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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

November 19-25, 2023

Upcoming Events & News

Altar Flowers: The last Sunday of the year to supply altar flowers is Sunday, December 17th. Please contact Jo to reserve this date.

Advent Calendars: It is coming…Advent! To help prepare our hearts for coming of the Redeemer, this season is a time for quiet reflection. Some find it helpful to have a guide for this contemplation. A limited number of Advent calendars are available in the Narthex. If you find this helpful, please take one.

Save the Date: The Episcopal Church Women of St. Paul’s are going to have a coffee on Saturday, December 9th at the Rectory. More info to follow.

Coffee Hour: After the service, everyone is invited to the Parish House (two lefts at the bottom of the steps) for refreshments and fellowship. We promise you will still be able to beat the Baptists and Methodists to lunch afterwards.

Blessing Box: Donations for non-perishable food items are needed for our Blessing Box. Foods that are ready to eat and pop top items are suggested. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. You can drop off donations at the church office or the Narthex.

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am-12pm. Hours vary on Wednesdays.

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Bible Study on The Chosen: Tuesdays at 3:00 pm in Anglican Hall

  • Choral Evensong: Sunday, November 19th at 5:00 pm

  • Children's Sunday School: Sunday, December 3rd at 9:30 am

  • ECW Coffee Gathering: Saturday, December 9th at the Rectory

  • Care Team Meeting: Sunday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm

  • Advent Lessons & Carols: Sunday, December 10th at the 10:30 Service

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Prayer requests will stay on the Parish Prayer List for four weeks with the exception of parishioners with ongoing needs. If you wish a prayer request to remain on the list, please call the office to renew the request.

Intercessions: Peyton Olson, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Jo Cargill-Krug, Matt Stephenson, John & Susan Dempsey, Nelda Mitchell, and Isabelle Tenace.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Jim Wilson, Lucy Harris, Jay, Lakyn Chambers, Cindy Sellers Roach, Autumn Celestine, Kitten Lawless, DeAnna McCool, Robin Goertz, Gerry Goertz & Jinny Goertz, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Mary Myers, Mason Evans, Mark & Jennifer, Sandra Hughes, Susan, Ken Ortman, Jody Gayle, Stacey Lindsey, Tara Nance, Laymon Tunstill, the Sweet Family, Carol Robinson, Jane & Bob Williams, Rebecca Ward, the Fancher family, and the Mian Family.

In Memoriam: Debbie Perkins.

Birthdays: Fuller Bumpers (11/20), Sarah Drake (11/24), Regina Cooper (11/24), and Inge Grahn (11/25). 

Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Mike Schmidt

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Brenda Bittle

Lector (10:30): Sally Fittsizer

Acolyte: Karis Ford

Ushers: Fred Krug & Fuller Bumpers

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Coffee Hour: Nelda Mitchell

Altar Guild: Pat Mason & Melissa Taverner

Community Meal (11/22/2023):  Team Strawberry Mennonites

This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Shelba Avants to the glory of God and in memory of her parents, Cleo & Tressie Fudge.

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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