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From the desk of Jim Kurtz, Author of THE GREEN BOX

For our newsletter this month, I thought it appropriate to revisit a portion of my father’s WWII experiences and travel back in time to August of 1944, clearly the worst August of his very short life.

On August 3, 1944, 2nd Lt. Bob Kurtz and the crew of his B-24, Sugar Baby, were shot down over Ehrwald, Austria by enemy German fighters. He was subsequently captured and taken prisoner.

On August 13, he entered Dulag Luft, an interrogation center in Oberusel, Germany where he was subjected to three days of solitary confinement.

On August 16, he was transported to Stalag Luft III, a POW camp in Sagan, Germany, where he would eventually endure five horrible months of starvation and deprivation.

While writing The Green Box, I always wondered how my dad dealt with those memories as the last seven Augusts of his life transpired. My mom said he never spoke of the war, but I’m sure that what he experienced in the summer of 1944 left him with memories that no person should ever have to deal with.

One portion of our documentary deals with the aftermath of wartime experiences and its effect not only on the returning soldiers, but also the families that waited for them to come home.

POWs and MIAs will be recognized on September 17, National MIA/POW REMEMBRANCE DAY . Please help us to honor their memories and sacrifices by considering a donation to our film, and thanks to all of you who have already done so. A link can be found below.

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