December 27, 2021 | View Archived Issues
Vice President
of Innovation

A Note from...
Susan Ahern, Vice President of Innovation, MaineHealth

The MaineHealth Innovation team and I wish you a
warm and peaceful holiday season. Thank you for all you do
to foster the culture of innovation at MaineHealth.

We look forward to continuing to innovate with you in 2022!

With kind regards,
Innovation Cohort | Innovation Elective | Innovation Fund | Innovation Blender | Brewing Ideas Coffee Corner
Upcoming Program Opportunities

Next Program Cycle: Spring 2022
Stay tuned for application details coming January 2022!

Next Program Cycle: Spring 2022
Stay tuned for application details coming January 2022!

This event will return in February 2022.
Interested in being a MaineHealth Innovation Blender Speaker? Apply here.

Thinking Differently: Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM) and MaineHealth Innovation Elective for Medical Students

"This course helps me think about the innovation process in a systematic way that I can bring into my future practice.” James Kwan, TUSM medical student

James Kwan, a Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM) MaineHealth Innovation Elective student for Fall 2021, is learning to “think differently.” As a fourth year TUSM student applying to ophthalmology residency programs, James is investigating innovative ideas related to patient access and infection prevention. James is engaging in experiential learning activities to help him explore specific innovation areas of interests.
The TUSM MaineHealth Innovation Elective is a 4-week course designed for medical students that uses an experiential learning approach to develop an individual's idea generation capabilities and explore potential innovation projects. Learners explore opportunities of interest, engage in user discovery, search for existing or novel models, develop a prototype, define stakeholders, run short experiments, and map a process for future deployment of their innovative solution.
Over the next several months, our MaineHealth Innovation newsletter will feature tips for developing skills to “think differently” and to adopt a more innovative mindset. In each issue, we will present a new Discovery Skill based on the work of Jeffrey Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and
Clayton Christensen, leaders in disruptive innovation. Last month we covered questioning. You can check out that Innovation tip here from our October newsletter. Using the skills may inspire and challenge you to create new innovative insights.

Discovery Skill: Networking for Ideas

“What a person does on his own, without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of others, is even in the best of cases rather paltry and monotonous” Albert Einstein
When we have an idea for an innovation or have identified a problem we want to investigate, networking, or talking to people, can often help us come up with new insights about the problem we are trying to solve or the innovation we want to test out. Talking with people from different backgrounds or different industries helps us see the world differently, which ultimately helps us “think differently”. Learn more about the power of networking in this short video from Hal Gregersen, co-author of the Innovator’s DNA, here
Theresa Roelke, APRN's innovation "Pocket Nodules-Lung"
Skills in Action: MaineHealth Innovator, Theresa Roelke, APRN, a Nurse Practitioner and creator of Pocket Nodules, has shared her innovation in several settings, including at the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) where she received a national innovation award. Through networking at the ACCC conference she made a connection with the Lung Ambition Alliance and is now working on defining how she can co-brand her Pocket Nodules innovation in order to get her innovative patient education tool into the hands of thousands across the globe.
Taking the Next Step: Two great ways to network through MaineHealth Innovation are to join the Coffee Corner and the Innovation Blender!

The bi-weekly Brewing Ideas Coffee Corner is an opportunity to meet with other care team members across MaineHealth who are interested in innovation! Join this interactive hour every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8:30am via Zoom.

The Innovation Blender, is designed to bring together practitioners, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators from a variety of backgrounds together to ideate and brainstorm around innovator challenges and proposed breakthrough technologies.
Help us celebrate innovation!

Help us celebrate innovation and create a resource for sharing
innovation across MaineHealth by submitting your innovation story!
Discover MaineHealth Innovation stories here.

Let us know how we can help support innovation:

The MaineHealth Innovation Team
Susan Ahern - Vice President of Innovation
Elena Brondolo, MPH, MBA - Manager of Innovation
Kim Harvey, MSOL - Program Manager, Innovation
Todd Keiller, MBA - Director of Intellectual Property & Tech Transfer
Savannah Young - Executive Assistant I