Community Health Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)
weekly message from the director...
By the Numbers this Week
We still continue to suffer great pain and loss in our community from COVID-19. This week 32 consumers in the California regional center system died, and two of these were from Valley Mountain Regional Center. In total, VMRC reported 55 people tested positive for COVID-19, 32 consumers, 22 community providers, and one person with VMRC. On the positive side, we have seen great progress in working with our county officials to get the vaccine out to our community, and in particular, Dr. V of Stanislaus County and Dr. Park in San Joaquin County have been amazing partners in recognizing our community and many vulnerable consumers. These health professionals are leading our two biggest counties, and their response to our community's needs are among, if not the best, in the state. Our VMRC community is extremely fortunate to have these leaders during such an important time in history.
An Important Resource for our Community Providers
When COVID-19 impacts a care home, one of the factors that quickly elevates the situation to a crisis is that the Direct Service Providers (DSPs), who our consumers are depending on to help them safely navigate this dangerous virus, become ill themselves and struggle with the virus. With staff having to quarantine with their families at home, the care homes are confronted with an immediate and sometimes desperate need for quality DSPs willing to care for people in a vulnerable state. The providers are encouraged to connect with their VMRC Community Liaison and their licensing representatives if there is any risk to staffing capacity. In addition to this direct contact we have also developed a Job Board specifically for our region and our providers. Providers are encouraged to create their own accounts and post their open position. VMRC will work to promote this page in various social media platforms as well as face to face in our training events and with our entire community. The Instructions are on the website, but we're confident you'll find this tool very easy to use. Visit our webpage View Upcoming Jobs, Post Jobs, and once you have your account you manage your own Job Dashboard.
Upcoming Testing Event in Stockton Wednesday January 27, 2021
Yesterday we sent out an announcement for our upcoming fourth Testing event as an initiative of ours to help keep our community safe. Families, Consumers, Providers, and our Staff are all encouraged to test if they've been exposed to someone, feeling symptoms, been in a high risk situation, or just want to make sure they are safe to be around others. Though no one is being turned away, people who register find they can be in and out of the drive through testing in under 10 minutes, which is about half the time of non-registered participants. The event is free, but the lab is asked to bill insurance companies as part of the federal program (non-insured will still be tested at no cost) and you will not be charged a co-pay. You'll also need to bring the consent form, but we'll have them at the event in case you forget. The event will occur rain or shine and don't worry you never need to leave your car.
Tony Anderson
Executive Director
Valley Mountain Regional Center
Case Management Update
SLS Rate Increase Due To Quarantine Circumstance
The rate for Supported Living Services when quarantine/isolation is necessary during the COVID-19 State of Emergency has increased. In order to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, DDS authorizes regional centers to reimburse supported living service (SLS) providers at a rate of $48.06 per hour when necessary to provide 24 hour per day supports to an individual who has either tested positive for, or must quarantine as a result of exposure to, COVID-19. This authorization must be implemented in accordance with applicable labor laws. This rate only applies if the consumer and one direct support staff quarantine or isolate together for the duration of the consumer’s illness or required quarantine period and will be used in place of the vendor’s typical rate.
This Directive is effective January 1, 2021, and remains in effect until further notice, and is necessary to safely support individuals diagnosed with or who have been exposed to COVID-19. Consumers, family members or providers should contact VMRC with any questions regarding this DDS Directive and how it may pertain to your services.
Foothill Transportation Support
Good news for our consumers in the foothill communities when it comes to transportation. Blue Mountain Transport began providing alternative services as of December and moving forward. Amador, Calaveras, and Tuolumne counties are appreciative that things worked out for continuing service. Supporting our consumers and their transportation needs is a primary goal. With so many businesses having difficulties during this COVID-19 pandemic, this is a wonderful ongoing resource for our VMRC consumers in the Tri-County area.
Save the Date for Upcoming Events
VMRC Consumer Services Committee Meeting
February 1 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 6700 7341
Passcode: 108771
Self Determination Trainings/Orientations
- Thursday, February 18, 2021 from 1pm-4pm
- Monday, March 29, 2021 from 1pm-4pm
Register in advance for this webinar:
- Saturday, April 3,2021 from 10pm-1pm
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please contact Angelique Shear at (209) 955-3294 or with questions.
Person-Centered Planning Training
Person-Centered Planning sessions will be available to families starting in April. We will let you know of the date and time when scheduled in an upcoming Health Advisory and on our website:
Cindy Mix
Director of Consumer Services
Clinical Update
It has been a great week with most of our community continuing to get vaccinated and protected against COVID-19. I want to clarify that VMRC is NOT administering vaccines to any of our staff, consumers, families, or vendors. VMRC does NOT have a vaccine clinic. All the vaccination advocacies were in collaboration with our local county public health offices in our catchment area. We are thankful for their collaboration in protecting our community. The local county public health offices are the ones providing the vaccines through their vaccine clinic sites. Each county has a different process in vaccinating the community.
As of the writing of this letter (information changes so quickly, it can change when this is published or the day after), the only way our consumers can get vaccinated is if they live in a long-term care facility, intermediate care facility or care homes, through the CVS/Walgreens Pharmacy Partnership Program. The California Department of Social Services (DSS) has given the names of all of these facilities to the CVS/Walgreens Pharmacy Partnership Program so they are enrolled in it. Another way is if a consumer is 65 years old and older. The local county public health offices decides when they will give vaccines to this group.
With regards to the Moderna Lot 41L20A that was put on hold a few days ago, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has allowed to resume administration of that vaccine.1 After discussions with CDC, FDA, CDPH, County of San Diego Public health Officials and the manufacturer, it has been determined that there was no scientific basis to continue the pause.[1]
A COVID-19 Vaccine Info Session Webinar was held this week for our consumers, families and community stakeholders in order to help them make informed decision regarding the vaccine. Update regarding vaccine advocacy in our 5-county catchment area is in the webinar as well. You can find a copy of the link here and a copy of the power point presentation here .
With the emergence of new COVID-19 Strains in California – the L452R,[2] and CAL.20C[3] which has been found in southern California and other states – we need to continue practicing safety precautions of wearing mask, physical distancing, washing hands, and avoiding crowds to help lessen the spread of the virus. The battle against this virus is not over, but we can all get through this together!
Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C
Director of Clinical Services
VMRC Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 18, 2021, was a federal holiday. This day celebrates the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, an influential American civil rights leader. Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC) celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s achievements through this inaugural event! It was our first of many to celebrate and acknowledge culturally significant achievements.
The links below were sent to staff to learn about or refresh their knowledge of Dr. King.
The event team also sent a fact of the day for a week. Staff commented that this was an awesome way to start the year. They appreciated the information and acknowledgement of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s great achievements!
The committee asked staff to share how they spent their “day on” being of service to the community.
“I partnered with a friend that works at another state agency to spend our MLK day of service. We purchased blankets, water bottles, snacks, and socks to distribute to the homeless community around Modesto. Our first and favorite stop of the day was distributing warmth and food on Martin Luther King Drive. We passed out supplies to 25 individuals. It was a beautiful feel-good day of love and appreciation from all recipients. We have vowed to make this an annual tradition with more friends joining our train of kindness and service.”---Marlene Lombardo
“My family and I participated in a Virtual 5K walk/run, hosted by our Stockton Branch National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)”---Rukaiyah Jones
“I donated bags of food to the Stockton Homeless Shelter and clothes and shoes to Women’s Center”.---Misty Yang
Committee Members:
Rukaiyah Jones
Misty Yang
Liz Knapp
Sherri Jones
Marlene Lombardo
Christine Couch
Neidra Clayton
Tony Anderson
Community Services Department Updates
VMRC is Requesting Proposals for Service Providers, to support our first Community Crisis Home for Children. The RFP information can be found on the VMRC Website here:
An informational session will be held via Zoom on February 1, 2021 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. If you are interested in attending the conference, please email Community Services Director, Brian L. Bennett for the ZOOM sign in link
Residential Informational Sessions
VMRC is continuing to host Residential Informational Sessions every Friday via Zoom- for Residential Service Providers- Licensees, Administrators and Direct Care Staff
Join the Quality Assurance and Resource Development teams to hear the latest updates, policy changes, etc.
Meeting ID: 912 0489 6749
Passcode: 477314
The Community Services Department
January Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Distribution
We have 2 PPE Distribution Days Left in January
Drive Through - No Contact - No Vehicle Exit - No Registration Necessary
Friday (TODAY) - January 22, 2pm - 4pm, VMRC Stockton Office, 702 N. Aurora Street, Stockton, CA 95202
Friday - January 29, 2pm - 4pm, VMRC Modesto Office, 1820 Blue Gum Avenue, Modesto, CA 95358
Please spread the word to families and service providers. Like always, if a family or vendor can not make the event and would like delivery, we will do the best we can to fulfill that delivery request.
Please have families notify their Service Coordinators, and vendors notify their Community Services Liaisons.
North Valley Hills Update
Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager
Self-Advocacy Council 6
Lisa Utsey - Self Advocacy Council 6 chairperson invites you to join the SAC6 Friday CHATS!
With so much happening because of the virus SAC6 wants to hear how you are doing and share information so we can all get through this together!
Health and Wellness
Join us on a SAC6 ZOOM CHAT!!
Let’s Check In with each other!
WHEN: Friday January 22, 2021
TIME: 11:00am-12:00pm
WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone
The next SAC6 CHAT:
· Friday, January 22, 2021 - Christine Couch – VMRC Compliance Manager - Fair Hearing Process
Join Zoom Meeting on your computer, tablet or phone
Meeting ID: 936 7099 5679
Password: 386428
You must enter the Password or you can call in:
· 1-877-853-5257 US Toll-free
Five County Data Update
as of January 21, 2020
San Joaquin County
· 59,096 total positive cases and 806 deaths
· 76.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 17.2% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Stanislaus County
· 43,392 total positive cases and 773 deaths
· 69.1 new cases per 100,000 people and 17.2% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Tuolumne County
· 3417 total positive cases and 40 deaths
· 30.6 new cases per 100,000 people and 6.9% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Calaveras County (Numbers through 01/12)
· 1389 total positive cases and 23 deaths
· 63.5 new cases per 100,000 people and 13.6% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Amador County (Numbers through 01/13)
· 1401 total positive cases and 27 deaths
· 36.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 12.2% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
State of California
· 3,100,027 total positive cases and 35,797 deaths
· 105.4 new cases per 100,000 people and 15.2% positivity rate
Valley Mountain Regional Center
· 517 positive consumer cases and 23 deaths
· 32 positive VMRC staff cases
· 4 positive volunteer case
· 232 positive provider cases and 1 death
Local County, State and National Public Health Resources