Dear friends:

With so much up in the air in our lives and in our world, it’s a privilege and a gift to have the opportunity to gather for worship each week, even when our gathering is online. 

It’s a time for us to slow down, to turn our hearts to God’s word, and to be reminded yet again that we are not the center of our lives and we don’t control what happens in the world.

This week, we continue our journey through I Corinthians with our sermon series A Beautiful Mess. We’ll consider the first five verses of Chapter 2. This is an interesting little passage with a statement that reveals how Paul saw his own ministry. 

In explaining his mission to the church at Corinth, he writes: “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Instead of wowing them with big words or presenting a complex, detailed thesis, Paul quite simply states that the foundation of his ministry is the crucifixion of Christ. 
What does this mean to us today? In a world so focused on power and might, what does it really mean that we follow a crucified messiah? How can we strive to follow the one who gave up everything in order to set us free? 
I hope you’ll join us for worship Sunday at 9:30 or 11 a.m. as we consider these questions.  We’ll also hear some great music, learn a little bit more about Stephen Ministry, celebrate a baptism, and join our hearts in prayer. 

I look forward to worshiping with you.
Take care,
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Sundays at 9:30 and 11 a.m.