January 2022
January Birthdays
1/02 Sue Valitsky
1/02 Mary Jo Dunn
1/07 Grace Boros
1/11 Louise Scarberry
1/13 Melinda Ristvey
1/14 Kinta Alizzeo
1/15 Sue Donnelly
1/16 Ron Valitsky
1/17 Tom Tirabassi
1/23 Don Griffith
1/23 Jennifer Zimmerman
1/25 Sam Boyle
1/26 Bob Weber
Happy New Year!
The new year is upon us and while the weather does not yet quite feel like winter, it is coming. The dock bubbler de-icer system is installed and running so when the cold weather does arrive the docks will be ready. While the snow birds head south for the winter, the rest of us will hold down the fort here in PA. Less than 120 days until the Spring Work Party so go out and enjoy the winter!

Wishing you and all of your loved ones health, happiness, and fair winds in the new year.
Bud Gruger Obituary
We previously announced the passing of long time member Bud Gruger in a December Breeze Extra. We'd like to pass along this link to his obituary.

Again we'd like to extend our deepest sympathies to Bud's family, especially his wife Dalis.
Main Dock Bubbler System Project
This crew was busy on a chilly and muddy day digging ditches and running electricity to our docks! This is so we can install a bubbler system at the docks, which will prevent ice buildup around the docks assuring safety and stability.

GREAT JOB AND A HUGE THANK YOU to the following folks who worked tirelessly all day on this cold December Sunday: Josh and Dale Lewis, Menno Jager, Bill and Jacob Gray, Dave Porter, Ron Gallagher, and Brian Bish for his support throughout the day. Much appreciated!

Special thanks to Josh Lewis for his expertise and help procuring needed materials!
First Sail volunteers needed
Looking for a way to get more involved in club happenings AND spend more time on the water in 2022? First Sail may be the perfect opportunity for you.

First Sail is a US Sailing initiative that involves introducing folks to our sport by taking them out for a ~2hr sail. Your guests are invited to participate as much or as little in the actual sailing of the boat, or they can simply sit back and enjoy a couple hours on the lake.

Once a list of volunteers is compiled, you will be notified as requests come in, and it will be up to each captain to make arrangements for the sail.

Any questions, or to sign up, please contact Lidia.
Dues and Fees Statement
Please be on the lookout for your Dues and Fees Statement to arrive separately via Breeze Extra. All Members are required to complete the Dues and Fees Statement by March 1st. We are required by the State to submit accurate records for our mooring stickers, so it's important that we have everyone's most up to date information.
January Hors D'oeuvre party
Join us on Saturday, January 8 at 5:00 PM for our monthly hors d'oeuvre party!

Come and enjoy the camaraderie of the evening. Bring your favorite dish to share. It's BYOB or donate to the fridge. Friends and new members are welcome. No RSVP's necessary, just show up. See you all there!
Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Breeze Editor in Chief, Lidia Gray at by the 25th of each month.
Board of Directors
Bill Gray
Pam Ambrass
VP/Social Chair
Michelle Johnson
Bill Boros
Harbor Master
Ross Cummings
Racing Liaison
Dave Porter
Board Member
Gene Soriano
Ex-Officio Board Members
Brian Bish
Michelle Bish
Lidia Gray
Breeze/PR/Sailing School