This has been a busy past month of programs and activities for the college. I had the honor to say words of welcome at the 35th Annual Native American Motivation Day. It filled my heart with joy, nourished my spirit, and gave me hope for a better future seeing so many young people on campus. Trustee Martinez also attended the event. Bonnie Lockhart, our Student Equity and Achievement Specialist, did an amazing job organizing the event.
The Mendocino College Agriculture Department announced the first in-person plant sale in two years! I, like many people, filled the trunk of my vehicle with plants for my garden and yard. Plus, I was able to purchase a hand-thrown clay bowl with proceeds supporting our ceramics department.
I attended the reception for the Mendocino College Art Gallery Annual Juried Student Show. This year we have 97 students exhibiting 147 artworks.
I had multiple opportunities to travel to the Lake Center. I hosted the Lake County Economic Development Board in the Round Room; met with Trustee Anderson; and US Representative Mike Thompson came to the Lake Center for a visit.
During spring break, we (myself, Ulises Velasco, Debra Polak, Rebecca Montes, and Mark Osea) met with Dr. Jason Meriwether, Vice-President of Enrollment Management and Dr. Carmen Bustos Works, Associate Provost from Cal Poly Humboldt. Some of the topics discussed were setting up 2+2 programs, Exploring pathways and articulation, opportunity for greater pathways for Native and tribal nation students, and Humboldt presence on campus. We have established good momentum with Humboldt, and I look forward to strengthening ties between our institutions.
Our softball and baseball season have ended. It was great to see our student athletes in action of the field. We are proud of their hard work. Go Eagles!