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Weekly Desert Cross Update -

September 8, 2023


Faith and life with pastor Andrea


… Love your neighbor as yourself.

Romans 13:9

A close friend in seminary was struggling with God’s call in his life. We did whatever we could to support him. One beautiful, autumn day we were walking home from class on a sidewalk covered with colorful leaves. My friend suddenly picked up a random leaf from the sidewalk. He turned it over and written on the back it said, “God loves you.” It was like a message sent from heaven, and we were amazed! He kept that special leaf that encouraged him and talked of it often. A little message of love from an unknown neighbor made a big difference.

That happened to me this week. I was on a morning walk through the neighborhood park and last-minute had chosen the gravel horse path over the sidewalk. I was delighted to find this big, white heart boldly marking the middle of the path! It reminded me of God’s love with me and made my day. My heart was filled with peace, and I was reminded that God is with me and people do care. It inspired me to share love and encouragement with others too. I was grateful for the neighbor who laid it there and left it on the path for the next person to find.

The little things we do to show others we care really do make a big difference. Many times it’s just the thing we need at just the right time. Paul reminds us in Romans about Jesus’ great command to love our neighbors as ourselves as our highest calling when he writes, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” Thank you for all the ways you show love to your neighbors, and I hope the little things that make a big difference will find you in the days ahead!


Pastor Andrea


We have 3 new births in the congregation!

We are overjoyed to share the news that our congregation has been blessed with three beautiful new arrivals! Let us celebrate these precious gifts of life and extend our heartfelt congratulations to the proud families:

Hunter William - Grandson to Jackie & Scott Jones

Jane Marie - Granddaughter to Beth & Bryan Solace

Evelyn Diane - Granddaughter to Doug & Lisa Bjotvedt

Join us in giving thanks to God for these little miracles and in praying for their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Outreach Ministry

Our outreach program for September will be collecting coats and jackets for the Kyrene Resource Center. We will need all sizes – both children and adults. 

Donations can be placed in the bin in the narthex. You can bring your donations throughout the month of September.

September Playlists are live!

We post Playlists each month for Children, Youth, and Adults on our Desert Cross Faith Formation Website. This month's theme is Gather

Click the button below and use the menu to find each Playlist.

Faith Formation Website

Adult Forum

Sundays  9:45 - 10:15 am  

Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom


Sundays  10:45 - 11:15 am  

Gilbert Sanctuary

Begins September 10

We're choosing a monthly theme based on the lessons read during the worship services. We'll explore the theme by discussing the lessons and using the Adult Playlist posted each month on our Faith Formation Website.

For more information, contact Pastor Andrea at

or Pastor Thadd at

Book Group

Thursday 2:00 pm OR 7:00 pm

Desert Cross Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom

September 14 - October 5

We're going to read The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, author of The Color of Water. The book tells the story of the residents of Chicken Hill, a neighborhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans live side by side, sharing their lives, ambitions, and sorrows.

Book Fee: $22.00

Scholarships Available

To sign up for the afternoon group, contact Lola Peterson at


To sign up for the evening group, contact Denise McClellan at or 480-730-8600.

Crystal Cards

Crystal Cards will be selling in Tempe on Sunday, September 17th before and after the 10:30 am service. Thank you to everyone who donates cards and supports "The Crystal Card Project."

Meditation Group

Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Tempe Sanctuary

Meeting September 12


Thursdays at 9:00 am

Tempe Community Center Youth Room

Meeting September 14

Do you want to try meditation? If so, please join Elaine Kraemer Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Elaine is hosting weekly meditation groups. Elaine has practiced "passage meditation" for many, many years. She'll share the whys and hows of meditation and help you get started with this faith-growing spiritual practice.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Elaine Kraemer at


Vitalant Blood Drive

The Outreach Ministry and Vitalant will be hosting a blood drive on Saturday, October 28, 2023, in the Desert Cross Community Center in Tempe from 7:30 am to 12 pm. Art Krzyzewski will be contacting past donors for sign-ups. 

You can also go online to schedule an appointment at and use “desertcross” (all one word) as the sponsor code. You can donate whole blood or power red. There is a need for Type O negative, type A and B positive. Please remember that when you donate you earn points that can be turned in for prizes. 

If you have any questions or want to sign up, Art will have the sign-up sheet in the Narthex of the Tempe site. Or you can contact him at

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Kids Connect

September 17, 2023

Gilbert Suite 104

1:00 - 2:30 pm

Kindergarteners - 5th grade, come join us for fun and games. Bring a friend!


We offer many ways for our youth to be a part of our family here at Desert Cross!

Our DCLC website youth pages and DCLC App are updated weekly with new information and meeting times.

Tempe Sunday Morning Education Schedule:

  • 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM -- Sr. High School Sunday Education (Sr. High Youth Room)
  • 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM -- Jr. High School Sunday Education (Jr. High Youth Room)

Gilbert Sunday Education Schedule:

  • 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM -- Jr & Sr High School Sunday Education (Meet in the Fellowship Hall)

Jr. and Sr. High Weekly Meetings:

  • 5:00 – 6:30 PM -- Jr. High School Night (Sr. High Youth Room)
  • 6:30 – 8:30 PM -- Sr. High School Night (Sr. High Youth Room)

Please check the DCLC website for dates we will not be meeting.


Breakfast Dudes

Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 8:00 am

Gilbert Campus - Room #104

Men of the Congregation, come and enjoy our time together as we share Food, Fun, Faith, and Fellowship.


Invite a friend, a neighbor, or a relative to join us. Don't forget to bring jokes and stories to share.

Program: John Christiansen - Electric Bikes


Thursday, September 14 at 10 am

Gilbert Fellowship Hall


We are honored to tell all that

Cindy Wilkinson will facilitate our gathering.

Rumor has it that she will be joined

by fellow Harvard graduate Pastor Thaddeus Book.

Wise Guys

Mondays at 9 am

Tempe Fellowship Hall

Are you wise? Are you a guy? If so, then you are invited to this fellowship group that meets on Mondays for coffee and conversation.


Strategic Plan Update - Tempe Campus

In accordance with the Desert Cross goal to explore ways to share our facilities, have a bigger neighborhood presence, and offer use of space during the week, Desert Cross-Tempe is renting space to a K-8 micro-school with a 2-year lease similar to the Gilbert campus Preschool and Dogs4Vets tenants. The school operates Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm and began their Fall Semester in late August in the Community Center. Desert Cross has access to the space for our Ministry needs when school is not in session.

Faith Formation begins September 10

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 10 when our Sunday morning Education programming begins at both our Gilbert and Tempe Sites.

We offer Education for all; from parent/tot, preschool, elementary, jr. high, high school, and adults! 

Registration is required, and to do so please click here!

Multiple Sclerosis Bike Ride

Art Krzyzewski will be participating in his 32nd consecutive Multiple Sclerosis bike ride on October 7 and 8. If you wish to contribute, you can donate online by using the button below.

Various payment options are available, including Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal, e-checks, and credit cards.

If you prefer to make your pledge or donation in person, you can meet Art at the Tempe site every Saturday and Sunday leading up to the bike ride. Alternatively, you can reach out to him via email at

Donate to Art Now

Communion Kits

If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a communion kit to use as you watch the live stream, you can pick one up from the office in Tempe. We have gluten-free options available.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking to become more involved in our Tempe and Gilbert Faith Communities, please click "Read More" and find out today where you can be of value. You'll find all the needed contact info right there on the page.

We are actively looking for more volunteers in all areas of service.

Read More

Information on Baptism

If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Pastor Thadd at

News Submissions

Do you have a news item, event, or ministry story to share? Please send the information to Joni at by the TUESDAY of the week that you wish to have it advertised.

May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors this week!

For your convenience, we have online giving up on our website or you can use the button that says "GIVE" at the top of this email. As always, we continue to appreciate all who are continuing to support the many ministries of Desert Cross!

You can also simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.636.1502 and complete the payment information. It securely saves your information and makes it possible to donate in 5 seconds once it has been set up!

Lastly, you can scan the QR code included in our live stream services and in the weekly Worship Aid. Giving is easier than ever - check it out!

All financial information is encrypted and stored by's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.

Desert Cross Lutheran Church | Gilbert & Tempe | 480-730-8600 |