September Newsletter
Dear Church Family,

Welcome back to the church program year! We are doing our best, starting immediately, to reengage in at least some of the things that have always brought us meaning around the areas of adoration and praise, prayer, fellowship, service and education.

We know that life hasn’t gone back to ‘normal’ and we are trying to let some old opportunities go, and open up some new ones, that we might respond to God, and to the voiced needs of the congregation, during this time. 

Recently, as people have come back to in-person worship for the first time, or engaged in a bible study, they’ve said to me, “I’ve needed this.” I’ve nodded in agreement. We do, indeed, need church community—especially when everything has been thrown out of kilter. 

Friends, let us know what fills your heart as we begin our program year. If there are things you’d like to offer—to add to the mix—offer yourselves up as leaders! If you notice something is a little sparse, in terms of leadership or direction, maybe that’s God’s way of calling you forward! 

May God be with you as we continue to live in community even through these times. 

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

Sunday Morning Worship and Education Hour

Starting this Sunday, September 13, RCHP will move to a Sunday Schedule that includes a Sunday School hour. We will continue to worship outside, reassessing as we near the middle/end of October. The schedule will be as follows:

9:00am - Education hour for all ages. There will be small group bible studies offered for adults. Sunday School for pre-K through 12th grades will be divided into outdoor classes. We ask everyone to wear a mask, and for students to meet their teachers outside in the church yard, under tents labeled by age/grade. We are looking forward to being together again in a new way and continuing to learn and talk about the stories of our faith. Please reach out to Wendy Jager if you have any questions about Sunday School for children and youth.

10:00am - Worship Service. There will be just 1 worship service on Sundays for now. Congregants are invited to sit in the socially distanced circles that we draw around the yard. We will, on days with inclement weather, either cover as much of the yard as possible, or prepare to live-stream the service only.

10:25-10:45am - Children's Worship. During the length of the sermon, Pastor Lara and a team of interns and volunteers will host children's worship under a tent near the social hall.

Note about Nursery Care: The nursery is open for any family who wants to utilize it, and all toys, door handles, surfaces, etc. will be disinfected on Sunday morning. However, for now, no nursery care is offered in a staffed capacity, as cannot do so in a way that maintains social distancing.

Music Participation

Choir rehearsals (Gospel, Chancel, and ChimeNEW!) are resuming in-person, outdoor, and masked/socially distanced rehearsals. For so many of us, choir rehearsal is not simply a preparation for performance/worship leadership, but it is a time for drawing close to God and one another through music and prayer. The rehearsals will all be held on Wednesday (BEGINNING TODAY) in the church yard where the sanctuary meets the social hall. These programs will be weather-contingent (so please connect with Pastor Amos to be added to the email list), and the schedule will be as follows:

6:00 - 7:00pm: Gospel Choir rehearsal
7:00 - 8:00pm: Chancel Choir OR Chime Choir rehearsal (alternating weeks)

We will not, at the moment, be holding regular Children's Choir rehearsals, but we are welcoming all ages (reading ability recommended, but not required) to come and participate in the choirs. While the choirs will also be given opportunities to lead worship once a month, willingness to sing/play on Sunday morning is NOT required for participation in the Wednesday evening programming.

Wednesday evening choir rehearsals will no longer be held over Zoom, but for those wishing to connect virtually, we will be offering an every-other-week virtual worship experience, led by student minister Keiko Kereh. These services will held via Zoom, on alternating Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 7:45pm, beginning next Tuesday (Sept 15). The Zoom link and call info will be available through the church website, or upon request from Pastor Amos.

Anyone wishing to be more involved in the musical or technical aspects of worship can reach out to Pastor Amos at
Children and Youth

Middle School & High School Youth Group

The Fall Kickoff for middle and high school youth groups will be THIS SUNDAY (Sept 13) from 12:00 to 3:00pm in Donaldson Park! Students are welcome to come enjoy some food, games, and fun. And especially if you haven't met our new youth pastor, we hope you'll come out and say hi to Pastor Terry Stokes.

Following this week, the middle school youth group will meet on Wednesdays (beginning Sept 16) in the Cave (church basement) from 7:00 to 8:15pm. The high school youth group will meet on Sundays (beginning Sept 20) in the Cave from 7:00 to 8:15pm.

Kids in the Cave

Kids in the Cave (KITC) youth group is beginning this Sunday (Sept 13) for 4th and 5th graders. Join us after church on the front lawn from 11:30am-1:30pm for pizza and outdoor games. KITC will be co-led by Wendy Jager and Lara Arp and will meet once a month, schedule to be determined. Invite your friends!

Confirmation Class of 2021

We are beginning to think about who will be going through this year's confirmation class. Confirmation is generally offered to students as they enter 7th grade, although we frequently have older youth join who haven't had the opportunity. This class will not begin until late October. Please let us know if your student is interested in being a part of it!
Connecting With God

Sanctuary Open for Prayer and Meditation

Just because we cannot worship together indoors at this time doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the quiet and sacred space of RCHP's beautiful sanctuary. Church members have signed up to "staff" an open sanctuary during the following days and times. Please come by and sit quietly to connect with God mid-week in a sacred space.

Mondays: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Tuesdays: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Wednesdays: 12:00 to 1:00pm
Thursdays: 12:00 to 1:00pm
Fridays: 1:30 to 2:30pm

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Every morning from Monday to Saturday, you are invited to join your church family for a Zoom prayer call. This happens from 9:00 to 9:30am. Come and sing songs of praise, hear a fresh word from scripture, and share prayers of thanksgiving and petition.

Deepening Discipleship, Part 3

All are invited to join in the final module of our 3-part discipleship series, which will span the months of September, October, and November. Because we are operating with necessary caution, we will be conducting this module in a virtual platform. Once per month, participants will be asked to watch a short video uploaded to Youtube, then to engage and reflect in a series of short questions. Finally, all participants are encouraged to join a Tuesday evening Zoom call, to interact and reflect together.

This final module will be centered around the theme of journeying "Onward," as we engage the idea of what it means to be "called by God" to LIVE our faith in the world. Because the first session will be asking everyone to take an online profile inventory (the Enneagram), paid for by the church, we are asking for anyone interested to register for the class with Lisa, who will provide instructions on how to access the online evaluation. Please email the church office at
Connecting With One Another

Meet-and-Greet on the Church Lawn

You are invited to a socially-distanced, masked time to greet each other on the church lawn, on Saturday, September 26 at 11:00am. We miss each other and this is a safe, distanced opportunity to say hello to one another outdoors! In case of rain, the event is postponed.

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry ( for more information and for a Zoom link.

"LitLovers" Reading Group

If you love reading and a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Turner ( for more information and for a Zoom link.

SAVE THE DATE: Outdoor Holiday Bazaar

We are eager to continue a COVID-adjusted version of our ever-popular Holiday Bazaar, which will be held outdoors and earlier than usual, on Saturday, October 24, from 10:00am to 4:30pm - rain or shine! While the date and setting will be different, you can rest assured that the Indonesian lunch, abundant supply of baked goods, and all of the other holiday goodies will be offered for your purchase and enjoyment!

Staying in Touch Through Phone Calls

Many church members have been making and receiving phone calls since March as a way to stay in communication. If you would like to either make or receive a call, please reach out to Kristy Lauricella at
Serving and Working For Justice and Peace

Supporting Our Siblings in Beirut

It's been almost 1 month since the explosion from the improperly stored ammonium nitrate at the Port of Beirut killed dozens, injured hundreds, and left over 300,000 homeless. Lebanon was already struggling with mass unemployment, food insecurity, COVID-19, and supporting refugees that comprise 25% of the total population, when the blast pummeled most of Beirut. Our partner, World Renew, is currently working with their Lebanon partners to provide meals, food vouchers, and hygiene equipment to the people of Beirut. Can you help? There are two ways to give: click on this link to donate online, or make a donation during our special offering collection this Sunday, September 13. Please mark all donations, whenever possible, with "World Renew Beirut Donation."

Special Offering for Those Impacted by Hurricane Laura

We will collect an additional special offering on Sunday, September 27 for siblings impacted by the devastation from Hurricane Laura, particularly in Louisiana. Please mark checks and envelopes accordingly.

Global Grace Cafe and Marketplace

RCHP is host to these fantastic refugee-run businesses. We have weathered months of low sales and few customers by turning the focus of our work to mask making and serving hot meals for those in need. Grants have supported these efforts, and will continue to support them through September. Please come and enjoy Global Grace Cafe! We are providing very limited seating in the social hall, and we also have a tent set up outside for folks to dine outdoors. Click on this link to see what we have for sale in the marketplace and to make contributions to help support meals for those in need.

Thrift Shop Reopens!

As we move into the fall of 2020, we are rethinking the hours for the Tower Thrift Shop. We would like to attempt to move the schedule to the morning, and we are committed to 9:00am to 12:00pm, Monday to Friday, as our open time. From 8:00 to 9:00am each day, we'll be getting the shop ready for business. We welcome you to become part of the Thrift Shop ministry. Call Pastor Seth (732-882-3193) for more details.

Black Community Watchline

A number of RCHP members have actively helped establish and support a Black Community Watchline, which launches TODAY, September 9, 2020. This phone line has been set up for people to call for one-on-one conversations with a trained dispatcher who is concerned about the structural and personalized racism one has experienced.

After the murder of George Floyd, and the demands of marchers this summer for policy changes in policing, this is a way for our community to start, even now, to address the multifaceted forms of violence against Black people. Learn more about the watchline here.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

A (Virtual) Memorial Service for Pat Ruff

Pat Ruff, a long-time Highland Park resident, local high school science teacher, and one of the people most influential in starting our first Fair Trade store, died peacefully surrounded by family on Monday, August 31. A memorial service will be offered via Zoom this Friday (Sept 11) at 2:00pm. Join the meeting using this link, or via phone: (646) 558-8656, ext. 87024341596#.

Online Grief Support Group

A new RCHP Grief Support Group is currently forming and will begin meeting on Tuesday, September 29. If you would like to learn more about this group, please reach out to Kristy Lauricella at or Nicci Spinazzola at

Making a Meal

A few church members have a desire to offer a delivered meal for families who are experiencing the stress of this unusual time. If you can help a busy family with a meal during this stressful time, please email Carol Perry at or Liz Townley at

Trauma-Informed Care for Socially Engaged Communities
Church Based Mental Health Services is pleased to sponsor a two-part (virtual) workshop on Trauma Informed Care for professional staff and non-professional volunteers on October 7 and October 14, from 9:30 to 11:30am. Please email Carol Turner at to learn more about the training or to register for the Zoom link.

Support the Highland Park Food Pantry

During this time of economic strain, the food pantry is attempting to maintain and increase its capacity to serve the most vulnerable families. Please consider donating to the food pantry through the church, directly to the HP Community Food Pantry, or by purchasing items on their Amazon Wish List, located here:

Advanced Care Planning

It is not easy for many people to talk about their end-of-life medical wishes, but if we approach it together, it might be less difficult. It doesn't matter how old you are, how healthy you are; we can make decisions now to help those who will make decisions for us if we are unable. Please take a few minutes to watch this video, and reach out to Kristy Lauricella ( with questions or feedback on how RCHP can support you in exploring these directives.

Bereavement Calendar for September

The following names have been offered for remembrance in September 2020:

Robert Board, Beloved Great-Uncle of Jess Munger

Ann and Fred Caterson, Beloved Parents of Mary Caterson

Tim Downey, Beloved Husband of Luanne Downey and 
Beloved Brother-in-Law of Illona Faust and Susanne Kucsma

Michael Faust, Beloved Husband of Andrea Faust,
Beloved Father to Meghan, Ryan, Sean, Michael, Alexis, and Madison, 
and Beloved Brother-in-Law of Illona Faust

Helen and Joe Haluko, Beloved Aunt and Uncle of
Illona Faust, Susanne Kucsma, and Luanne Downey

Evelyn and Russell Henry, Beloved Parents of Bill Henry

Maria Sia Sui Hong, Beloved Mother of Yana Sunarto, and
Beloved Grandmother of the Pangemanan family 

Carol Spargo House, Beloved Cousin of Carrie and Paul Hudak 

Melinda Knowlton, Beloved Daughter of Roberta Knowlton

Gladys McLean, Beloved Friend of Rose Maselli

Lauren Mitchell, Beloved Cousin of Dolores Van Liew

Brittany Novak, Beloved Niece of Cathy Laycock and Cousin of Anna Laycock

John and Helen Schafer, Beloved Parents of John Schafer

Joe Van Liew, Beloved Husband of Dolores Van Liew

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.


... here are some photos from past events that we hope you'll enjoy!
Worship Service led by VBS children & youth, August 30
Conquer Cancer: Blood & Platelet Drive, August 29
Global Grace Marketplace
Piney Arp, interviewed by News 12 about the Black Community Watchline