Dear Norman,

As we near Thanksgiving, we can't help but express our deep gratitude for your unwavering trust and loyalty. Since our inception in 1967, we've been committed to delivering superior engineered solutions, a tradition you've helped us uphold. Your support has been pivotal in our journey, making you an integral part of our story.

As we celebrate the holiday season, we take this moment to honor you, our valued customers and distributors. Your faith in us has been the bedrock of our success. We eagerly anticipate continuing our commitment to provide top-tier services in the forthcoming years.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we extend our warmest wishes to you. May your holiday be filled with joy, gratitude, and warmth.

Warm Regards,

Norman Lane


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The rise of "Manufactured in the USA"

Over the past few years, we have all seen an increase in the number of products being labeled "Manufactured in the USA." From machinery equipment to automotive parts, companies have started to bring production back home. But why is "Made in the USA" becoming a trend? And why should you care about it? The answer is simple - click the button below to find out!

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Innovation Is Just a Click Away!

Are you in need of a one-of-a-kind actuator for your application? Or perhaps just a small tweak to our existing units? We've got you covered! Our team is here to assist you, whether it's creating something completely unique or making a simple modification. And if you have specific environmental needs, we can change the material to meet them. Don't hesitate to contact us today for all your actuator needs!

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