News & Updates
March 3, 2022
Street Drainage Construction Project in action
Public Involvement Workshop on March 10 to Update Stormwater Master Plan

We're getting ready to update our Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) and we want to hear from you at our 1st Public Involvement Workshop on Thursday March 10, at 6 PM in our Town Hall Council chambers.

The SWMP was created in 2008 with the purpose to identify opportunities to protect surface water quality and reduce flooding within the Town. The SWMP identified seventeen priority stormwater improvement projects (basins) throughout the Town, based on observed flooding, flood complaints, roadway conditions, traffic volumes, and hydraulic analysis. 13 years later, many of those projects identified have either been completed or are in the planning stages—projects that have enhanced and improved the Town’s stormwater system, reduced flooding risks, and helped the Town earn a CRS Class 4 rating, providing flood insurance policy holders in Town with a 30% discount on their premiums—Cutler Bay is one of only 4 communities in Florida to have achieved this rating.

Now, we're ready to update the SWMP in order to examine the performance of the work completed to date, examine its effectiveness, and identify new improvement projects for the future. Your input is essential to the success of this update, so save the date and join us on Thursday, March 10!
Help Protect Conservation Site

Did you know the portion of land north and south of SW 224 Street and 97 Avenue is a protected conservation site? This area of land is prone to two recurring problems that pose serious threats to the surrounding environment: ATV riding and illegal dumping. Watch this video to learn more and if you witness these violations, please report it to the Town:

  • To report motorized vehicles on the protected site call the non-emergency police line at (305) 467-5423 (or 305-4-POLICE)
  • For illegal dumping, contact our Code Compliance Department at (305) 234-4262 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) or call the Hotline at (786) 573-5551 after hours
workers on a truck resurfacing road
Coming Soon: Roadway Resurfacing in Portions of Whispering Pines

Beginning approximately at the end of this month, we will begin our Roadway Resurfacing Project in sections of Whispering Pines Estates (Section 2 & 4), Bel-Aire Section 23 and Munne Royal Homes. Access to local roads will be maintained during construction, however, traffic patterns in the area may be altered as the project progresses.

The project will include milling of existing asphalt, placement of 1” Type S-III Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, adjustment of valve boxes and manholes, installation of raised pavement markers, placement of 24” thermoplastic stop bars with double yellow striping, and sidewalk repairs.

Flyer for Drive In Golf Cart Movie Night of Encanto
Drive-In Golf Cart Movie Night on March 12

Join us for our first Drive-in Golf Cart Movie Night on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 6 p.m. at Cutler Ridge Park to watch Encanto. Attendees are encouraged to decorate their golf carts to the theme of the movie!

  • FREE Admission and free popcorn (while supplies last)
  • Food trucks on site
  • Arrive early to ensure golf cart spot
  • Attendees without golf carts are welcome and will have a designated seating area
  • Don't forget your lawn chairs and blankets!

For more information please contact Maria Herrera-Mendoza at or call (786) 459-7389.
Cutler Bay's Budget Book on a coffee table
Cutler Bay Earns GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The Government Finance Officers Association has awarded Cutler Bay with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 7th Consecutive Year for our 2020-21 Adopted Budget Book. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and is a reflection of our ongoing commitment to financial transparency. To receive this award, the budget document must meet program criteria as a policy document, as a financial plan, as an operations guide and as a communication device.

Check out the budget book for yourself and visit our transparency portal, which provides details on the Town's expenditures, revenue and budget information for the current and previous fiscal years.
COVID-19 Resources