Dear TBZ community:
Today is Rosh Hodesh Adar Bet, the beginning of the second month of Adar (Because it is a leap year, we had an additional Adar). As this Adar begins, our tradition teaches us that we are to increase our joy and happiness as a preparation for the holiday of Purim. We tend to think of Purim as a holiday for children and a holiday of unrestrained joy, with costumes, masks, and Oznei Haman or Hamantashen.
We know that the story of Purim is not an easy one; it is about a regime’s attempt to eliminate our people. It is a story of the Jewish triumph from near destruction and annihilation, and our tradition lifts up joy from suffering in the form of parties and fun, banquets and costumes, and giving to one another.
There are four Purim mitzvot (known as the Five מ MEM’s as they all start with the letter mem):
Mikra Megillah: The Reading of the Megillah
Mishteh: Festive Purim
Mishloach Manot: Sending Gifts
Matanot l’Evyonim: Gifts to the poor
We read the Megillah. We celebrate with joy. We send gifts to each other, and we take care of people in need. What a beautiful response to fear and to war, and to the evil that surrounds us: remembering, celebrating, being in community, and taking responsibility for those in need.
All communities are diverse and TBZ is no different. At times, and I include myself in this, we may make assumptions that the way we express joy or celebrate happy events is the same for everyone. Different people have different needs and struggles, and different ways they approach celebrations. And I am, in this case, specifically thinking about alcohol.
Our tradition teaches that: ‘A person is obligated to drink on Purim till they no longer know the difference between ‘Cursed-is-Haman,’ and ‘Blessed-is-Mordechai.’ This mitzvah is problematic and complicated. When we assume that drinking and celebrating with alcohol is “the only way” or “the Jewish way” without thinking what this means for people in recovery or currently struggling with alcohol. When we make these assumptions, we not only leave out specific people in our community for the holiday, but we also alienate people who struggle with addictions, any addictions. And when we do that, we are doing the opposite of the mitzvot of Purim which is a call for being in community, sharing meals with each other, caring for those in need, and checking in with our neighbors.
This shabbat we are honored to welcome, as a scholar in residence, Rabbi Igael (Iggy) Gurin-Malous. Rabbi Iggy is the founding rabbi and CEO of T’Shuvah Center, a new long-term Jewish recovery community in New York City. Rabbi Iggy will be teaching tonight and tomorrow at TBZ. You can join us in person or online, see details below.
The timing, inviting him on Rosh Hodesh Adar, is intentional. We want to lift up the teachings of inclusion, by naming addiction and recovery as something that is also part of our Jewish community, of our TBZ community. We welcome each and everyone of you and see you in your recovery journey. Yes, we are still planning to eat and drink at TBZ. Like every year, we will continue to have lechayims during the Megillah reading and we will continue as usual to do lechayim on Shabbat during Kiddush and other celebrations. But we acknowledge that we all have struggles, some more visible than others, and we want our community to be a place where people know that they are welcome as they are, with the joys and the “oys”, with the strengths and the weaknesses, with the successes and the struggles.
As Purim approaches in a moment where there is darkness and war and bloodshed around us, I am asking myself what does it mean to make room for joy? How do we approach joy in meaningful and intentional ways? My hope is that as we work together, and struggle together, and ask ourselves, “what does it mean to be a community that supports recovery and people in recovery and does not shame or alienate those struggling with addiction?” we can find deeper joy in ourselves and our celebrations.
I am not sure if many people know this, but TBZ has been hosting an AA group in our building at TBZ every Monday night for many years now. Opening our doors for recovery is part of the mitzvah that Purim calls us to.
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
Mi she Nichnas Adar marbim be-Simcha
As the second month of Adar begins, let's increase our joy, from within and spread it to those around us, reaching out to our community and welcoming with open arms every one, including those who are on a recovery journey and their loved ones.
May this Shabbat bring renewal and blessings to all of you and your loved ones.
May we find strength, courage, and patience, and open our hearts with generosity.
May all those who are ill find healing.
May we have a joyful and restful Shabbat!
Hodesh Tov & Shabbat Shalom,