April 2021
A Message from the Executive Director
Spring is a season of renewal, and, coincidentally, also a time of renewal for the Foundation’s Board. As the crocus and daffodils push their way above ground each year, our General Nominating Committee is hard at work recruiting new Directors for the Board. We hope all our members will join us for our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 20th to hear reports from our officers and elect our new Directors. See below for more details on how to join the meeting safely from home.

In this month’s newsletter, learn about the Foundation’s participation in the Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance Rewrite process. Don’t miss a number of upcoming activities, including two dates for guided walking tours in the village in partnership with AIA Northern Virginia in celebration of Architecture Month. Help us recognize our departing Board members and treasured volunteers. And, as always, read to the end for a story from Waterford. This month we are taking a look back at the Corner Store around the turn of the 20th century, including a story of a creative thief with a sweet tooth.


Stephanie C. Thompson

p.s. Thank you to our 2021 Give Choose donors, including the Women For Waterford. Together we raised over $9000 for our preservation and education mission!
Waterford Foundation Participating in the Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Process
Since adopting a revised Comprehensive Plan over a year ago, Loudoun County has been working on rewriting the Zoning Ordinance to create the zoning regulations that will implement the policies in the Comprehensive Plan. As we participated in the Comprehensive Plan process, the Foundation also is participating in the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite (ZOR) process as well. This article provides some background information on the ZOR process and the Waterford Foundation’s participation.

The County has established a structured process for working with stakeholder groups that wish to provide input on the zoning ordinance text. One such group is the Loudoun Historic Village Alliance (LVHA). Each of the historic rural villages sends a representative to this group, which meets monthly to discuss the zoning ordinance review process and other matters of concern to the villages. Waterford is represented on the LVHA by a representative from the Waterford Citizens Association. For the ZOR process, the LVHA has also allowed the Waterford Foundation to send a representative. Our Board President, Chris Gleckner, is participating in the ZOR process with LVHA.
The Foundation's primary purpose for this participation is to advocate for zoning regulations that will permit adaptive reuse of our buildings. Nearly all of our 13 properties are zoned residential even though we own only nonresidential buildings. Only the Corner Store has commercial zoning. The residential zoning limits our ability to use our buildings for education programs and limits or prohibits our ability to rent the buildings for events, office/studio space, and even storage. Our ability to preserve these historic buildings is greatly enhanced when the buildings are in regular use. 

At this point it does not appear that the county will change the zoning districts through a remapping, so we are proposing revised text that would permit adaptive reuse of historic structures owned by nonprofit organizations. We also are seeking flexibility in parking requirements in keeping with the character of the historic village. Use of our buildings also is limited by the easements they are subject to, but in many cases the zoning restrictions are more limiting than the easements. We hope to be successful in achieving these revisions, so that we may be better able to preserve the properties we own and maintain the integrity of the Waterford National Historic Landmark. We recognize that changes in the uses of our buildings will impact our neighbors, and we will seek and carefully consider community input before making any significant changes. 

You can learn more about the ZOR process online. All of the documents pertaining to the zoning ordinance rewrite are posted at, including the suggested text revisions provided by the LVHA. The Loudoun County Preservation and Conservation Coalition (LCPCC) also has posted ZOR documents on its website that are more focused on the rural provisions of the ordinance in a user-friendly format, so you may want to check that website first. 
Thank You Give Choose Donors
Thank you so much for your support during this year's Give Choose. We were able to raise over $9,000.00, which included a $500.00 prize for most dollars raised between 9:00PM & 10:00PM. We are excited to share with you how your donations will continue to help us preserve the beautiful properties and buildings within the Village of Waterford.
Women for Waterford Wine Tasting
Image courtesy of Carriage House Wineworks
Thank you, Women For Waterford for your pledges during our Give Choose event. We greatly appreciate your support in preserving this beautiful National Historic Landmark for future generations!  

We hope you can join us for a private wine tasting with the grower and winemaker at Waterford's Carriage House Wineworks on Saturday, May 1st, 2021 from 2:00PM-4:00PM. This will be an outdoor event on the patio of the Club Venue for the winery and there is a $10 tasting fee per person. We'd love to grow our Giving Circle and welcome new friends. If you are interested in becoming a member of Women For Waterford or if you'd like to bring a guest, kindly RSVP to Looking forward to sharing award-winning wines with a wonderful group of ladies!
Volunteers of the Month
Beach family volunteers helping us get ready for 2021 bluebird nesting season
We are beyond thankful for all of our dedicated volunteers that have committed to working with us even through the challenges that 2020 threw our way. Stay tuned as we announce our 2019 and 2020 Volunteers of the year during our Annual Meeting in April.
Board Member Farewells
As we look forward to welcoming newly elected Board members at this month’s annual meeting, we also look back at the many contributions of those who will soon be leaving us.
John Caron joined the Board in 2015, serving on the Finance Committee during tumultuous times after the 2015 Fair cancellation. Undeterred, John stepped into the Treasurer’s role in 2016 and has served faithfully in that capacity ever since. He has seen us through some of the most challenging years for the Foundation’s finances in recent memory, leading the Finance Committee and keeping the Board well informed. He oversaw the revision of a number of financial policies, and he kept the Board focused on retiring the debt, a goal reached in February 2021. John will be missed as a valued member of the Board, but he has earned a break! We look forward to his continued support as a member of the Finance Committee, ensuring that the Foundation will continue to make steady progress towards better financial sustainability. Thank you, John!
Jonathan Daniel joined the Board in 2017, bringing his love for historic homes and their restoration to the Foundation’s Properties, Land Use, Archives, Phillips Farm and Preservation Committees. Jonathan has been a dedicated volunteer during his time on the Board, always jumping in to help, whether it be serving as a committee chair, helping to clean out the Mill in anticipation of the upcoming stabilization project, or simply changing light bulbs. During his time on the Board Jonathan has served as Vice President, chair of the Preservation Committee, and co-chair of the Phillips Farm Committee. Jonathan’s enthusiasm and passion for preservation will be missed, and we look forward to his continued support in the future. Thank you, Jonathan!
Bonnie Getty returned to the Board in 2015 after a short break, having previously served as Secretary, President, chair of the Development Committee, and chair of the Fair Committee between 2007 and 2013. She returned as chair of the Fair Committee and served again as Secretary for three years. Throughout her time on the Board, Bonnie has been a valuable source of institutional memory during staff and Board turnover. Her steady leadership of the Homes Tour Committee has maintained one of the most treasured features of the annual Waterford Fair which she was recognized by Visit Loudoun as the 2016. Tourism Volunteer of the Year. We will miss Bonnie’s thoughtful advice on the Board, and we appreciate her many contributions to the Foundation over the past 15 years! Thank you, Bonnie!
2021 Waterford Fair
Fair planning is moving forward, and we need your help on a few fronts: artisans, food & drink, homestays and writing cards.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any artisans you believe would be a good match for the Fair or to anyone who may be interested in helping with the following:

  • We are on the lookout for great food and beverages. If you happen to be out and come across a vendor, caterer, or truck that you enjoy please let us know! Snap a photo of their website or phone number and name and send it to us.
  • Demonstrating artisans’ applications are now being accepted. If you have a favorite Fair artisan (perhaps you follow them on social media), please reach out to them and let them know you can't wait to see them in October and encourage them to apply if they have not already done so. 
  • We are optimistically looking past the vaccine roll out, hoping that we will be able to offer homestays. For many artisans, our unique tradition makes participating in the Fair possible. We understand that some of our hosts may not be able to open their homes this year, but if you can, we would love to hear from you. Perhaps you have a guest house or a room with a separate entrance that would be perfect for their use. If you have hosted in the past, we will reach out to you directly to check your availability. 
  • In May after artisans are juried and accepted to the Fair, we would like to send "welcome" notes. If you are willing to send a handwritten "Waterford welcome" to an artisan or 2 or 5, please let us know and we'll get you the addresses and note text sample.

Email us at for any of the above. Artisan and Food & Drink applications can be found here:
What’s new with the Waterford Craft School
COVID-19 protocols are still in place here in the Old School, and we're grateful that our lovely auditorium provided a spacious and social setting for 10 students in Making a Floorcloth From Start to Finish.
Warmer temps make way for outdoor classes on the Old School grounds. Learn how to build, fire, and eat (heartily!) using an outdoor, wood-fired brick oven in Stack, Fire, Bake.

Join Jerry Bond in person (at last!) for Experimental Outdoor Baking. 

One or both would make a fun, early Mother's or Father's Day gift. 
Baking not the right class? Click here to explore many other opportunities to experience the joy and satisfaction of learning a heritage craft. Gift certificates are available online in $25 increments.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! 

As always, if you have suggestions for classes, or have created something that was inspired by a Craft School workshop, we'd love to hear from you. Send your comments and images to
Save the Dates
Historic Waterford Foundation Walking Tour

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

Historic Waterford Foundation Walking Tour- Black History Sites

Saturday, April 17th, 2021

Thank You to Our New & Renewing Members!
Memberships provide a vital portion of the Waterford Foundation's funds to pay for the upkeep and repair of thirteen properties protected by the Waterford Foundation, as well as programs like the Second Street School living history program, the Waterford Craft School, the Waterford Fair, and special programs throughout the year. We would like to thank the following new and renewing members who have joined or renewed in March 2021!
New & Renewing Members: March 2021
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew & Colleen Hieronimus
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lewis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Good
Mr. and Mrs. James & Jackie Gosses
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan & Inga Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Neil & Kathleen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Pettus & Ellen Metzger LeCompte
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Priscilla & Dennis B Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Sam & Julia Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter & Elizabeth Hohm
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Inga Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Amit and Tina Sehgal
Mr. Carl Schyder and Ms. Jane Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Virginia Clendenin
Mr. James J Behan and Ms. Connie Moore
Mr. Terry Milton
Ms Beverly Mattson
Ms Cate Wyatt
Ms Christine Lanphere
Ms Erica Dodson
Ms Helen Knowles
Ms Helene McCarron
Ms Janelle Banta
Ms Joan S. Konz
Ms Josephine & William Henry
Ms Kimberley Partoll
Ms Sharyn Franck
Ms. Susan Cash
Ms. Patricia McNeal
Ms. Cristina McGeehan
Ms. Elyssa Wood
Ms. Tara Briggs
Our Sustaining Members are: Mr. John Caron & Ms. Nancy Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Goode (Joe and Annie), Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hale (Bob and Susanne), Ms. Joan Kowalski, Mr. Ed Lehman and Ms. Edith Crockett, Robert and Stephanie Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Brandon & Clare Synge, Ms. Carrie Beach, Mr. Adam Groenhout & Mr. Eric Christenson.

To become a sustaining member, click here and choose "recurring donation" to set up a monthly gift!

Stories from Waterford:
Exchanging Eggs for Candy at Waterford’s Corner Store
Corner Store c.1900
Many of today’s children look forward to Easter and the brightly colored plastic eggs filled with treats that often accompany the holiday. But Waterford children around the turn of the 20th century could turn fresh farm eggs into candy with a trip to Lem Smith’s store. Not all sweet tooths were honest, however, as in this anecdote from John Devine:

“The Corner Store at the intersection of Second and Main Streets held center stage in Waterford’s commercial life for more than half a century. I will speak only of the period from about 1900 to World War II, although there had been a store there years before.

“About 1878, owner Lemuel P. Smith came to Waterford from Dranesville to marry Ella Hough, daughter of Lewis N. Hough, a successful chair and coffin manufacturer in the village. Lem Smith stayed in the town and for four decades did much for it as a merchant, mortician, churchman, town councilman, and participant in any activity that benefited the area". 

“Long before the advent of malls, these small town stores carried nearly every necessity for daily living. From clothing to canned goods, from candles to kerosene, Mr. Smith had it all. He also took in country butter and eggs for credit. In lieu of a few pennies, school kids could exchange a couple of eggs for candy at the noon break". 

“Visitors to Waterford no doubt find it strange that this - or any - building should be standing over a small creek, but the store was at the junction of four important streets, and this particular creek - the Town Branch - doesn’t flood all that often. The store’s elevation had another disadvantage for Mr. Smith, however, for one night a barrel of sugar was stolen. This feat was accomplished by the thief’s standing in the stream beneath where a recently arrived barrel of sugar stood. With a drill, he bored through the store floor and then through the barrel. It was then a simple matter for him to catch the sugar as it poured down through the hole".

Find this and other Waterford Stories in When Waterford and I Were Young, by Devine, Souders, and Souders.
Waterford Foundation Staff
COVID-19 Action Plan
Due to safety precautions for COVID-19, the Waterford Foundation office is closed is closed to the public. The staff are teleworking and we are available via email, phone or on video calls and are happy to help with anything you need!

Our staff has updated all of our policies and procedures to make sure the Old School is clean, sanitized and ready for events and programs. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! Check out our newest website page introducing our Waterford Staff.
Waterford Foundation | 540-882-3018 | Email | Website