Please join us for the Youth Mission Dinner on Sunday from 6-7 PM. Even if you haven't RSVP'd, just show up! We'll have plenty of homemade spaghetti and meatballs for you and the youth can't wait to share all about their mission trip and city camp with you!
Men's Night Out is Tuesday, September 19 at 6 pm at The Ram. RSVP to
Volunteers needed for Westminster Festival of Fine Arts. The Festival will be held October 12-15, but set-up begins October 8. Several types of roles and many hands go into making this wonderful community event a reality. Sign up in the narthex or here.
Come join the Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30am. We will be reading through the Narrative Lectionary Year 2. Everyone is welcome.
Go Deeper
Considering becoming a member at Westminster or interested in learning more about being Presbyterian? Join the new members' class meeting October 8 and 15, 11:30-1:00. RSVP to the church office ( or talk to Pastor Kelly or Katie Nelson.
Want to contribute musically at WestPres? If you are a vocalist or instrumentalist and are interested in being on the worship team, please reach out to Ariana Recher ( or Jeffrey Larkin ( for more details on rehearsals and Sunday service!
The Outreach Committee is looking for a few more volunteers to be on the Greeter/Welcome Desk Team. If you enjoy smiling and being the first friendly face that welcomes others as they enter our narthex Sunday morning, then this opportunity is for you! Most greeters sign up monthly on a rotation basis. Training provided. Please contact Katie Nelson, 503-580-5631 (text) or
Leadership Corner
Save the date!
Leadership Lab (Winter)
Wed, Nov 8 @ 6:30pm
For all Committee chairs, team leaders & staff
And a great video about the church in 2023:
What’s Really Causing Church Decline and What We Can Do About It - Faith+Lead
As we all regather after summer, there is a lot happening at the church! Committee chairs and ministry leaders, please take a moment to make sure you've communicated with the church office ( about dates/times of meetings and other events, including what space in the building you prefer to use. And keep your eyes open for a new calendar system coming in the next few months. Check the current church calendar for accuracy here.
Save the Date
September 24: Youth Collective Kick-Off
September 24: Budget & Finance Update
September 25: Red Cross Blood Drive
October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival
October 22: Stewardship Pancake Breakfast
October 25: Trunk or Treat
November 12: Stewardship Hoedown Luncheon
In the Community
Salem Pastoral Counseling Center invites us to attend a lunch and presentation on Suicide Prevention and Intervention 101 on September 20. RSVP required. More info and sign up here.
Women are invited to join with other women from around the Presbytery for a fall gathering on September 30 right here in Keizer at John Knox. More info and sign up sheet here.