Bi-Weekly Brief news & updates
March 3, 2021
Presbytery Meeting Documents Available
FROM:   Ted McCulloch, Stated Clerk
The Presbytery of Lake Huron will hold its stated meeting on Saturday, March 13, 2021. This will be an all-Zoom virtual meeting. Houghton Lake Kirk of the Lakes will be our featured congregation and will share some of their ministry with us. 

This meeting will be held online via Zoom video conference. It is necessary to read the accompanying information on how to participate by Zoom and a document on how to participate for the Presbytery meeting itself.
To that end, we are asking every congregation, as much as possible, to have commissioners who have sufficient access to take part electronically and are comfortable doing so.
Registration ahead of the meeting is necessary. To register click this link:
In a desire to keep the length of this Zoom meeting to a workable time, both the Worship component and the Equipping component have been tightened up considerably. Worship will be a more devotional style and we will not celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Equipping time will have a shortened presentation along with break-out rooms for conversation. We will also have our business section. With all those adjustments, the expectation is that we will be able to adjourn by noon. 
We will be lead in worship by Rev. Irv Porter, Associate for Native American Congregational Support. The Equipping time will be led by Rev. Jenny Saperstein and Elder Delphine Moore, Flint Trinity United, and will focus on colonialism and its continuing impact. For business, most importantly, we will have an examination for ordination of one our own candidates for ministry. In addition, we will have a first reading on a bylaw change for our corporate bylaws, clarifying who shall serve as officers of the corporation. There are other matters of routine, yet important, business including granting easements of property and the granting of one-year extensions for churches terms of service on Session and/or Deacons. Our meeting will end with the reading of this year’s Necrology Report.  

Click here to register and for the meeting documents.
We Lift Up In Prayer
The Rev. George Gillette, who is under Hospice care at Candlestone Assisted Living in Midland.

All those dealing with COVID diagnoses.

Our churches currently in pastoral transition.

Our Mission Co-Workers:
Lucy Der-Garabedian serving in Lebanon.
Cathy Chang and family serving in the Philippines.
Michael and Rachel Ludwig serving in Niger.
Upcoming Ordination and Commissioning Anniversaries:
Elder Liz Long (3/5) - Commissioned Ruling Elder of Ithaca-Lafayette
The Rev. Karen Blatt (3/12) - Temporary Supply of Houghton Lake-Kirk of the Lakes
The Rev. Hakbae Moon (3/19) - Pastor of Flint-Unity
The Rev. Linda Graham (3/25) - Temporary Supply of Davison-St. Andrews
The Rev. Jan Chambers (3/29) - Honorably Retired; Pastor Emerita of Tawas
The Rev. Andrew Miller (4/4) - Pastor of Mt. Pleasant-First
The Rev. Dong Won Park (4/15) - Honorably Retired
The Rev. George Gillette (4/27) - 70 Years - Honorably Retired

We ask that you consider including these requests each week in your bulletin and/or newsletter.
We also encourage everyone to send a card or e-mail or make a phone call to those listed. Sometimes a small gesture creates a big smile. 

Contact information for anyone on this list may be obtained by calling the presbytery office at 989-799-7481 or replying to this email.
From the Lions’ Den
Dan Saperstein

In one of the most poignant scenes in all of scripture, Pilate is interrogating the prisoner Jesus, brought to him under charges of sedition: claiming to be king in place of Caesar. Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” (John 18:37-38).

Pilate knew the truth: he found no fault in Jesus. Yet he caved to political expediency, participated in The Big Lie, and allowed Jesus to be unjustly crucified.

Truth is under assault in our world, and it is a matter of life and death for all of us. Back in the 1990s, when the internet was still young, there was wide-eyed optimism about the power of the information revolution. Communist dictatorships that relied on state-controlled propaganda crumbled as truth seeped in at 2400 bits per second. The internet was to be the great disseminator of truth, and with it, freedom.

We know, of course, that the information revolution has had the opposite effect. We are so deluged with information, that we no longer have the capacity to judge truth from falsehood. Sophisticated disinformation programs can subvert the truth through echo-chambers of like-minded people. Politicians cooperate to repeat lies that undermine democracy itself.

Some disinformation appeals to our own cynicism and vanity. It draws us in with the promise of revealing secret knowledge, decoding hidden meanings, and exposing massive conspiracies convincing us that up is down, truth is falsehood, wrong is right. The most egregious example is how thousands of American “patriots” acting on a blatantly untrue conspiracy theory of a stolen election launched an insurrection against our Capitol on January 6.

Presbyterians have a commitment to the truth. Among the great ends, or purposes, of the church affirmed in our Book of Order is “the preservation of the truth” (F-1.0304). Our historic principles tell us that “truth is in order to goodness… and that no opinion can either be more pernicious or more absurd than that which brings truth and falsehood upon a level…. We are persuaded that there is an inseparable connection between faith and practice, truth and duty” (F-3.0104). Jesus said the same to Nicodemus, who had come to him under the cover of night: “Those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God” (John 3:21).

Every lie has its price. Every falsehood damages someone or something. There is an old Jewish story about a woman who came to her rabbi and told him that she had been telling false rumors about her neighbors. She wanted the rabbi to help her make everything right. He told her to go and pluck a chicken and scatter the feathers all the way from her home to his, then to gather them up again and bring them to him. He promised her that if she did this he would give her his answer. She agreed and left. The next day she came back and told the rabbi that she had done as she was instructed. She had plucked the chicken and scattered the feathers. But she said, she could not bring the feathers to him, for the wind had scattered them everywhere. Then the rabbi said, "Lies are like feathers. Once you have scattered them, it is impossible to pick them all up again. You cannot undo the damage or completely change it. So from now on, make up your mind to speak only the truth."

There are many ways of lying, but there is really only one way to be true. It is more than just uttering factual statements, more than mere forthrightness. It is an attitude of the heart, what might be called truthfulness. It emerges from our inner person and makes itself known in action. It is, in another word, integrity.

Jesus instructs us in the Sermon on the Mount: “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. Whatever is more than these comes from the evil one” (Matt. 5:37, NKJV). When we knowingly promote lies, it is from the evil one. When we tweak facts and shade the truth to suit our liking, it is from the evil one. When we tune out the voices of others who speak the truth in love, it is from the evil one.

But we are not of the evil one; we are the children of God. As those who hear the voice of true King, let us bear witness to the truth in every part of our lives, and especially in the community of faith.


Dan Saperstein, Executive Presbyter
Annual Statistics
We would like to give a big "Thank You!" to all the Clerks of Session and others who took the time to complete the 2020 Annual Statistics. We know that it can be time consuming and even stressful, but we do appreciate your hard work.
Synod Lenten Worship Videos Available
Many thanks to all of you who filled out a survey about the worship services that the Synod of the Covenant coordinated for Advent! Your responses indicated that you would find Lenten worship services helpful, so your presbytery and synod leaders are putting together online worship experiences to give church staff and volunteers a week off, to serve as personal devotions for you, and to give you new ideas for worship.

These worship services have been selected according to which dates you indicated would be the most helpful.

Click here for more information.
World Mission Matching Challenge For Spring 2021
Every day, mission co-workers like Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez Carrasco in the Philippines work to share the Word of God and the peace of Christ in some of the most troubled and desperate places on the planet. Your gift to Presbyterian World Mission will allow them to continue to promote social justice and solidarity against the ever-worsening human rights situation where they live and serve. And when you make your gift by Easter Sunday, April 4, you will double its life-changing impact thanks to a special group of our committed donors who has pledged to match all gifts for mission personnel support, up to $44,760. Thank you for your support of all our mission co-workers as, powered by your caring support, we live into being a Matthew 25 denomination.

Thank You From The Ludwigs
Dear Lake Huron Presbytery,

As we prepare to go back to Niger we have found ourselves explaining our situation to a lot of people. Frequently they are amazed at how much help and support we get from our church to pay for things like the plane tickets, immunizations, emergency plans, and even our housing in all the transitions in Niger. This does a lot to help give us stability and freedom to focus more on the relationships we need to maintain in Niger. We want to pass on that amazement and thanks because you are the ones that allow for us to have such good support! We also want to encourage you that by your gifts we have been able to keep going even through the pandemic difficulties and will be able to return to offer much needed support to our siblings in Christ in Niger. Helping to strengthen their reflection of God's love to their neighbors is what we're so proud to be a part of and is what we truly hope will have a great impact on the whole country.

Thank you for being an important part of this huge undertaking!

Michael, Rachel and Family

our latest PCUSA mission newsletter:  True Global Health
Latest Worship Videos:

Camping Scholarships Available - Deadline is March 31
A donor at First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven, Michigan, wants to provide generous financial assistance to children desiring to go to a Christian camp. This year the program is being offered to all the churches in the four presbyteries in Michigan - Detroit, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Mackinac. If you are willing, we'd like to have you offer this financial assistance to the children and youth of your church. Please make copies of the application and distribute them among those eligible for the funding.

Deadline to apply is March 31st.

Here are the parameters of this program:

  • The purpose of the camp must be Christian faith development.
  • It is open to any child or youth with a connection to your church.
  • The camper's family is responsible for paying the camp registration fee (at a minimum).
  • A family can pay more if they choose.
  • The donor desires that children will do work around the house or community to earn the funds for the registration fee.
  • This program will pay the remaining portion of the camp. The expectation is that this will not exceed $500.00 per camper.
  • This financial assistance comes with no income requirements. The donor wants children to go to Christian camp without restriction.
  • The donor expects that the home church will pray for their campers in person prior to attending camp.
  • Following the camp there will be a follow-up letter for reflection by the camper on his or her experience. This letter will be shared with the donor.

Click here for more details and the application.
Academic Scholarship Available - Deadline is March 17th
McCabe Charitable Foundation Scholarship

The McCabe Charitable Foundation Scholarship assists specific students from Bay, Saginaw, or Midland counties in Michigan who are enrolled or planning to enroll in undergraduate studies at Delta Community College or Saginaw Valley State University.

This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals.

Applicants to the McCabe Charitable Foundation Scholarship must be:

  • Jewish or Presbyterian residents of Bay, Saginaw, or Midland counties in the State of Michigan.
  • Enrolled or planning to enroll in full-time undergraduate studies at Delta Community College or Saginaw Valley State University for the entire upcoming academic year.

Deadline to apply is March 17th.

Click here for more details and to apply.
Toll Free Number
The toll-free number for the Presbytery Office will no longer be available for use after mid-March.

Due to the cost of maintaining the number and the lack of users, we have begun phasing it out. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Resources Regarding COVID-19
We have set up a page with numerous resources to help you navigate through this challenging time.

Among other things, our COVID-19 page includes information regarding:

  • Virtual Worship and Live Streaming
  • Zoom and online meetings
  • Funerals
  • Online giving
  • Grants and loans
  • Denominational resources
  • Mental wellness
  • Re-opening considerations

If there are other items/resources that you would to see added please contact Staci Percy at