, and also that of our potential volunteers. With heightened travel restrictions, changing variants, and growing number of cases in many parts of the world, we are not able to guarantee the safety and stability of another program year. We appreciate your prayers and support for the YAGM program and our global companions, and we look forward to sending volunteers in the near future."
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Digital Choir pieces requested!
Has your choir gone digital? Do you have a favorite audio or video recording of your congregation's musicians? Send them our way!

We are collecting music to share before and during our synod assembly, as well as social media in the coming months. Help us share and celebrate music!

Email Deacon Erin Power: Google-drive, dropbox, Vimeo, or other file sharing program is needed to submit. Deadline is April 9.
RMS & ELCA News and Events
Rostered Ministers and council leaders are invited to join a conversation February 11 as we navigate together worship as the COVID-19 vaccination becomes available.

COVID Conversations February 4 and 11 will be on both ZOOM and Facebook.
Join us on Facebook:
Despite the many challenges faced in 2020, Christ's Church continues to proclaim God's unconditional love across the Rocky Mountain Synod. Thanks to your continued participation and financial generosity we are learning anew not only what it means to be Better Together, but to be Christ’s Church for the life of the world.

Thank you for YOUR part in our shared ministry and witness and for YOUR gracious support of our life together as Christ’s Church, for your investment in all that it means to be God’s people in the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod!  

Your faithful investment in our life together allows this vision to become reality. As you finalize your congregational spending plans for 2021, we ask you to give prayerful consideration to your congregation’s mission support for 2021, knowing that your generosity not only funds our work as a synod but contributes to the impact made by our vast churchwide ministries. Our goal next year is to share 47.5% of all congregation support with our ELCA Churchwide organization.
Lenten Discussion Series:
Struggling with Our Stories of Race
About the Lenten Discussion Series

This discussion series is intended to create an experience for each of us the chance to think about our personal stories of race and faith. This discussion guide includes a guided timeline experience and individual journal prompts. Participants are encouraged to engage as much of the materials as they are able. Synod Assembly Voting Members are specifically asked to engage this work as part of the preparation for the assembly, though anyone in the RMS is invited to participate. 

How to Participate

  • As a Congregation: Gather as a congregation small group to view the specified parts of the timeline and discuss the journal prompts from that week.
  • With the RMS group: Join either Sunday or Wednesday evenings throughout Lent to view the timeline with folks from around the synod. This can be as an individual or congregational group. 
  • As an Individual: While the journal prompts are meant to be done individually, you may also view the timeline on your own as well. If you select this option, it is strongly encouraged you find a conversation partner to process your learnings with.


Wednesday, February 17, 4:00pm: Opening Conversation with Bishop Gonia, Rev. Ron Roschke, & Assembly Keynote Speaker Dr. Edward Antonio

Session 1: Sunday, February 21, 6pm OR  Wednesday, February 24, 3pm
Session 2: Sunday, February 28, 6pm OR Wednesday, March 3, 3pm
Session 3: Sunday, March 7, 6pm OR Wednesday, March 10, 3pm
Session 4: Sunday, March 14, 6pm OR Wednesday, March 17, 3pm
Session 5: Sunday, March 21, 6pm or Wednesday, February 24, 3pm

For Your Bulletin

Debra Jimenez
Ascension, Ogden, UT
Saturday, March 13, 2:00pm
Color of the Day: Purple
RMS Prayer Cycle

- Week of February 14 -

Our Savior's - Alamogordo, NM
Michael Degner

Peace - Las Cruces, NM
Jared Carson
Laura Carson

Peace - El Paso, TX
Diana Linden-Johnson
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Last Sunday after Epiphany

Prayer of the Day
Almighty God, the resplendent light of your truth shines from the mountaintop into our hearts. Transfigure us by your beloved Son, and illumine the world with your image, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

In God's Hands:
Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
14 - 23 February : Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland - Intercessions and Prayers

Join us in daily prayer
Download ELCA Prayer Ventures for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Around the Synod
Conversations for Connection: Supporting Mental Health
Hosted by Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder and the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness

“What Can We Learn from the Wisdom of Women in These Times?”
Thursday, February 11, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
A protracted global pandemic. Suspended plans. Isolation. We didn’t choose this. But in its midst, there are universal truths that help. How can we invite what wise women call “luscious solitude” rather than loneliness? What are practices and mindsets that help us find center? What do the collective voices of 6,500 years of experience reveal as a recipe for resilience?
Come hear and share. Sue Brightman is a best-selling author and leadership coach, teacher, and retreat leader focusing on women over 50. Her mission is to strengthen and amplify women’s voices in the world and the powerful role they play in 2021 and beyond. Her recently published best-seller, "A Call to Further Becoming," reveals ten “declarations” she discovered from interviews with 100 women living a new stage of life. Sue brings her interfaith heart to this conversation.

Join Zoom Meeting at
Liberation, Mental Health, and Hymns that Heal"
Thursday, February 18, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
We hear many say, "I just love those good old hymns!" Yes, but all too often, they only tell a portion of the story of what it is like to be alive and in love with God in today's world. There are stories of some of the hidden voices in our faith communities, particularly, people who live with mental health challenges. How can the church sing of their story? What do their stories have to teach us about loving and serving the world? And how can the church's music and liturgy validate their experiences so as to create a space for them at God's table that is liberating and just? Hillary Doerries, Director of Music Ministries at Christ the King Lutheran Church in South Bend, IN. Hillary received her musical training at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Her congregation's mental health ministry is blossoming and she helps others find hope and healing through music, worship, and support groups.

Join Zoom Meeting at
from Augustana Arts Concert Series
What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love!
Sunday, February 14, at 6:30 p.m.
Join us for our second Culinary Concert featuring jazz musicians Neil Bridge and Karen Lee Bridge and guest chef Andrew Hudson. “What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love!” is the perfect way to enjoy Valentine’s Day with your family, spouse, friend, or partner. The Bridge’s will perform classic love songs while you treat yourself to delicious recipes from Spain in the comfort of your own kitchen!

Recipes and a shopping list will be shared ahead of time. This is a virtual event and a link will be sent 24 hours prior to the concert showtime. This online event is free, but your donations are appreciated in lieu of admission in support of Augustana Arts.

Our Life Together
California Lutheran University. Harold Stoner Clark Lectures
"Racialized Forgiveness"
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
11:20 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Pacific Time
<Zoom webinar>
The Harold Stoner Clark Lecture Series, endowed by the late Mr. Clark and sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at California Lutheran University, was established in 1985. We are excited to be hosting Dr. Myisha Cherry, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at University of California, Riverside.

Introducing the concept "racialized forgiveness." Cases will be presented that exemplify conditions paradigmatic of the problem of racialized forgiveness, and will include instances in which: (a) who is forgiven and not forgiven is determined by the race of the offender; (b) praise and criticisms of forgiveness are determined by the race of the victim; and (c) praise and criticisms of forgiveness are, at least implicitly, racially self-serving. An argument will be made that these practices are morally objectionable because of their psychological origins, moral failures, and negative effects. Accordingly, in order to avoid these dimensions, we need to practice forgiveness differently.

Register at: (free lecture, but registration in advance is required)
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Racism, Justice, and Mercy: How Lutherans might think differently and work towards a constructive future of racial justice
Journal of Lutheran Ethics (JLE) Volume 21, Issue 1
Editor's Introduction, Jennifer Hockenbery
Riots at the Capitol on Epiphany interrupted Congress as it was beginning to certify a democratic election. The riots occurred on the second day of the Lutheran Ethicists’ Gathering where members were discussing just and merciful reactions to the Covid pandemic. While the participants were in their individual homes, not in D.C. this year as they were last January, the riots caused disruption. While focusing on how to care for the sick, how to address the gender inequity and racial inequality that compounds the pandemic’s effect on various communities, and how to minister to socially distanced congregants, hard questions arose: What is power? What is truth? Where is our hope? Read more.

Our new website (pardon our dust):
Employment Opportunities
New Listings
Director of Music Ministries
King of Kings Lutheran Church - Pueblo, CO
King of Kings Lutheran Church is looking to hire a Director of Musical Ministry. This person would be responsible for: Playing for Sunday morning worship, directing and accompanying the choir (Sept - May), assisting in worship planning with pastor and staff, and being available to play for recorded services. Talents needed would include: Proficient at piano and/or organ, able to sight read music, available on Sunday mornings, some Wednesday evenings, and holidays. For more information and to submit your resume, please send email to
Church Business Administrator
St. Philip Lutheran Church - Littleton, CO
St. Philip Lutheran Church ( is seeking a full time Church Business Administrator. The Business Administrator will provide professional leadership and management for the business operations of the church, while upholding the upholding St. Philip’s mission of intentionally building relationships through Christ to grow and serve. The essential job duties include office administration, administrative support, financial and accounting management, management of the church building, equipment and grounds, as well as having direct management of two staff members. The position is a full time 36+ hours a week with benefits. Salary will be commensurate with experience within range of $40,000-$58,000 annually. For a full job description and information on how to apply go to
All Non-Rostered Listings
Director of Music Ministries
King of Kings Lutheran Church - Pueblo, CO

Church Business Administrator
St. Philip Lutheran Church - Littleton, CO

Summer Staff
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp - Westcliffe, CO

Interim Director of Faith Formation
Trinity Lutheran Church - Loveland, CO

Chancel Choir Director, Praise Band Leader, Organist/Collaborative Artist, and Director of Music and Worship!
Zion Lutheran Church - Loveland, CO

Community Curator
Lakewood United Methodist Church
1390 Brentwood St Lakewood, CO

Community Connection Ministry
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
 Bishop Jim Gonia
  • 1-1 Appointments
  • Excellence in Leadership
  • Consecration/Installation of Episcopal Bishop, Wyoming Diocese
  • Highlands, Denver, CO

Pastor Dana Peterson
  • Excellence in Leadership
  • Congregational Ministry Board

Kurt Rager
  • NM Legislative Session
  • LAM-NM Advocacy Training
  • Weekly Legislative Briefing

Peter Severson
  • Excellence in Leadership
  • COVID Conversation Webinar
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • Congregational Transition
  • Excellence in Leadership

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
  • Vacation February 8-12
Deacon Erin Power
  • COVID Conversation Webinar
  • Synod Assembly Planning
  • Vacation February 12-15

Pastor Leslie O'Callaghan
  • Candidacy Appointments
  • Administrative work
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power,  Assistant to the Bishop
Feel free to contact Andrew Nakatani, Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod 
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-733-0750