Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Parish Newsletter
March 3, 2021
Staying Connected
A Letter from our Finance Committee
Greetings Fellow CTK Parishioners:
This week we are providing our annual summary of CTK financial performance for 2020 and our budget for 2021. We started last year with a great deal of concern about how we would survive as a parish with the pandemic preventing indoor worship. Fortunately, our fears were unfounded as you kept up your financial support to Christ the King Parish. We ended the year in the black and remarkably, a little over our original budget for income. We did this without cutting our staff and by finding ways to continue our many ministries with adjustments for health and safety.
It goes without saying that 2020 was a challenging year even without the pandemic. We witnessed:
  Civil unrest in our world with the recognition of social injustices to our black brothers and sisters.
    Power shutoffs due to fire danger.
   Extensive fires, smoke, and heat, impacting our use of outdoor space for safe services.
    Divisiveness and hatefulness surrounding our election.
    Jobs lost with some that will never return.
 Families struggling to put food on their tables and pay their rent or mortgage.
    Working from home and learning to connect online.
    Children at home doing “remote learning”.
We are grateful to God for the resilience of our parishioners and their ability to adapt to all these challenges hitting at once. We are also grateful to our parish leadership, under Father Paulson, who took the position that our church is not about the buildings we inhabit but the message of Jesus Christ and finding new and creative ways to get that message out.
Here are some of the things that made a difference:

  Online services: We invested in technology for providing live streaming of services through both Facebook and YouTube and storing them for viewing at any time. This investment includes cameras and technology additions in the church so we can continue to live stream services once we are back inside.

    Outdoor Services:
o At one point we offered 7 outdoor masses each weekend.
o A generous donation of a large tent allowed outdoor services regardless of weather.
o Services broadcast locally over FM radio station 106.7.
o Wi-Fi coverage available over the entire parking lot.

o Introduced a weekly email newsletter rich in content.
o Called parish members, checking on their health, or just reassuring them.
o Updated contact information for our parish members.

    Added Services:
o Nightly rosary.
o Thursday night speaker series.
o Thursday night mass.
o Spanish Language Mass.

 Staff Agility: Our staff and several parishioners stepped up their contributions of time and talent to help in livestreaming, contact information cleanup, weekly email communication, bilingual and Spanish masses.

    CTK “Brand” Development: Created a single look across communication channels and on the campus. (Still being rolled out).

    Tackled Deferred Maintenance Projects:
o Cleaning, painting, repairing, replacing trellises around the Hall,
o Replacing the defective concrete patio in front of the church,
o Removal of dangerous Eucalyptus trees.

   The CTK School and St Stephen parish were also highly active in finding new ways to perform their mission safely and effectively.
Some Results of Our Efforts
    Attendance at both weekly daily masses and Sunday masses more than doubled our historical numbers based on online views. We also reached folks well beyond our parish physical boundaries and in other countries.
  While many could not travel in person to attend weddings, funerals, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, etc., our streaming services allowed relatives and friends to attend these events remotely.
    Fr. Paulson, Fr. Lee (who joined us in July), Fr. Brian, and Deacon John, all focused their ministries and sermons on what we were facing in the world and in our homes. They provided a consistently reassuring message on how best to continue to live our lives according to God’s will.
    Donations exceeded our original budget, even with a closed church, and limited in-person outdoor attendance.
In looking at the financial summary you will see that, thanks to your donations and hard work by staff to control expenses, we experienced a 7.5% positive net for 2020. You were also most generous to our St. Vincent De Paul Society who are active in helping the poor. SVDP has been able to serve the many needy families who come to our doors and they are now able to offer rent assistance. Your generous support for our Technology investments, which are shown as part of the Building Fund, have allowed us to offer a professional online presence.
The start of this year, 2021, continues much of the challenge of 2020. Hopefully 2021 will see us all back together again in our church. Regardless, with your generous support, we will continue to thrive, and our many ministries will continue to serve the diverse needs of our parish.
On behalf of the CTK Finance Committee, thank you for your commitment and generosity to Christ the King Parish.
Greg Thornbury
Chairman, CTK Finance Committee

CTK Annual Financial Summary - click Here
St. Stephen Annual Financial Summary - click Here
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
and Mass
First Friday Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament and Mass

New - Exposition and Mass will now
be in the church
All are welcome!

Join us this Friday, March 5th from
6:00pm to 7:15pm for Exposition.

Followed by in person mass at 7:30pm.
(Will be livestreamed)
Lenten Reconciliation Service

Reconciliation Service
       Tuesday, March 16 at 6pm In Person/Church
          (Also Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube)           
   Followed by Individual Confessions
Novena to St. Joseph via Zoom
st. joseph
9 Day Novena beginning March 10

March 19 is the feast day of St. Joseph, Patron Saint of Workers and Patron of the Universal Church in Roman Catholicism. Please join members of the Filipino Society of Christ the King and Our Lord of Pardon Prayer Group for a nine-day zoom novena in his honor to be held from Wednesday, March 10, through Thursday, March 18 beginning at 7 pm. May each of us honor and cherish the example of St. Joseph, trusting in his prayers to help us in the path of salvation. For additional information, contact Efrain Salvosa at 698-6530 or Imelda Santos at 623-7340. Link for the zoom novena is ID: 78102895383, Password: 1993.
The Feast of St. Joseph
Join us Friday, March 19th for
6pm Mass - In person/Church
as we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph
(Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube)
St. Stephen Church - 7pm Mass/Indoors

Pope Francis has proclaimed
"The Year of St. Joseph"
(December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021)
Weekly Church Bulletin
Over the Weekend
Congratulations to Nany Ochoa and Chris Boyer (CTK School Alum) who were married on Saturday!

May you continue to find love with each other through Christ, as you begin your marriage journey together.
Mondays - Saturdays
9am in Person Mass/Church
(Or continue to watch on Facebook or YouTube)

12pm to 2pm Self Guided Stations of the Cross - St. Stephen Church
5:40pm - Holy Rosary on Facebook/Led by Clergy

9am - Lenten Study Series by Zoom
5:40pm - Holy Rosary on Facebook/Led by Clergy

12pm to 2pm Self Guided Stations of the Cross - St. Stephen Church
5:40pm - Holy Rosary on Facebook/Led by Clergy

6:00pm - In Person Mass/Church
6:30pm - Lenten Reflections - In Person/Church
(can also be watched on Facebook or YouTube)
7pm - Lenten Study Series by Zoom

12pm to 6pm Self Guided Stations of the Cross - St. Stephen Church
1pm - Clergy led Stations of the Cross - St. Stephen Church
5:40pm - Holy Rosary on Facebook/led by Clergy

3pm - Individual Confessions - Meet in front of the church
4pm Mass - Outdoor Mass (livestreamed on Facebook or YouTube)

7:30am In Person Mass/Church
9am, 10:30am, 12 noon (Spanish) - Outdoor Masses
(9am mass is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube)
4pm - In Person Mass/Church

Our livestreamed masses/events can be found here:
St. Stephen Church
Stations of the Cross/Outdoors

Prayed privately on church grounds
at 1101 Keaveny Ct., Walnut Creek

Mondays & Wednesdays 12pm to 2pm
Fridays 12pm to 6pm

Follow a guided audio experience
on your smart phone or tablet in
English or Spanish at

Stations of the Cross led by one of our clergy
Join us at 1pm every Friday outdoors at St. Stephen Church.
All are Welcome!
Pictured: Deacon John leading Stations of the Cross on Friday.
Thursday - Lenten Reflection Speaker Series
Thursday, March 4th

6:30pm in the church
(after the 6pm indoor mass)
You can watch in person or on-line.

This week's speakers: Becky Alvarez and Edie Payne
Weekly Reflections on Sunday Readings
3rd Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent
Welcome to our weekly reflections on
the Sunday Scriptures.

In this gospel passage, Jesus drives the profiteering vendors out of the Temple, which he calls his “Father’s house.”
The Diablo Valley Lions Club would like to thank Father Paulson for allowing us to set up a Monument Crisis Center food collection barrel in front of the church. We'd also like to thank our fellow CTK parishioners for their overwhelming generosity in contributing non perishable food items to our club food drive. Between the five donation barrels, we collected 1,808 lbs of food which will provide 3,616 meals for those in need. 
Mass Schedule
No Reservations or Sign Ups Required

Mass will take place on our lawn area
(Our Large Tent is also available to sit under)
Please note some masses are now celebrated in the church

Mass will take place rain or shine!

Bring your own chairs
Face Masks are required

Or continue to stay in the comfort of your car - tune into FM 106.7
Or watch from your smart phone/tablet
Wifi ID: CTK Streaming Password: outdoor1

Only the 4pm Saturday Mass and the 9am Sunday Mass will be livestreamed both on Facebook and YouTube

Weekday Mass
9am - Monday-Friday Indoors/Church (New)
(Masses will still be livestreamed)
6pm - Thursdays - Indoors/Church (New)

Weekend Masses:
9am - Indoors/Church (New)
4pm - Remains Outdoors

7:30am - Indoors/Church (New)
9 am,10:30am, 12noon (Spanish) - Remains Outdoors
4pm - Indoors/Church (New)

Song Sheet for March 6/7 Masses Here
Spanish Mass Worship Aide/Guía de Adoración Here
Readings for Sunday Mass Here
Drive-Thru Holy Communion

Every Sunday
11:30am to 12 noon
In front of the church
9am - Daily Mass
Monday - Saturday
In Person/Church
Mass will continue to be Livestremed
on Facebook and YouTube
Thursdays, 6pm - Indoor Mass
Honoring Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Mass will not be livestreamed
Worship Aide Here
5:40pm - Holy Rosary
Livestreamed on Facebook

Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Private Confessions will continue every Saturday from
3pm to 3:30pm.
Please meet in front of the church.
St. Stephen Church - Outdoor Mass
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek 94597

Sunday - Mass at 9:30am - Outdoors
First Saturday of the month at 4pm - Outdoors
Worship Aide: Here

Drive Thru Holy Communion - 10:10am

Masses at St. Stephen are now being live-streamed on the St. Stephen Facebook page. If you are unable to attend with us in person, please join us through Facebook. A link is on our web site:
Thank You for Your Continued Financial Support to CTK and St. Stephen Church
On-Line Giving: (click button below)
We depend upon your contributions!
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Rd.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"