Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - December 2023

From the

Director's Desk...

The staff and I will be so happy to welcome you back to our building this month! We look forward to seeing you all there! We hope that you all enjoy our lovely new ADA-compliant restrooms and that our brand-new HVAC keeps us all comfy-cozy this winter!

I would like to thank Chris Talkowski and the staff of Stanley Steemer for donating the steam-cleaning of CPL's carpets and a "high" cleaning of all hard-to-reach spots. The staff and I are immensely appreciative of your donation! And I can't say "Thank You" enough!

December has quite a few holidays in it that mean gift-giving. If I'm lucky, throughout the year when I'm out and about on my normal errands, I've seen something that I thought so and so would love. If I was smart, I bought it right then and there. And if I was brilliant, I will have put it somewhere I will find it when the time comes to wrap and give it away!  So now I'm hoping to be lucky, smart, and brilliant! I hope that's not asking too much!

I'm also hoping you enjoy the upcoming holiday season! 

Best wishes to you and yours!

Charlotte A. Dunaief

Library Director

Library Hours

The library will be closed to the Public for our move back from Munger Cottage from:


and will reopen at 395 Hudson Street resuming regular hours on:

Monday, December 4

MON-THUR: 9:00am-8:00pm

FRI: 9:00am-6:00pm

SAT: 9:00am-4:00pm

SUN: 1:00pm-4:00pm

Holiday Closing

The library will be closed Sunday & Monday, December 24 & 25 for the Christmas holiday. We will also close on Sunday and Monday, December 31 & January 1 for the New Year's holiday.

Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Business Meeting

Wednesday, December 13


Library Community Room

All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.

Friends of the Library

friends logo

Book Sale


December 16


Come to the ever-popular Friends bookstore Book Sale. All are welcome to drop-in, and support the Friends of the Library!

Construction Update - Reopening December 4

You may have noticed that the construction vehicles are no longer parked in the library lot. We are very pleased to announce the anticipated reopening of the library building on Monday, December 4. Several building maintenance tasks still need to be completed before our reopening, such as a complete cleaning of construction debris and dust, as well as moving all remote library materials and IT equipment back into the building. Additionally, staff will be hard at work re-shelving the 93 bins of books, DVDs, etc. that accumulated during the construction period. As we did in August, we plan to completely close our Munger Cottage operations beginning on Monday, November 27 to complete this work. Please, continue to check our website and social media for the latest information.

Why did construction take longer than anticipated? The delay was due to two additional projects that were added to the scope of the original work - entry & hallway flooring and barrel ceiling joint repair. Because the entire project is being done using NYS Library Construction grant money, additional approvals were required by the Dormitory Authority of New York, all pushing our re-opening date back. We know how frustrating delays are, but we also know the importance of getting the work done right the first time around. Thanks for your steady patience and see you on December 4th!

Programs For Adults

6-Hour Safe Driver Course

Friday, December 1

8:45am - 4:00pm

Sponsored by AARP

C-o-H Village Hall Board Room



Please register in person at the library with payment (cash or check) to confirm registration - $25 for AARP members; $30 for non-members.

Make checks payable to AARP, with AARP member number (if applicable) written on check. Cash payments must be exact change only. Participants must bring driver's license and AARP card (if applicable) to class.

Midday Matinee

Tuesday, December 5


Are You There God, It's Me Margaret

Rated PG-13

Running Time: 1 hr. 46 minutes

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

Create a Holiday Boxwood

Tabletop Tree

Tuesday, December 5

4:30 - 6:30 pm 

Munger Cottage -

Main Room

Design a festive Boxwood Tabletop Tree for the holidays with the creative help of Merritt Florist’s Betsy Sharo. Space is limited and registration required, along with a $20 materials fee to confirm registration. Registration opens via the library website on November 7.

Bring clippers, scissors and wire cutters.

Teen Tech Tutoring


December 12

4:00 - 5:00pm

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions. No appointments needed - first come, first served

Monday Night Movie


December 18


Black Christmas

Rated R

Running Time: 1 hr., 38 minutes

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie at the library!

In this 1974 indie film, a group of sorority girls are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break.

A Drop-In Event; No Registration Required.

Creative Writers

Select Mondays


Always open to new members. For planning purposes, we request that participants register via the library website prior to attending.

Member's Choice

Book Group


December 6


Letter from the Earth

by Mark Twain

Join our Member’s Choice Book Group for a lively discussion on titles chosen by the group. This group typically meets the first Wednesday of each month and is always eager to welcome new people

Hard copies are available to pick up at Munger Cottage UNTIL NOV 26, and then DEC 4 at the reopened library; eBooks available on Libby and hoopla; eAudios available on hoopla.

This program continues to be hybrid. Simply drop in to enjoy the group in person OR register here to receive a Zoom link on the day of the meeting.

Mystery Book Group

December 21 @ 2:00pm

The Good Detective by John McMahon

Meetings have resumed at the library. New members are always welcome.

Hard copies are available to pick up at Munger Cottage UNTIL NOV 26, and then DEC 4 at the reopened library; eBooks available on Libby and hoopla; eAudios available on hoopla.

Programs for Kids

Family Story Time


December 5

9:30am OR 10:30am

Enjoy a story time at the library with your whole family. All ages are welcome.

Please register your child(ren) via the online calendar the week before each event. Adults do not need to register.



December 8


Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.

Saturday Morning Story Time


December 9


Enjoy a special story time for the whole family on the weekend.

A drop-in event – no registration required.

You're Invited to Take a Ride

on the Polar Express


December 26


Join us for a Polar Express-themed event with crafts, snacks, hot chocolate and a showing of the award-winning movie, The Polar Express. All are invited to come in pajamas!

This is an all ages, drop-in event in the library's community room. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Family Build-It with LEGOs


December 27


Bring the kids and build a masterpiece! A family drop-in event – no registration required.

Family Game Day


December 28


Join us for an afternoon of fun and free play. We provide the games and puzzles; you provide the players (bring a friend!)

Geared toward school age children, but all are welcome. A drop-in event for the whole family.

Holiday Card-Making Station

December 4-December 10

Stop by the library's children's area during the above dates and make a holiday card! All supplies will be provided.

Chess Time


December 9


An informal time to relax and enjoy a match with a friend or play with someone new.

Open to all ages! For any skill range from beginner to accomplished players.

A drop-in event – No registration required.

Teen Book Croup


December 11


Dangerous Alliance

by Jennieke Cohen

Grades 9-12 only

Love to read? Curious what others think of a particular book? Hungry for new titles? We’ve got the group for you! Register in person at the library when you pick up a copy of the book (available at Munger Cottage until NOV 26 and then at the reopened library on DEC 4). eBooks are also available through the Libby app.

Dog Tales

Dog Tales


December 11

For Grades K-12

Read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library website for a 15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.


December 13


Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep

by Maureen Wright

.A book group for grades K-2nd only. Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book – available at Munger Cottage until NOV 26th and then at the reopened library on Dec 4th.

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